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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by scocroft1

  1. I have read alot of people complaining about L side and shoulder pain. Some people didn't get it check out with the surgeon. I was sent to the er on monday for the same pains. I was having L side pain with standing and walking the radiated up to my L shoulder. When they ruled out that it wasn't a heart attack , then they made sure that the band was not slipping, it was the tubing stuck in between my spleen and diaphram. The tube that runs from the port and the band is not surgical ancored, so please make sure that you are talking with the surgeon and not your primary care physician. The primary really don't know much about the surgery.

    I am alright, I am taking pain releivers and hopfully either it will wiggle out, or my body will make a cusion. If not and I am still in pain, the will go in and short the tube.


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