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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AngelNP

  1. AngelNP


    From the album: AngelNP

  2. If you don't get the information you are looking for, I have Mexico Trip Tips and Sleeve Bible(s). Good luck.
  3. AngelNP

    Stomach exercises

    Adding to Fiddleman's list: V-ups, Superman's, throw downs, weighted ball throw, leg lifts, suicide 2x4 or towel, (land), crunch, side obliques, reverse crunches (I prefer to do these in water for added resistance) with Hydrotone equipment. Good luck...do tell what your favorite exercises will be.
  4. AngelNP

    Muscle gaining question - help!

    Hi Mr. Fiddleman, if you PM me, I will give you our local professional MMA fighters' plans of cutting weight. I help them recover from weight cutting after weigh in's and prior to the fight. Are you doing a competition or is this for daily on-going results? You can modify the meal plan(s). Some fighters cut weight 20 lbs in 2-3 days. I know you don't want to do this because it's hard on the body and you want to have lasting results. Also, have you tried Profusion 84 or Myofusion protein that has 39+ grams protein in one scoop (has minerals, electrolytes, and vitamins) greater all that I've compared from GNC and other popular brands. The fighters use these brands due to them not retaining fluid (water weight). Good luck to you and let me know your end result and what your choice is!
  5. Great choice. Dr. Louisiana Valenzuela and Dr. Ismal Carbera-Garcia are awesome! I am biased because they were my surgeons. Dr. Valenzuela is also a trauma surgeon along with being a bariatric surgeon. She worked in San Francisco and Dr. Cabarera (sp)-Garcia worked in Fresno for a while. They are are the top surgeons in Mexico...per the "Top Mexican Surgeons" that I saw. You will be in great hands and the Anesthesiologist is AWESOME and very sweet. Gosh, I don't recall his name..guess that's because his administration of anesthesia was smooth and had a great sleep! Oh, I have two things you may be interested in: my Mexico Trip Tips and Sleeve Bible(s). If you're interested, PM me with your email address, and I'll send them to you. Take care and good luck! Jen
  6. AngelNP

    Cali sleevers ?

