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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Kathie5353

  1. Kathie5353

    August Sleevers?

    These are all liquid and taste great! http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=wellesse&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=3306564981&hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=19450941891714320563&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_3upeg3rpxq_e
  2. Kathie5353

    August Sleevers?

    I found some great liquid vitamins! Look at Wellesse on Amazon, they taste pretty good too. The worst one is the iron but not really that bad and the others taste great!
  3. Kathie5353


    Gas X strips really help!
  4. Kathie5353

    August Sleevers?

    I had surgery August 27th, stayed in the hospital for three days. I am still taking pain meds but the pain is getting better, still having deep pain on my left side and I am so tired of only laying on my back, but it hurts to lay on my sides. I am eating thin cream of wheat or oatmeal and it seems to go down fine, just have to eat slowly, so I bought a coffee cup warmer and let my food stay there until I am done, that way it stays nice and warm. Looking forward to this pain being gone.
  5. I go at 6am in the morning too, I am also feeling a little scared. But quality of life is important. I hope it improves. Good luck and God's Speed to all!
  6. Kathie5353

    August 2013 Roll Call

    Yay! For August 27th.......That's my date too! Good luck everyone. :tongue2:
  7. Kathie5353

    August 2013 Roll Call

    Great stories! Thanks everyone, I have surgery 8/27/13 in Ga. Pre-Op is tuff but I am gonna do this!
  8. Thanks! Very good read, I am on day three of pre-op diet just liquid and protein shakes. I am hungry but hanging in there. I have lost 5 pounds too. So anyway it is a start....counting the days until 8/27/2013!
  9. Wish I was at your point! First day all liquids...Protein shakes and water, drinking some broth now. It is the best thing I have had all day
  10. Kathie5353

    August 2013 Roll Call

    Hope you are feeling better soon!
  11. Surgery August 27th 2013.

  12. Started my liquid diet today, Started with strawberry muscle milk bad mistake. Went to the ensure choclate and the eat good! look great, these are much better. Thank goodness only 7 days of this.....I think I am gonna make it lol.

  13. Kathie5353

    August 2013 Roll Call

    August 27th for me! Start all liquids today....Just had a strawberry "Muscle Milk" OMG HORRIBLE! Soup with protein powder next. I hope it is better
  14. Kathie5353

    August 2013 Roll Call

    Pre-op visit today. Surgery 8/27!!! I have a hiatil hernia though.Doctor said he will fix it when he does the sleeve. I never knew I had it! Anyone else had this and still get sleeved?
  15. Doe's Biotin help with hair loss after VSG surgery?
  16. Kathie5353

    August 2013 Roll Call

    Some people are so rude, they think surgery is the easy way. What are they thinking? I do not know anyone who wants to be fat or unhealthy......So for all the haters....Keep them at a distance. They are negative energy that none of us on this journey needs. August 27th is my date and all I want is positive people around me. May we all do well and suceed! :wub:
  17. Kathie5353


    Yay! I am August 27th! I am so ready!
  18. Kathie5353


    Anyone getting sleeved in Ga? I am in Georgia and getting sleeved in LaGrange late August.....Getting nervous!
  19. Kathie5353

    Omg! 4 weeks until surgery?!

    Congrats! August 27th for me!!!!
  20. Kathie5353

    August 2013 Roll Call

    August 27th here!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
