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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by charlie707

  1. I had my sleeve done on 7/15 and I am already down 20 lbs. I am not trying to complain but it has only been 9 days. I am getting 80 grams of protein and about 60 oz of water. I am just kind of freaked out that I am losing too fast and something is wrong.
  2. I am 12 days post surgery. I am feeling great, down 25 pounds since day of surgery. I am losing it just having greek yogurt, protein shakes and jello. Today I broke down and had a little bit of mashed potatoes and later some mushed chili. It was good. I am not didn't feel sick. I did feel full. I know I should slow down but man it can be tough.
  3. I was really bad about pre op diet. I didn't do it. I was sleeved on a tuesday. I had protein shakes all day sunday and clear liquid only on monday before. I didn't lose any pre surgery weight. Maybe that is why it is going so fast now because by body isn't used to it. Now I have been eating a lot of greek yogurt, sugar free jello and the premier brand protein shakes from costco.
  4. So I finally did it. I backed out in March and April but finally went through with it 4 days ago. I am back home now and feeling pretty good. I had my surgery done at Stanford my Dr. Morton and his extensive team. My stay at the hospital was overall positive. I did get pretty frustrated with how long it took for them to clear my swallow test. Other than that it was a lot smoother then I expected. I was able to get up and start walking an hour after being put in my recovery room. I walked a lot. Probably too much but everyone told me how it would relieve gas pain and I got bored laying in bed all the time. I ended up driving myself home 3 days after the surgery from Hayward to McKinleyville (around 320 miles). Not the smartest thing but I am pretty stubborn. I am sore but I am in a lot less pain then I thought I would be in. I am taking 1 regular vicodin every 6 hours. I am doing ok getting my Protein and liquids in my system. I am shocked I can eat as much as I can. I thought it would be like an ounce or two at first but I am able to eat a 5.3 ounce Greek yogurt in about 15 minutes. Overall I feel really good and positive about the procedure and the recovery so far. My incision sites are leaking a little but nothing more than I think is normal. I think I am like 6 pounds down from my surgery date.
  5. charlie707


    I had mine 7/15. I am 5 days out now. I am feeling really good. I have a lot of energy and have been sleeping really well. I am sore when I wake up and if I cough deeply but other than that things are doing good. I am concerned I haven't had much of a bowel movement since I have been out of the hospital. I wondered how others have been feeling in that regards. Glad to follow this group.
  6. I had mine 5 days ago. Feeling good so far. When I cough deeply is kills me, other than that things are good. I am concerned about not really having bowel movements. Maybe that is more than you want to discuss but I am getting a little worried. Hope you are feeling well
  7. charlie707

    Tomorrow is the day

    Good luck. You will be fine and life will be better in the near future for your whole family. I hope your recovery is quick and relatively painless. I had mine done 5 days ago at Stanford Hospital. I am doing really well so far. I am getting tired of getting my Protein from greek yogurt. I am really not in that much pain except when I have a deep cough. When that happens, it is bad. Hang in there and get as much rest as possible.
  8. I just had mine done on 7/15. Things are going really well. I am sore but I am up and walking a lot. So far things are better then expected. Good luck.
  9. So my parents, my wife and my roommate all don't understand why I am going through with the surgery. I would think I would get encouragement for quitting smoking, stopping drinking and working towards getting to a healthier weight. Instead I get told how disappointed and upset they are that I am not doing it on my own. I can understand people feeling like it is drastic, even think I could lose the weight on my own. But the truth is so far in life I have only gained. I am not ashamed to admit I need help. I am tried of apnea and all this weight and wish I had support from the people closest to me. Sorry for going off but I don't think many people would understand.
  10. charlie707

    March 10th!

