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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by oreokitty

  1. I was banded two years ago I have had port pain for the full two years some days worse than others it got to the point I couldnt handle it any longer the pain kept getting worse went into my surgeon and they had to remove the port and the scar tissure and replace it on the other side. I had that surgery one week ago today I am having a harder time recovering from this surgery than from the original one! The docs say some pain is common until you heal but if it gets worse and prevents you from doing your everyday tasks and wakes you up at night make sure you ask ur doc and tell him to what extent it is.

  2. bigbaby

    It is so hard I lost 120lbs why cant I lose this last 30-35 lbs

    Part of me wants to go back into the doc but I have 8cc in my 10 cc band and I do not want to over do it.

    In march of 08 I went thru a ton of stress my life kind of stopped for a long time and now we have the holidays stress. I guess I have to be thankfull I have not gained much over this time.

    I have a exercise bike that I ride 5-10 miles a day sometimes 15 miles (thanksgiving I rode 15 becasue I knew I would eat junk- no sweets just stuff out of my norm.)

    I have the wii fit I have not used inl ike two weeks I have to get back on that I am just at a lost what to do next I am in a size 14 sometimes 16 depending on the make.

    I would love to be in a size 12

    I started in a size 30 So I have to look at the length I have already come

    We can do this I know we both can. :blush:

    Good luck

  3. I need advice I have been off this site for a long time I was banded in June 07 I did really good at first but since my one year check up a few months ago I have been at a stand still

    My weight goes up 5 lbs than down 5 lbs its discourageing I have changed my eating abouts higher than lower I have increased my excercise than I do not consume the correct cal.

    I am 30lbs from where I would like to be but I have not lost anything in like 4 months

    Any ideas anyone else going thru this

  4. from what I had was the first two weeks the pain was off and on it kept getting less and less

    I remember walking teh floors at night thinking what did I do to myself But it is all worth it.

    The hardest part was that you are so hungry untill the first fill and sometimes even after the fist fill. This surgery I think made me more obsessed with food I think all day what my next meal will be how much protien I have gotten in am I getting in enough nutrition.

    As time goes on it will get easier and your body will not crave the junk food. If I eat any beef stuff or anything with grease I will throw it up My fat contant daily is so low that my stomack can not handle the heavy amounts of fat.

    Untill your first fill at 6 weeks you will not feel much different than before surgery with eating.

    It will get better and it will be worth it

  5. this surgery does the change the want to eat

    It helps you cut back an you will have to give teh rest to God

    I had doubts before my surgery I waited a few months before I called to set the date for the surgery after everything was oked from the insurance comapany .

    I spoke to my Pastor and he said that God gave the doc the knowledge and ability to do the surgery. God also gave us medicine that we take every day (I am a diabetic and I take insulin daily)

    He did not see any reason why I should not go thru with it if my husband was for it,

    My insurance went thru so easy and was like it was all a sign

    About 10 people in my smaller baptist church has had a form of weight loss surgery.

    Some of us were just made fat and we do not have the will power to say no to the devil(food)

    I have been banded for 14 months and I am very happy I would not turn back and make any different choice.

    Good luck Give it to God He made us and He will protect us.

  6. I would say it is a protien problem Have you tried to call your doc office and take to the dietian tehre?

    I was banded in June 07 I have had times when my weight lose stopped because my cal was to low

    I was told that I had to net 1000 cal a day that is after my exerce and so forth They said if I do my exerciseing I need to eat 1500 cal per day and a min of 60-80 protien a day

    I would try to raise your cal a little bit and try to get more protien in.

    If I get less than 65 g protien I can tell right away

    Good luck It may take some time to get your body back in line I was told up to two weeks to start seeing the weight moving again.

    I fight with this often

  7. I have not heard about them but I went to MMPC I know of lots of people that have gone thru MMPC and they are all extremely happy with them.

    I would make sure they have good follow up care nutrionist exercise person and so forth

    when you have ? you should be able to just call and get help of whatever kind you need from the office.

    Good luck :w00t: I am sure you are so excited I was

  8. I just did it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    at the docs for my 1 year check up I was 198.5

    I have not seen that number is 9-10 years I am so excited this is awsome

    WOW this band actually works good :eek: I am down 101lbs

    Great job everyone

  9. I am in Michigan Greenville area

    I was banded June 07 and I have lost 101 lbs

    Stick to the rules and guidelines things will work out it will be slow and you wil have months that you feel like nothing is happening.

    I mentally feel like I am still extremely fat it does not matter how much my husband tells me I am fine I am not fat and I am close to being to skinny (yeah right) I still have about 40 lbs I would like to lose.

  10. glucose tablets ar ethe way to go I am a type 1 and I but the tablets from sams club I go thru them fast.

    I was fine with my counts before during and after surgery

    I was able to drink carnation instant like 3 ozs in like 5-10 min

    I am on the pump so I did lower my pump rate

    I say go for it for it it has made me feel so much better my sugars are so much better in control and my body is so much healthier.

    I have been banded for 13 months and I have lost 100lbs I have about 25 more to go SOME DAY

    Good luck

  11. I drink just as much if not more coffee now.

    Starbucks just opened up not to far from my home- not a good thing :thumbup:

    Some days it does seem to upset my stomack BUT if I eat yogert for breakfest my normal meal for am is yogert and my pills than I will have my coffee a little later I find the yogert must coat my stomack enough I normally do not have any trouble.

    Are you banded yet or are you waiting.......

    They say you should not drink coffee dur to the caffine

  12. everyone is different So you should talk to your diabetic doc about this time.

    What my docs had me do was lower my basel rate lower my carb ratio and test lots

    I also had the sugar tabs on hand at all times.

    I had my pump on me the hwole surgery

    When I came to in the recover room they had me test right away I was 153 or something like that.

    They give you sugar in the iv to keep you from getting low with no food I did do a temp basil rate starting at midnight untill after my surgery.

    Good luck just let everyone know nurses doc pas everyone that you have your pump on you and that if you go two low during the surgery they can either up the iv or disconnect your pump.

    Everything went great with me I also told them to ask my husband who would be in the waiting room if they had any trouble he is very knowledable on the pump.

  13. I have had 4 fills I think

    I am one year out a week or so ago was my year

    I am down 100lbs I am at 8cc in the band tehre are two different size bands so the amount does not matter much untill you knowwhat size band yu have.

    Before my fills I could eat anything in sight I had to remind my self of the paina nd the money that I did have the surgery done and I hav eto lose the weight.

    I am on a ca, fat and protien count daily

    I enter everything I eat on fitday I try not to go over 1200 cal a day and fat is 30 max protien 60 min and carbs I try to hit around 130

    Some days I go over the cal because of my exercise they have said when I do my workouts I shoudl aim for 1500 cal a day

    Good luck it will work it just comes off slower than we want but it is worth it and the slower weight loss is better on your body

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