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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Kattastic

  1. I started out in October at a size 22/24. I was finally forced to buy a couple of new bras last night, one pair of Jeans, and two new shirts. The shirts are size 14/16 and the jeans are size 18. I probably could've bought a 16 but they would have definitely been too tight in the sitting position LOL. The scale is still moving but this is exciting because I can finally see the difference myself!


  2. I love to watch the Endobariatric videos on YouTube because the surgeon answers a lot of questions in a very easily understood way. I don't think you should ever take his word over your own doctor but he makes it easy to understand and this one video in particular is specifically about stretching the sleeve. Check it out!


  3. No offense to most veterans on here, but sometimes we newbies would like to converse amongst ourselves. Which is primarily why I go to the forums marked BEGINNERS. :) Most people on this site are very helpful but some are just plain ol assholes. lol

    No offense taken, but I'm not a vet, I'm a newbie. Do I qualify as an asshole if I don't enable bad behavior? I qualify myself as a bitch sometimes, but I'm curious if I've crossed the line into the A-hole territory! :)

  4. I don't know if you run, but maybe signing up for a spring race would be a good motivator. There are so many 5Ks and half marathons between March and May. I don't run but I love trying to increase my waking speed for 5ks and I usually get done friends to sign up too so we can talk about it and check in with each other.

  5. I was feeling like my normal self by 5 weeks. Everyone is different though. 6-7 hours per night may have been enough sleep pre-op but if possible, increase it beyond the 7 hours now. Your body might need more rest with all that has happened to it.

    Make sure you're drinking enough Water and getting enough good calories from lean Proteins, etc. as allowed by your nutritionist's plan.

    Are you walking? Keep up with a little exercise every day which will actually wake you up more. Good luck! :)

  6. I eat 1000-1200 cal/day at 8 weeks post op. I try to stick to dense Proteins first. Maybe instead of half a wrap, add another egg if one isn't enough. Try chicken, turkey, ham etc. My favorite Breakfast is 2.5 oz Boar's Head Turkey w - slice Sargento Reduced Fat cheddar rolled up with 1/3 serving of light ranch, no wrap, for 21g Protein. Or I switch it up with Ham, cheese and spicy mustard. Full until lunch!

  7. This early on it is normal to eat more than you did a week ago because you're healing and the swelling at 6 weeks is less than at 3 weeks.

    As long as you're measuring and not feeling stuffed like Laura said, you are probably fine. Your husband is either concerned and trying to help or jealous and playing head games. You know him, I don't, but i hope he's trying to help!

  8. It's a yucky snowy day here but several awesome things happened that I want to share:

    1. I'm 40.5 lbs down in two months

    2. I cleaned out my clothes that no longer fit and will never fit again!

    3. I found a pair of size 18 jeans that I didn't know I had and they fit! So I put my hanging-off-me 20s in the to-go bag! I started at size 22/24


  9. You can start walking slowly immediately after surgery. While I was off work, I walked 2-3 times per day short (.25 mi to .33 mi) distances at a slower pace than normal exercise. Then, at two weeks, I increased the pace and continued that for the next month. My doc cleared me for light weights at two weeks and said to wait until 6 weeks for anything involving the core. I didn't feel comfortable yet so I increased my walking speed during that time and finally joined a gym last week at 7 weeks. I lift weights and do light core exercises and it's wonderful! I have replaced my "e"ating with "e"xercise :) You do have to be careful and conscious about your sleeve after surgery but I don't think you'll need to worry about laughing too hard. Get ready for as bit of an emotional roller coaster though! It's not bad, just be ready!

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