    March 10th for me too! Good luck you all.
  11. charlie707

    5 days post op

    I get sleeved next monday and I hope I do as well as you. Glad to hear it went well and good luck on your new life.
  12. I am getting my surgery done at Stanford on 3/10/2014. I am in my liquid only diet phase and struggling. I could use some encouragement. I am having family members tell me how disappointing I am for going ahead with surgery. I am looking forward to a life at a healthy weight and don't understand peoples negativity. I just need a different perspective to help keep me motivated and on track. Thanks
  13. charlie707

    Liquid diet feeling drained.

    I am on day two and I feel the same way. I hear it gets better but it is hard now. I don't know if you have your vitamins yet or not but don't forget to start them now if you are liquid only. Good luck. When is your surgery date? Mine is March 10th.
  14. Good luck and hang in there. I just started my liquid only diet yesterday and it is really hard. I just went to get change for a $20 bill for my job and walked by a taco truck. I swear it never smelled that good before today. I hope your surgery goes well.
  15. protein shakes and carrots and soup
  16. Tomorrow I am going to all liquid diet. I am scheduled for surgery on 3/10/2014. I am pretty freaked out about only consuming protein shakes for the next 4 weeks. I am very excited but worried about how I will do emotionally during the next month. I hope I can keep it together.
  17. Thanks for the encouragement. I wil try and remember I am not doing this alone. It is really exciting. I wish you 3 ladies with the March 10th surgery date well and hope you continue to post updates. Good luck.
  18. From the album: two weeks before surgery

    Night before I go on all liquid diet
  19. I can relate. I just got my date yesterday and it is March 10th. I thought it would be late April or early May, so I wasn't exactly prepared. I can also relate to being nervous about telling people. I just talked to my boss today about getting time off for surgery and he asked if it was for my knee or something. I told him is was an intestinal surgery. I am 265 and 5'11" so I am big but the few people I have told think I am not big enough for the surgery. All I can say is it seems like the right choice for me. I think there is a perception that bariatric surgery is the easy way out. I really could care less what others think they aren't walking around in my body. I am sure there are some complications in a select few, but how many lives are shortened or ended by the effects of obesity? I think dealing with your weight while you can is responsible and I wish you luck.
  20. I have used mine since 2008. I had nasal polyps removed from my nose so I had to use the full face mask type. I tried the nose only one after I healed and I couldn't get used to it. I really feel uncomfortable without it now. I am going to have my surgery on March 10th and I am hoping this will eliminate the need for the CPAP. I already had my uvula and tonsils removed to help with the apnea and that barely made a difference. All I can say is give it a chance and you will feel much better with it then without. And remember to clean it.
  21. So I started looking into gastric surgery in 2011. I didn't have insurance at the time so the only way to get it would have been to pay out of pocket. Fast forward to 2013 and I have insurance and start the long process of getting authorized. I started seeing my nutritionist in July 2013 and finally finished all my requirements Jan of 2014. I had to wait about a month for all the tests to get sent to Stanford and get the approval from my insurance but it actually happened 2/07/2014. I had been planning on having the surgery in mid to late April if everything worked out. I got a call today 2/18/2014 and they are ready for me on 3/10/2014 with preop visit in a week. I am excited but I am also very anxious. I have waiting so long but to actually have a date and it being in less than 4 weeks is crazy. I have so many mixed emotions. I am scared, excited, nervous. I am thinking what the last couple of normal meals should be before my liquid diet. I am nervous how my job is going to handle it. Wow. I am just a little blown away by how little time before surgery day.
  22. charlie707

    Freaking out a little.

    I have been thinking now of what I want to eat before my surgery. I only have a couple of days to eat at my favorites spots. I know I should be focused eating right and exercising but going from eating my normal way to liquid only does make me want some old favorites.
  23. My insurance has a 6 month waiting period before surgery where I have to meet with a nutrionist, a mental health screen and work on and exercise plan. I wanted to know when does that 6 month period start. Is it when the doctor refers you, or after 6 sessions with a nutrionist? I just forgot to ask and I am trying to figure it out. Thanks
  24. charlie707

    Big Clothes 100#

    Great picture.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
