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Everything posted by teacher

  1. I will be 7 weeks on Tuesday and I am the same way. I was stuck and started walking and lost 4 pounds. Now I am stuck again. I am eating good and exercising and the scale does not move. I feel like my clothes are not as tight but this scale thing is aggravating.
  2. Everyone is different but I had a difficult time bending over for about 2 weeks. I used my toes to pick things up and bring them up to a place where it did not hurt to bend. Although, picking up cat poop with your toes might be a little difficult. LOL
  3. My dr. told me that if you hit a stall to go back to liquids for a couple of days and the weight loss will be kick started again. Maybe eating more works the same way. I sure would rather eat more than go back to liquids. LOL
  4. teacher

    Celebrex - HELP!

    The nurse at my surgeon's office told me no a couple of weeks ago but I asked the PA yesterday and she said they were fine. I have an appt. on the 13th to get shots now.
  5. teacher

    Celebrex - HELP!

    I just want to update this because I went for my 6 weeks post-op yesterday and I asked the PA about cortisone shots and she said they were fine. She also gave me a prescription for Celebrex.
  6. I am a 100% stomach sleeper too and I was in complete and utter pain sleeping on my tummy for about 3 weeks. I would try at different times and it was unbearable at first but I kept trying until it became comfortable. The pain I got when being on stomach was not in my head, it hurt. Hang in there! You will be sleeping comfortably again very soon!
  7. teacher


    I sleep until about 2 and then wake up and can't go back to sleep until it is time to get up but I am 6 weeks post-op.
  8. teacher

    Cheating during two weeks?

    I am 6 weeks post-op and I honestly can't remember what food I ate to cheat but I do remember cheating one or two meals. When I had my surgery though my surgeon said my liver looked great and that he could really tell that I stayed on my pre-op diet.
  9. I am 6 weeks post-op and I despise protein shakes and bars and I know I don't get 60 grams of protein a day but you are eating the same things that I am. I too eat Greek yogurt daily. I eat string cheese and some lunch meat for lunch and then my husband is a big griller so I eat hamburger patties, pork chops and steak for supper. I only eat the protein instead baked potato, salad, etc. along with the protein. That way I don't get too full before I get the protein down. I too have fine, thin hair and I worry about my hair falling out too but then I think of all of the starvation diets that I been on through the years and I was never bald. So we are in this together but I think you are doing better than you think you are. Stay positive and know that you are supported!
  10. When I went to my 2 week check-up, the PA told me that if I had pain and did not want to take pain meds that I should take children's liquid Tylenol. I was told not to take a pill that was larger than a pencil eraser. I am now 6 weeks post-op and I had a headache earlier. Is taking liquid Tylenol a forever thing or can I start taking the pill form? I took the liquid just to be safe but I would rather just pop a pill and get it over with. LOL
  11. Mine is at 2:30. LOL. Small world!
  12. New Mommy, I saw your post above. I think our surgeries were 1 day apart. Mine was on the 18th. Are you going to the Plano office on 8/1?
  13. I go to Dr. Nicholson's Plano office on 8/1 too for my 6 weeks check-up. I agree with everyone that the 2 week check-up was a waste of my time and gas money. I am writing down my questions as I think of them where I will be prepared to get every one of them answered before I leave. I also have that horrible pain in my left side but it was gone away. I never felt my stitch pop but I am assuming it did. I did fall of the porch about 2 weeks ago and fell hard on my right shoulder and hip and although I feel fine it really worries me that I did something to hurt my stitches or my stomach. My whole body was so sore from the fall for about a week and half and I had a huge bruise and knot in my shoulder. Probably needless, stupid worry but......
  14. I am 5 weeks post-op and I feel really good but before surgery I could go all day long and not stop until my head hit the pillow. Today I went shopping with my mom and did a ton of walking and trying on clothes, etc. which would not have phased me before surgery but I feel like I have been beat with a stick. I am a teacher and school starts back in less than a month and I have got to get my stamina built back up.
  15. teacher


    Yes, I have been swimming a few times this summer and it is much better. The problem is that I live in small town, USA and no pool available. My parents live in an apartment 30 miles away and I have swam there a few times but they have to be at the pool for visitors to use it so swimming is not an everyday option. I do love to swim and I was so sore after swimming so it is great exercise.
  16. teacher


    I have been walking but I am miserable while doing it. I have arthritis in my knees and can't take Aleve anymore and they are absolutely killing me especially while walking but all of the time because of the walking. I am going for my 6 week check-up next week and I am going to ask what I can get for some relief.
  17. teacher

    Is this much pain normal?

    I was the same way. I was in extreme pain for 2 weeks. I was a little stubborn though and thought I didn't need to take pain meds, didn't need to wear the stomach band and I was sent home with Pepcid that in my haze of coming home from the hospital I didn't realize that I even had the prescription. Once I started taking the pain meds regularly, wearing the band 24 hours, and taking the Pepcid, I almost immediately started feeling better. I too was reading posts about people up and out doing normal things after 2 days of surgery. Even with doing all of these things correctly, there was not way that I could have been doing that. I kept reading about people out walking miles and there were 2 occasions where I was in so much pain that I could not raise up from the bed and then another time from the recliner. Luckily my husband was home or I would have been stuck. Taking a shower was pure torture too. My husband shaved my legs for 2 weeks because it hurt too much to bend over. Hang in there. I am now 5 weeks out and feeling so much better!
  18. teacher

    Greek yogurt equals yum!

    I am completely in love with Oikos Greek Yogurt but did not realize it had so much more sugar in it compared to Yoplait. I tried several different kinds when I started this journey and the texture of Oikos was what won me over. I just bought a box of Oikos at Sam's so I guess I will finish this and try Yoplait again.
  19. teacher


    I can not kick the habit of drinking from a straw. I went through a drive-through today to get something to drink. Two hours later, it hit me that I had popped that straw right in the cup and drank away. This is the 2nd time I have done this. Several other times, I have put the straw in the cup but remembered I am not suppose to use them before I put my mouth on it. Did anyone else have difficulty kicking the straw habit?
  20. teacher


    I will be 5 weeks post-op tomorrow. So why did my Dr. say I would have to give up straws for the rest of life?
  21. teacher

    Small servings?

    I use a dinner plate, fill it way too much and then end up handing what I can't eat to my husband.
  22. teacher

    Multi vitamins after surgery

    My surgeon told me not to take the gummy multi-vitatmins. He told me to take Flinestones chewables.
  23. teacher


    So why was this not something important to tell me? I had no idea. I will fix this tomorrow. This would not have anything to do with a stall that I hit about 2 weeks ago at 3 weeks pre-op? I have not lost a pound in 2 weeks and I am getting frustrated.
  24. teacher

    Teachers Supporting Sleeved Teachers

    I teach in Bonham, TX and have taught for 21 years. I have taught Head Start, Kindergarten and now 1st grade.
  25. teacher


    So why can't you take iron and calcium together. I too take Flinestones Vitamins and Calcium Caltrate. Both of these were on the list my Dr. told me to get but I was not told to not take them together. Just curious!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
