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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by leslie1958

  1. leslie1958

    7 months post op pics

    Oh boy, look at that smiling face. You look like your own daughter (wait does that make sense ? - you know what i mean !!) well done - you look fantastic
  2. leslie1958

    Flying home after surgery

    Auckland !! - well I guess you definitely win the prize for longest trip home. I grew up in Melbourne and I've made that long trip a few times so I DO know your pain !! - I'm so curious, you have to fly all the way here for this surgery ? is it because it's so flippin expensive there ?? (yeah, nosey that's me) Cheers !!
  3. Oh boy, thank you guys !! - I'm scheduled October 5th with Dr Illan (and the wonderful Omar) I'm at that stage where I fluctuate between incredible excitement and optimism to abject terror !! ANY good things I hear is so welcome so please share your experiences with me about Dr Illan
  4. leslie1958

    New life

    Who is your doctor ?
  5. Hi everyone I have hypothyroid - I take levothyroxin everyday. I'm scheduled for vsg October 5th with Dr Illan. I have of course disclosed this on my medical questionnaire. Does anyone here have thyroid issues and had vsg ? I'm a little concerned about it do please tell me your stories and experiences
  6. leslie1958

    Vsg and hypothyroidism

    Vicki - thanks so much that's what I needed to hear. How is your weight loss ? Do you feel it might be slower because of the thyroid ?
  7. leslie1958

    Allergic reaction to surgical glue!

    You know, this is what I've been fearing as I have allergies to all sorts of things and what you describe is EXACTLY like my nickel allergy I get from metal buttons on jeans and it ITCHES like mad doesn't it ? the good news is it will dry out quickly and stop itching so hang in there. And by the way VERY RELIEVED for you that it wasn't an infection !!
  8. leslie1958

    Self pay in the USA

    I had a conversation with someone recently that really surprised me. She had paid less for plastics in the US than she would have in Mexico. I'm still in the process of getting sleeved next month in Mexico but it made me wonder - how much did you pay for your vsg in the States ? Would love to hear from you.
  9. leslie1958

    Self pay in the USA

    Okay what's an egd procedure ?
  10. Hi Kindle - I know isn't it fab ? I hesitated to post that yesterday as I sounded like an infomercial ! But I use it all the time and for reasons that you said. It tells you the outcome of a particular decision and I love that. I definitely learned so much from it - also that I have a lot more control over my credit than I knew.
  11. leslie1958

    October sleevers

    You know I just watched a YouTube video someone posted about their trip to Mexico for surgery with Dr Alvarez. It was very impressive and a really nice hospital too. What is the cost to go to him ? The lady in the video seemed to just cruise through it, it was hard to believe she had even had surgery . I could not find a single video for my doctor !!
  12. Well I opened my big mouth to one friend that I thought would understand. I got silence at first then she answered "hmmmm" to everything so I guess I should have kept my mouth shut. Anyway that was a learning experience, I'm not telling anyone until after the surgery. For crying out loud, it's nerve racking enough without having people relating horror stories to me.
  13. leslie1958

    October sleevers

    I'm October 5th, Dr Illan Tijuana - I think Florence Hospital - where are you going to ?
  14. leslie1958

    Going to Mexico alone...

    I'm going alone too. Also having no luck with finding a sleeve buddy. My date is 10/5 for Tijuana Dr Illan.
  15. Go to www.creditkarma.com - I use this site several times a week. It is FREE (really free) and you can check your credit report and learn how to improve your credit and also check out offers best suited to your current scores etc. No matter what route you choose to get your surgery - it is always a good idea to know where you stand with your personal credit. - sorry I know i'm probably sounding like an old fuddy duddy but it's actually quite interesting (but then again I enjoy doing my taxes !!)
  16. leslie1958


    Bless your heart - and a truly honest heartfelt posting too. You echoed an awful lot of how I feel too. You are just having a particularly bad day, it won't look as bleak tomorrow. My moods go up and down like a yo-yo. One day I'm totally jazzed and my surgery date can't get here quick enough (it's 2 days before yours by the way 10/5) where are you going ? I'm headed to Tijuana. Then another day, I'm feeling as bad as you are today, everything is gray and the surgery won't work for me and so on. The surgery will work for you, you will start to feel better and lighter and optimistic !! Hang in there xx
  17. leslie1958

    Self pay in the USA

    You know if vsg in the states was maybe a difference of a couple of thousand I would very likely stay in the states but most surgeons here are starting around $11k and even conservatively Mexico is still less than half. Unless you're independently wealthy these numbers do matter. I won't lie - I would love to get this done locally for several reasons - the language barrier - the sheer hassle of flying out of the country (and then having to fly back with a sore tummy) and being close to my regular physician in the event of complications. Omg I'm starting to talk myself out of Mexico !! But seriously unless I found someone here for maybe $8 -$9k I can't afford to do this anywhere but Mexico. Ironically, it's likely a vast number of Mexican surgeons trained here and have performed far more of the procedures.
  18. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Keep us updated. I'll definitely be thinking about you !!
  19. leslie1958

    Self pay in the USA

    I know - me too. I could have it done in Kansas City (where I am) for $11,999 which is not bad but then you see it for a third of that in Mexico.
  20. I think there's been a bit of an overreaction to the bathroom photo. Okay it's not the Hilton but its hardly disgusting either. The yellow in the corner isn't pee it's obviously just broken tiles and the adhesive underneath. I've seen broken tiles and ancient bath fixtures in hospitals here too. Third world maybe - disgusting nah.
  21. You ?? Had a friend ???
  22. Thanks for the great photos - LOVE the little orange tummy pillow - you are same starting weight as me - keep us updated on how you're doing - which doctor by the way ? -
  23. leslie1958

    What am I doing Wrong?

    what about measurements ? are you losing inches. Don't live and die by the scale (sorry for the turn of phrase) but seriously, sometimes the scale stays the same but you lose inches. I haven't been sleeved yet but I lost 60 pounds once and I used to weigh myself every Wednesday morning. I went to the gym several times a week and yet sometimes I lost nothing on the scale but I still lost inches. And remember, muscle weighs more, if you are going to the gym all the time you will be building muscle. Don't panic and don't be down, you are winning.
  24. leslie1958

    Financing PS!

    I don't believe Care Credit is accepted in Mexico (at least that is what i was told) how about your local credit union or bank ? try for a personal loan - could be lower interest rates. Some of the medical loan places are not the greatest terms BUT a few of them seem to offer interest free if paid off in a year or so, maybe that's a possibility. I was going to finance my sleeve but I decided to put it back a few months and just save like a maniac, sell stuff on eBay, hold a garage sale, anything I could think of !! Good luck hope you get a good result.
  25. leslie1958

    Cheapest Flights..?

    Yes - I'm flying from Kansas City to San Diego and Southwest is not only the cheapest but the only non stop flight .

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
