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Mike in LA

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Mike in LA

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/22/1964

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    Los Angeles
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  1. Drop that "friend" and move on !!!! I discussed at length this choice with a couple of my real friends and every one of them was supportive of my decision. They were there before and have stepped up to assist in any way they can after as well. When we go out to a restaurant, they don't make me feel out of place because I can't eat a whole meal and we actually choose places that serve family style to we can all share and take what we want for portions ... A true friend should support this choice of yours to use a tool to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Period!
  2. Mike in LA


    I used to be at McD's constantly ... now I can't stomach the thought, literally ... I tried once about a month after my procedure and haven't been back since ... it didn't taste the way I remembered ...and that was an eye opening day!!
  3. Mike in LA

    Does shoe size change?

    Funny ... I just asked a friend of mine who's lost a lot of weight the same question. He lost about 1/2 size as I have ... I noticed my slip on dress shoes were coming off and I was walking a bit "off" ... I just bought new shoes this past weekend, 1/2 size smaller and they are perfect ... I didn't notice it on the sneakers, since you use laces, but the slip on dress shoes made it obvious!!
  4. Wow ... hits close to home. Always being the big guy when going out and trying to blend in or disappear as to not get any attention was always the goal. I worked extra hard to make sure I was put together, to dispel that stereotype that a big guy was always a bit of a slob ... Living in a large city like LA makes it even worse. People out here are so focused on the "look" and some people have no issue making rude comments as they pass you on the street in certain parts of town. My true friends never made it an issue, but after battling my entire life with this challenge, it was definitely a part of the decision to get this surgery. I can tell you since I'm almost 4 months out and almost 80 lbs down, my confidence is totally changing. I always felt I carried myself proudly, but this has helped boost that confidence. I can walk in a room, a bar, a restaurant, you name it and my size isn't the first thing they see. I'm still on the journey, but ever so glad I started down the path!!
  5. Sounds like a theme here and I follow along as well. I always order water, just to have something in front of me and lots of people do that ... so it doesn't feel weird. I also focus on the appetizer or soup/salad menu ... I go out most weekend's with friends and don't have any issues. There is always someone that orders smaller portions and other only drink water, so you won't stand out ...
  6. Mike in LA

    Post-Op 3 weeks and Starving! What to eat?

    I stayed with the Protein shakes (Ensure) and slowly added some Soups into the mix at 3 weeks ... I used an immersion blender and it really helped. I think you have to follow what your NUT says ... but they're are options out there ... just get creative!! Best of luck!!
  7. Mike in LA

    Secret Sleevers?

    After reading all these, I can understand both sides of the coin. I've told my closet friends and my Mom, not the rest of the family. I feel it was a personal decision and honestly only told my mom since it involved surgery otherwise I wouldn't have wanted her to worry!! As we get together for the holidays, I will have no problem telling my family ... As for telling more friends, the closest ones I'm comfortable with, the others, not so much and I trust my close friends won't update them. Work has been the biggest challenge. I told 2 of my coworkers, who have been considering the procedures, but no one else. I had it done during my vacation, so I didn't miss a step at work thus far ... Now that I'm down 67 pounds, there is a noticeable difference. I feel comfortable advising them I decided to put me first and I'm really focusing on my eating now, which is the honest truth. As the boss, I don't need them to know all my personal details and feel I have the right to my privacy. This is my choice and my journey ... I'm going to do it on my terms!!
  8. Mike in LA

    june 2013 sleevers!

    Love my sleeve!!! Sleeved on 28Jun ... and so far down 67 lbs .... Not having too many issues and in a nice routine!!!
  9. Mike in LA

    I loathe food!

    Since the sleeve, there are some days I'm right there with ya!!!
  10. All these sound familiar ... Since being sleeved on Jun 28th, I've finally made peace with the scale. For the first 6 weeks, I was on it several times a day. I got to the point now where I put it away M-F and only leave it out on the weekends. I find that is has helped my sanity a bit. Even checking it during the day, I realized how much you weight fluctuates in a day. And my darn scale has the partial weights!! Darn digital!! ... Anyway, I'm on that thing first thing Saturday morning and again Sunday, but by Sunday night, it goes back into the cabinet, so I can't use it. I find it's a little less stressful this way and helps out a lot!!
  11. Great news!! I'm just at the 8 week point and loving life myself! I've been another fortunate one that hasn't really had any adverse effects, except for some minor food in-tolerances. I've gotten into a nice routine ... I love the Ensure Protein shakes and Greek yogurt, so I'm not having any problems reaching my Proteins. I've finally gotten into a routine keeping Water on my desk so that for the most part, I'm hitting my water goals and I've been able to start exercising too ... starting with walking and now adding in the elliptical. It feels so good to have to "retire' some of the former big clothes and I'm down 2 sizes in my clothes now ... I'm still away from reaching the 100's ... but hey, hitting 250 isn't bad when you start over 300!! Thanks to all the info on this site ... it has been a great tool!!
  12. Same here ... I'm just at the 2 month mark and have gotten very used to my routine. I bring an Ensure Protein shake, A Greek yogurt and lately have added in a small banana for some difference. I find that and the Vitamin Water zero last me for my full shifts ... Hope it helps!!
  13. Just a curious question. I'm almost 5 weeks out and I've been real comfortable with the liquid Protein drinks and Greek yogurts ... I slowly added dinner meals into the mix (i.e. eggs, Soups and cottage cheese) ... I've gone out with friends a couple times and have noticed that some of the good ole foods don't seem to taste the same ... I'm not sure if it's more of a physical or mental response. I've really tried to work on my mental hunger for food over the last month and just checking to see if anyone else is experiencing the same changes? Last night for example. Had dinner with some friends and had a mini burger. It was good, but not as good as I recall. Same issue last week when I tried some sashimi ... I used to be almost unstoppable when I would get in front of a plate of these items. I was able to eat a small portion (as planned) ... but the taste just didn't seem as good as it used to be. Again ... just wanted to see if anyone else is experiencing this. I'm still very glad I did this. I'm almost 5 weeks post-op and including the pre-op diet, I'm down 46lbs ... so can't complain ...
  14. Mike in LA

    Hey June 25 Sleevers

    I was sleeved on June 28th and I'm down a total of 35 lbs (pre-op diet included) ... I was extremely fortune not to have any real issues except some insomnia in the last week. I got home on the 30th, didn't take any pain meds once home and transitioned from the Clear liquids to some soft items the 2nd week. I'll admit I'm trying to get used to some more substantial choices. I've still followed a Protein shake for Breakfast and lunch most days and dinner has included one scrambled egg and some cottage cheese. I do feel satisfied. I returned to work after one week (desk job) and it's been OK ... the clothes are fitting looser and that's a little bit exciting. I thought I'd be in a hurry to get back to solids, but been doing ok with a combination liquid/solid regime. The first week or so I couldn't believe the amount of mental hunger I was experiencing. I know I wasn't hungry, but will all the commercials and such, i was really craving some of my old comfort food. Those have definitely subsided and I'm thankful for that. It was a little tougher than I thought and you just have to push through ... the changes has been drastic, but they are far easier to incorporate now that I have a few weeks under my belt ... I'm glad I finally did this and can't wait to see how I can take full advantage going forward!!

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