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Pam in MI

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Pam in MI

  1. Pam in MI

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Hi everyone! I got approval from my insurance co (BCBS MESSA in MI) on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited. I am glad for this thread because my only worry is I won't lose much because of my BMI (35-36 depending on the day). I have read many of the pages here and it is very encouraging. Wish me luck ~ I set my date tomorrow and it may be very soon as I am a teacher and had hoped to get this done before school starts!
  2. thanks I think I will sign up for a class this fall. btw - got approved on friday and am excited beyond words!
  3. Dr. Clark in Indiananpolis????? that's who I am seeing and will hopefully be banded in the next week or 2. Just got approved on Friday:clap2:
  4. Pam in MI


    One thing I learned is to call to make sure your insurance company has your paperwork. Even though my dr.'s office had two fax confirmations, the paperwork was MIA twice. If I had been more persistent then I'd already be banded, but that's my nature.
  5. Pam in MI

    What weight for regular size clothing??

    StinaNYC - I'm 5'8" also and my preband goal is to get to a 12 or 14. I feel the same way. I'll be very pleased at that size. In fact, the last time I wore a 10 for more than half an hour was at least 20 years ago! 5'8" - 238 preband - on a good day it's 232:) Wearing a size 18 - sometime a 2x in blouses - BIG arms!
  6. Pam in MI

    Inches Vs Pounds

    I'm not banded yet but from all the ups and downs that I've had over the years on the scale I focus on my clothing size now. I'm tall and it takes at nearly 20 pounds for me to go down a size. So when I've lost 10 pounds I'm still in the same size and that gets me really frustrated. Hope to see a size 14 by Christmas...Hope to have surgery later this mo.
  7. Pam in MI

    Bcbs Messa

    I have BCBS MESSA too and am hoping to get approved soon. The bariatric coordinator at my doc's office sent me a copy of the "anthem" and as far as I can see there is no way I should be rejected. she also told me that BCBS is one of the better insurance co.'s for her to deal with. They have to make a decision in 30 days. I'm nervous too because I have been screwed by other insurance co.'s in the past. I just keep trying to be positive. My sister sent me the DVD "The Secret", and although it's a little hokey it has a great message about poitive thinking. So - every day I just say to myself "I will get the lapband soon." Anyway, check with your dr's office about this "anthem" thing. I'm not sure where my copy is right now to see exactly what is required. I'm sure the insurance specialist will get you the info yo need. BTW - where are you in MI? Are you a teacher? Who is your dr?
  8. Pam in MI

    Have They Changed Your Wal-Mart?

    8 or 10 years ago I was thrilled that WalMart opened in my area. There were hardly any stores here. I live in the boonies if you haven't already figured that out. Now I HATE going there. Within a year after opening, the place went totally down hill - dirty, unfriendly cashiers, but I kept going back because of the low prices. Now that gas has gone up so much and I am back to working fulltime after staying home with my kids, I just go to the much nicer grocery store closeby - Martin's. They actually bag my groceries and ask if I want help out to my car. In fact, if there isn't a bagger I will start to bag my own stuff and often someone comes rushing over to bag for me! Must be the charm of small town Michigan! I only go to WalMart if I have to and then I usually go to the one in Indiana near South Bend where it's clean and the employees are helpful. Oh - the WalMart here has a Subway as you walk in - better than McD's, huh? Bitter - I miss paper bags, how about you?
  9. Pam in MI

    Top heavey now and back is killing me, what to do?

    My aunt who is about 60 just had breast redction surgery because of horrible back and neck pain. Her only regret is not having it done 20 years ago. She says she feels like a new person and even her fibromyalgia seems better! About the chiros - I had a quack years ago and didn't know any better. Had me seeing him 3/week - milked the insurance co. Now I have a new guy who is AWESOME. I see him when I need to which is quite infrequently. there are several "schools" of chiropractic from what I've learned. My dr follows the gestalt (sp?) method. Good Luck
  10. LOL I had no idea so many are lopsided! Jacqui you are too funny.
  11. Pam in MI

    Venting~I want it NOW!!!!

    Glad you're gonna go in aug. I thought I'd have had my surgery this week, but you just never know. I started the process in early June. the main hold up was one of my doctor's offices didn't send the paperwork right away. I was so annoyed when I found out it was sitting in a pile just waiting for my signature! Why the heck didn't they call me? It just so happened I had to go in for a pap and the gal at the desk mentioned the paperwork. I wonder how long it would have sat there had I not gone in! So now if I get approved I will either have surgery right before school starts or during the first few weeks of school. Then I'll have to use sick days instead of all of these free summer days I've had. Plus I''ll have to deal with kids! At least they are 5th graders and not kindergarteners who need their teacher constantly! Good luck, and ya just never know. Somehow it could actually happen sooner. Be POSITIVE:)
  12. Pam in MI

