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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Doxiemom

  1. Doxiemom

    Columbus Ohio

    Hi, I will be traveling to the Columbus Ohio area Nov 22 to 24th. I would love to meet up with local sleevers. Im will be 11 weeks out at that point, and I have not meet anyone that has been sleeved. Message me if coffee or tea sounds good. Melissa
  2. I had my 6 week check up today with my doctor. I thought I was doing great, down 48 pounds. I know I could be working out more but with working 2 jobs Im just exhausted. He came in and started yelling at me that I was not on the plan, Im not working out enough and I need to stop eating. I was shocked by this. I came home and looked at my logs. I stay on plan of 1/4 to 1/3 c per meal. I get more protein in per day then they say. I check the hospital web site tonight for my blood work results. I noticed his nurse had a type-o on my weight. She add 6 freaking pounds. Really!!! Now i see why Im getting yelled at but it's her that needs a good stiff yelling. Miss typing someone weight is a huge mistake.
  3. I know.. I have emailed them about it. I will also call to make sure they get it right on my chart. I left feeling really bad. I didnt eat my feeling like I would have done in the past but I was still tearing my self up over it. Now I see I have done things right and she is the one that need the talking too. If she checks me in again. You bet I will be checking her work before she leaves the room and rechecking it in front of the doctor.
  4. Doxiemom

    First Date after VSG...

    This has happened faster then I thought it would. My Ex-boyfriend called things off because of the surgery. His lose at this point of the game. Tonight Im going out with a guy I have known for several years and he is cool with the surgery. I cant believe Im going out to eat and on a date just 5 weeks out from surgery. The outfit was easy to pick, It's the only one that fits me after dropping 46 pouns. Do you have any thoughts on what to eat this soon after surgery at a fancy place. Thanks,
  5. Doxiemom

    First Date after VSG...

    Thank you all for the help. The date went really well. We had a nice dinner and talked the night away. then we meet up for Breakfast and a new long walk in the morning before he drive back. We are hopping to meet up again in a few weeks. As for the food stuff. Everything went fine. I didn't over eat. My sleeve does very well with anything down it at this point. No pain, no gas or no issues.
  6. Doxiemom

    First Date after VSG...

    Thanks for the ideas. I will try to focus on the conversation instead of my dinner. This is worst then waiting for your prom date to show up. He is driving in 5 hours for the weekend. This should be a fun night. Thanks again.
  7. can someone send me the info on the sept facebook group. Thanks
  8. You are so lucky that you only gain a few pounds with all the stuff they pump in to us. I got home and checked my weight because I could tell I was swelled. I had gained 14 with the swelling. Dumber. mel
  9. Today Im been sleeved for a week. I cant believe how easy this has been. I was really sick for the 10 months before my surgery so I was already used to smaller meals. Of course they were still bigger then what I can do now. Where is what my doc wants me to get in every day, 2 protein shakes, 64oz water/sf drink, 3 1/4c meals and of course 30 min of walking. Plus 2 Flintstones, 2 iron, and my normal pills. After the 4th day I have been able to get everything in. I have also been able to sleep on my side since day 3. Im just amazed how my body had bounced back from a major surgery. I thank God for that.
  10. Im home from surgery. Everything went well. My church family was around a lot to help me and make sure thing went well in the hospital. For anyone else going I would say make sure to take our own pillow. It helped a lot to have extra pillows. Good luck for everyone coming up in a few days.
  11. Doxiemom


    Im also counting down the hours. Since I live alone the night have been filled with all the last minute cleaning, cutting the yard, pulling weeds and decorating the house for fall. My dachshunds have their sitter all set up to come in the morning. They were not excited to see her today when she dropped her stuff. giggle.
  12. Well, Im just counting down the hours at this point. Surgery is at Noon on the wed. I have cut most of the yard tonight, rest will be cut in the morning. Now Im scrubbing the house and putting all the fall decorations out Can anyone say I have a little to much energy. )
  13. Im on the 4th too. They asked me all of those things also. I asked the nurse why she was asking this. I had surgery at this hospital 4 years ago and they didnt ask any questions then. She said they want to know our wishes but they should never need to use this information.
  14. Doxiemom

    Liquids and Proteins

    I use ISO-100, it's more like chocolate milk.
  15. I feel better about my per-surgery diet of 2 weeks. 30 days could be pretty rough. Im glad to see another person with a short wait time. I had my surgery date with in a month of meeting with the doctor. I only had to do the basic test, upper-gi, psychologist, one meeting with Nutritionist. I had a per-approval going into my first appointment and the finial approval with in the month. Im sure it's helped that I have 2 different kinds of insurance which makes all the testing, surgery and after care 100% covered.
  16. Nice to see another person for Sept 4th.
  17. Doxiemom

    Illinois hospitals?

    This is great to hear. Mine will be on Sept 4th 10 weeks from first meeting him. The process for me has been extremely easy so far and with out a long wait. I also saw Dr White. He was wonderful we were joking around in the meeting and he had an answer right away for me. This is one department at Carle I can say it's been great working with. You cant say that about every department at Carle.
  18. Doxiemom


    Sept 4th for me. 2 week pro op diet, no other testing needed. From my first meeting with the doctor to surgery will be 10 weeks and 1 day. I cant wait.
  19. Hi. Im down for Sept 4th. Im excited and cant believe it. Surgery will be 10 weeks and a day form my first appointment. Yes, you read it right 10 weeks. Im in love with my insurance company and hospital at this moment. I'm from Illinois Mel
  20. Doxiemom

    Indian Food!

    Indian food works great in the blender. We do it for the little ones in the family. There is a great Indian baby food cook book on amazon. You can down load a free sample of the book. All the recipes are great mild in spice and healthy. http://www.amazon.com/Yummy-Indian-SuperMeals-Kids-ebook/dp/B00AO7IS26/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1374117417&sr=1-1&keywords=indian+baby+cookbook
  21. Hi, Im new here and need to know how others have dealt with this issue. My boyfriend is unsure of the surgery. I have shown him everything from the doctor, and nothing has helped. My best friends are ok with me doing it. One is even wanting to take from his job in India to come back to the states for my first month. I have some great support but from the one that I need it the most from. Help?
  22. Thanks for the support. I think he just needs some time to understand it. Before I went to the doctors appointment I told him dont worry this takes months and months. Im sure surgery will not be until next year. Well, I came home will all my required appointments set with in 12 days time and now we are just waiting on a surgery date. Im shocked on the quickness of it but Im ready. Im sure he will come around but it's going to take time for him to do so.
  23. Hi, Im new here and need to know how others have dealt with this issue. My boyfriend is unsure of the surgery. I have shown him everything from the doctor, and nothing has helped. My best friends are ok with me doing it. One is even wanting to take from his job in India to come back to the states for my first month. I have some great support but from the one that I need it the most from. Help?
  24. Doxiemom

    Illinois hospitals?

    He is the doc I have looked at too. I did my research on him and so did a dear friend of me that is a doctor. Everything looks good and he was very nice at our meeting. So far I was amazed how quickly things have moved. I had my three of appointments done within 12 days. Im just waiting of the finial reports so we can set a date.
  25. Thanks, Im glad to see there are other on here with the similar relationship background. He is Hindu so keeping the body whole is very important but health is too. Im sure he will come around it's just a matter of time. Thanks again.

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