    Sac and Fairfield area
  7. I'm sure he's very good.
  8. Sorry, I have heard of him though and have seen him when reviewing the top Mexico Bariatric surgeons.
  9. Which Dr. Garcia? I had Drs. Lousiana Valenzuela and Ismal Carbara Garcia.
  10. Well, the advise wasn't just for you, it was also for the other people who read the posts. I don't think you're rude, just ignorant and judgemental. I'm sure there are some readers who think...what the hell did you do to gain the weight back? Then, hopefully they don't start freaking out. The VGS is a tool not an end all to weight loss and neither is the DS. I clearly answered you; however you didn't get it. I did PM you and due to your avoidance, I didn't disclose everything that you wanted to know that that time. My girlfriend had a VGS & DS 7 years ago, spent over $10,000 cash and had the surgery in Brazil. She was there 30 days. When I asked the previous questions, it was for me to understand your situation and to be able to relay to my friend so I could give the best information to you. Actually, I've been on another sites that have years of success. Actually, you are the first one that has "struggled" and gained the weight back that has posted about it. I'm not saying there are not people out there in your situation, just saying your the first that has this issue on a post that I've read. I know I don't know everything; however I know more than you think. Like I've mentioned before, I've seen first hand what my friend went through (did I personally experience that...no). Also, I never had a weight problem growing up or most of my adult life. It wasn't until I experienced serious injuries: fractured back, fractured pelvis, bilateral fractured wrists, and bilateral sprained ankles which put me on the weight gain track. I understand your frustration when it comes to working out and not being able to lose the weight...s/p injuries. And other stuff that's not relavant. Cockiness is projection from you my dear. Just because I "joined" this site a few days ago and was sleeved 7 months ago, is not where I base my information from. I have practiced medicine the past 6 years (I have prescribed and recommended this procedure to my patients) and have worked in the medical field the past 20 years (EMT/Firefighter, ER RN, helicopter/fixed wing flight nurse) along with 12 years of law. It's your assumption that I don't know anything and regret you're annoyed. Good luck to you and God Bless.
  11. You got it Hathery! On target with strength training, cardio, activity in general, healthy eating, etc. They are the the crime fighters to obesity and poor health, and makes way for a healthier lifestyle & longevity.
  12. Ok, I've given my input for Phatgal, not for others to challenge every single word that I've written. I don't have time to banter and won't argue point for point. I was asked a question and answered. Otherwise, I'd have to charge for billable hours for my medical experise (I'm giving basic information..not medical advice). Agreed, people should do their own research. But becareful where you get your information from. Make sure that it is from actual research evidence base data from typically large Universities or project that has a large cross sectional population for accurate data. Most research will say that more research will need to be done in that area. Thanks for the opportunity for feedback.
  13. sorry, majority as compared to other countries...my bad for not being specific. PS 2010..old info we are in 2013 almost 2014. Need updated info.
  14. From the article,"Well there is no doubt that the body slows metabolic rate when you reduce calories or lose weight/fat. There are at least two mechanisms for this. One is simply the loss in body mass. A smaller body burns fewer calories at rest and during activity. There’s not much you can do about that except maybe wear a weighted vest to offset the weight loss, this would help you burn more calories during activity. However, there’s an additional effect sometimes referred to as the adaptive component of metabolic rate. Roughly, that means that your metabolic rate has dropped more than predicted by the change in weight." I think I mentioned that above.
  15. Those articles are good read. Let me ask you this, if physicians were so up on their knowledge of nutrition, then why are the majority of Americans obese or morbidly obese? Why do we have the highest numbers of hypertension, diabetes, hypercholestermia, or Metabolic Syndrome? Common sense: If you don't meet your body's nutritional needs, it will breakdown muscle due to low circulating electrolytes (rhabdomyolysis) -this is the most severe in which I believe that psychologist said POWs experience. However, you can experience lesser degree with muscle wasting (loss of muscle mass) which gets replaced with fat cells. Hence, with less lean muscle mass with higher percent of body fat, metabolism slows which slow weight loss. Increase metabolism (increase muscle mass), faster weight loss. Hmmm...why is it that professional fighters know this secret and physicians don't? Side bar off the subject: Why is it now that you will start to see exercises that MMA fighters have been doing for years now being seen on the biggest loser or some infomercial as the "newest greatest weightloss program" LOL...I've been doing those exercises for years. Just like these articles saying that low metabolism or low caloric intake will not put a body into "starvation mode". Maybe it's the wrong term that has been used for years, but if your body can't sustain too few calories, it's just that...it will break down whatever you call it. Thank you for the opportunity to provde feedback. Sincerely, Jen
  16. Research evidence based with a large cross sectional population.
  17. Most physicians, psychiatrists, or psychologists are not educated regarding nutrition. They are not taught it in medical school. I want to see the research evidence based data.
  18. Before looking for a second surgical intervention, really she would need to do the above to make sure it's not bad habits and lack of exercise that caused the weight gain. Her body has already hit 129 therefore it will be easier to get there again. The DS surgery is not if you can't handle eating healthy and exercise. Because having the DS will cause worse issues regarding absoption of cruicial vitamins and minerals. If a person continues to eat poorly, their health will really suffer. Stick to the non-evasive treatment plan as mentioned above of changing eating habits and exercising consistently 4-6 times a week. Good luck. Really, this is something that you can fix. It's just you putting in the effort.
  19. Dr. Ashmore sounds like a quack; from my medical viewpoint based on what you've mentioned. I regret if you like him; his information is not medically correct.
  20. Keep up the great work!
  21. AngelNP

    Core exercises for a dummy

    If you don't have access to a pool for Water exercise, then PM or email me and I'll give you exercises on land. Sincerely, Jen
  22. AngelNP

    Core exercises for a dummy

    You can do specific core exercises in Water (not swimming, although this is good too). If you get a belt (looks like a weight belt, usually blue, and has a snapping seat belt type closure)-can purchase at Sports Authority or Sports Chalet. Initiatlly you will want to start without using water equipment on your legs since your core is weak. 1) put this belt on, lean back to float on your back. 2) have your legs extended, closed together, bring your knees to your chest (reverse crunch). Do this 15-20 reps x 3 sets 3) turn to your right or left (on your side), extend your legs then bring them to your body (butt)- side obliques 15-20 times x 3 sets on each side. Do this for three months. Then, you can start adding water equipment such as hydrotone boots (www.hydrotone.com) I'm not sure if they are still in business or not. I have the boots and water dumb bells (not the foam ones...these are yellow slatted plastic in the shape of an octgone. When you can do this, I can give you advance core exercises. My fiance is a MMA fighter and has awesome exercises, but first things first. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to provide feedback to you. Sincerely, Jen
  23. I have currently 2,831 views on my profile as of today on gastricsleeve.com and 682 likes. I'm saying this not to boast, but believe some people may think I have something to offer. I also mention this so you can also read my posts there to get additional information and questions asked and answered by others. I believe in getting information from multiple sources. Thanks again! Have a great week. Jen

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