    looking for a fill doctor in indiana

    Ok sorry about that double message. For some reason I thought the first one didn't post. Not too savvy when it comes to message boards...
  13. Pam in MI

    looking for a fill doctor in indiana

    I live in Michigan and will be having Dr. Steven clark in Indy do my surgery - in a few weeks I hope. Although I haven't had much contact with him I just know he is the right dr for me. Amy at his office has been unbelievable helpful. the name of his practice is Premier Bariatrics
  14. Pam in MI

    looking for a fill doctor in indiana

    I will be having surgery soon with Dr. Clark in Indy. Since I haven't had surgery yet I can't say much except that he seems wonderful. I am actually driving 3+ hours to have him do the surgery. I did a lot of searches for docs closer to home, but when I met him I knew that he is the right dr. for me - just one of those weird unexplicable gut feelings.
  15. Pam in MI

    Is this a diet to all of you?

    OK - sorry about all the typos. It's nearly 1:30 am, tired but can't sleep.
  16. Pam in MI

    Is this a diet to all of you?

    I am SOOOOOOO glad I checked ot this thread. I was reading the lower bandsters thread and everyone seemed to be talking calories. What I want from te band (hopefully getting it very soon) is that really full feeling that I RARELY ever have. EVen when I do feel really full, that feeling is gone in an hour or so and there I am eating again. I told my dr that I want to have that full feeling and that will case me to figure out what to do about my emotions and boredom. It will force me to face my feelings or find something do to other than eat! I swear, eating is my #1 hobby. BUT I plan to change that as I get slimmer and haopefully have more enegy to exercise. I have even toyed around with the idea of running which is sch a foreign concept. So - thanks kto all of you who responded to the original question. Your honesty and encouragement really is helpful!
  17. Pam in MI

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Hi. We are the same height and about the same bmi - depending on the day I'm either 35 or 36. It's amazing how my weight can flcktuate 10 pounds in just a day or 2. Too bad it's always the SAME 10 pounds! I also have high bp and am bordeline diabetic. We are also close in age. I'm 43. Hopinjg to be banded by the end of the month, but may have to wait until Sept. I am hoping it is this month because I'm a teacher adn school starts Sept 4! I alos sometimes think I don't deserve this or that I am cheating by getting the band. Then at other times I am just so darn excited I could care less! Ihaven't told tons of people and wonder how I will respond if and when I start to lose. I wonder how some people will react - like I'm not as good because I didn't just diet. I gess I really souldn't care, but in truth I do. I probably care too much what people think. When do you think you will get the ok? te gal at my doc's office said BCBS has been preety quick about responding, but it being summer it may be a little longer. Waiting is SO HARD - but not as much as trying to diet...
  18. I started the process in mid June and will probably have surgery in Aug. if I get approved. I should, but I guess you never know. I have BCBS and am very fortunate because if approved the surgery is completely paid. I'm not positive about the dietician and psych, but it won't be more than 20% - one of the perks of being a poorly paid teacher in a small, poor school district! Unless you are committed to having the surgery with the dr. you scheduled an appt with, you may want to check around to see if there are others that can do it sooner. I told the psychologist I wish I could walk to the other side of the hopital and have it done NOW! I am a patient person when it comes to others but not with myself! Just think though, better to wait 6 months and have the surgery than to not have it at all. I highly suggest you check out all the info you can on this site and look into the statistics. Anyway - good luck
  19. Pam in MI

    anyone from indiana?

    Hi. I live in southern Michigan and have chosen Dr. Steven Clark even though he's 3+ hours away! Anyone have surgery with him???? I'm hoping to be banded in Aug.
  20. Pam in MI

    Whats the worst you've heard?

    Mothers are amazing aren't they? Do you think she's jealous?
  21. Pam in MI

    Fear of Being Thin...

    Isn't it amazing that there have been over 600 hits on this thread? I too fear being thin because I don't know what people will think. Now that sound pretty stupid, but let's face it - appearance DOES matter. I also fear a bit that I will be judged by some who know I lost weight with the band and not I'm my own. Stupid too. More than fear though is excitement! I will be thrilled to lose even half of what I need to. I just want to buy "normal" size clothes!
  22. Pam in MI

    Fear of Being Thin...

    You are so right! I have used that same scenario with people to explain my food addiction! I am hoping for an Aug. date
  23. Pam in MI

    Hello! First Post!

    Good for you! I wish the band had been around was I was 21!!!! Surgery for me is in Aug hopefully. Enjoy your son. By the end of summer I will have 3 teenagers. They are still fun, but there's nothing like a baby or toddler.
  24. AWESOME! I am hoping to be banded in Aug too! This is a great place!
  25. OK, am I stupid??? I heard that pb stands for productive burp. What does that mean????Also - I just today heard someone use the word sliming. What is THAT????? Hoping to be scheduled in Aug.....

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