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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by tml74

  1. I'm 3 months post op this week. I'm down 35 lbs. The day before surgery I was 244. Looking, feeling great. Walked a 5k with my family yesterday and bought a nice bike and averaging 4-5 miles a day at a moderate pace. I keep track of my food with my fitnesspal. I feel like I'm doing everything right ... well, some days not enough Protein but

    Here is my problem though and I need support not judgement. I am keeping track of all my food but eat pretty much anything I want. I ate a slice of pizza for example. I counted the calories but I ate it and had no issues. Same thing with sushi rolls. My sleeve can tolerate it. I ate about 5 pieces.i don't know why I can eat a good amount at one sitting, maybe cause I eat slow??? Why do I feel like I'm doing something wrong or abusing my sleeve? I guess cause I see people eating 2 tablespoons of food and then barfing? I don't know. I also drink coffee every morning with sweet and low and sugar free Creamer. No issues.

    I guess I'm lucky but secretly wanted to be able to eat nothing and have pain like that would help me more? This crap is hard. Im not going to lie, i wanted it to be easier. I have restriction, don't get me wrong and hunger is nothing like it used to be but I I want to be the eat 2 tablespoon person and I'm not. I know it's stupid but I just don't know how to get rid of this feeling of animosity to fellow sleeves who can't eat anything and are dropping weight so fast.

    I'm slow, steady and freaking out. I feel like I'm going to be an anorexic or something simply out of fear. I'm also starting to crave exercise in place of food not cause I love it but feel guilty if I don't do it.

    Does anyone have similar psychotic thoughts?

  2. bread doesn't sit the best with me anymore. It's a blessing really cause I loved it so much. I make pizzas using low carb tortillas as crust that's about it. I'm 3 months post op, lost 35 lbs which is slow but my nut told me that the slower it comes off the less saggy skin and stays off for good meaning less likely to regain. Good luck and if you are dying for bread, eat a soft small pretzel

  3. I'm 7.5 weeks post op. Down about 26 lbs. yep, super slow, I know! here is the deal, I can eat anything (no trouble with any type of food even bread) and a lot compared to others. I can eat a whole cup of food at once! This makes me very worried. I keep track with myfitnesspal and stay between 800-1000 calories per day but i feel like im hungry and eating all day long, granted its small stuff like low fat cheese or sugar free stuff and I need to exercise more but it's just not coming off fast enough for me so I'm getting discouraged. There doesn't seem to be anyone on these boards that are having the same issues. It seems like a miracle surgery for everyone else. It just seems harder for me. I feel like why did I even bother, I could have lost this much without major surgery! Just venting. Want to say F it and go eat a piece of cake, which I know I could and wouldn't even make me sick or full :(. Getting depressed.

  4. I'm about 1 month post op. I woke up and just didn't feel like logging my food or eating to plan. I didnt take my Vitamins or eat all that healthy. I mean nothing crazy but i did eat a little bread and it wasnt very good and didnt sit that well. So I'm done with that. Oh I did have an Unjury hot chocolate. Tomorrow will be better but I was just in a mood. Has anyone done this? I feel sort of bad about it since I've been religious according to plan. I can't be the only one to slip this early! Am I?

  5. 7/17. Down 19.2, 26 inches lost. That is 4.8 lbs avg per week loss in 1 month! Why does everyone say I've only lost this much or that much? Everyone is different. I feel great and am proud of my numbers. People are ticking me off saying oh ... You're just a slow loser. I don't think this is slow. Just saying.

  6. Today I am 1 month post op. I have lost 19.2 lbs so I guess I'll be a slow loser but have lost a ton of inches. I'm overall a happier person and excited for what lies ahead. I have been fortunate that I had a speedy recovery and have had no issues with food or illnesses. I look healthier already and feel fantastic. So for anyone at the same point in time as me, stay positive. My weight loss in pounds may not be drastic but I'm totally ok with slow and steady. Happy Friday!!!

  7. Hi. I was sleeved 7/17 but my doctor allowed soft foods after 2 weeks. I eat just about anything chewed very well. eggs, chicken, fish, tuna with light mayo, low fat cheeses, I also mix unflavored Unjury in my crystal light fruit punch or mio flavors and like that better than the creamy sweet chocolate shakes. It's too much sometimes. I stay away from a lot of carbs and eat Protein, veggies/fruits and then carbs if there is any room (usually not). I also find using myfitnesspal app is so helpful for me to keep track on the summary.

  8. I do feel full but I can eat a good amount and then I'm hungry pretty soon thereafter. I find what is helping me is myfitnesspal app. I basically log everything that I put in my mouth. So I eat lots of small meals throughout the day making sure I don't go over my goals set for my food intake. Example, I can eat one slice of reduced fat cheese and 3 pieces of deli turkey meat. I get full then about an hour later I ate a 5 oz. Greek yogurt. For lunch I ate tuna creations 2.5 oz with a teaspoon of light mayo and 6 whole wheat pita chips. I average about 700-800 calories a day and am almost 1 month post op. some people say that is a lot but I have lost 19 lbs, lots of inches and it is working for me. Know your body and don't press the limits. It's learning all over again how to eat and make the most of your tool. Don't waste your intake on bad food. Protein, veggies then starch! You can do it!

  9. Thanks y'all. I used to work out 2 hours a day in my late twenties but its been so long and so many added lbs later that I just am hating it first time back. i took a nap after, lol! I know it will get better and I like that someone has reminded me of the requirement! I think I'm going to be a class person until I can get to a more manageable weight. I love outside but I'm in Florida and it is hoooottttttttt and humid. No excuses though!

  10. Ok. I am about 3 weeks post op. I walked 37 minutes on the treadmill today (first time I exercised) and hated every second of it. What am I going to do? Will I ever learn to love it? I start tennis lessons on 8/22 but I HATE getting sweaty and hot. Feeling sad and discouraged

  11. I've eaten fast food. I had chick fil a meal with grilled nuggets, fruit and diet lemonade. It took 2 sessions to eat the nuggets and I ate 2 orange slices and 3 berries. also get grilled chicken wraps plain from McD and eat a little of the tortilla at Taco bell I would get pintos and cheese. Remember you can have most anything it's the choices you make and the life you have now. Protein, veggies then starch. I never make it to starch.

  12. Ok y'all. I was sleeved on 7/17. I am down 19 lbs. I just went to Disney for 2 days and walked a gazillion miles. Anyways, I don't want anyone to hate me but I have had absolutely zero issues with getting foods down and eat a decent amount and I have no depression about missing food, I am healing up good, I just overall feel great about the whole experience. I'm wondering if anyone else felt this way and then later fell into the opposite mood? I'm pretty positive anyways but it's like I feel like things are working for me and I made the right decision but I see so many others all depressed and unable to eat. I feel bad for them and don't ever want to be like that. Just wondering if I'm alone out there with this.

  13. Thanks Beachlover and everyone! I guess it's just I expected to be stuffed or throwing up. It's just learning and adjusting to the new norm, I suppose and I should consider myself lucky which is hard to accept that something good might actually be happening to me. I'm glad to hear that you've seen others think their sleeves were too big, it makes me feel better that I'm probably very normal just tripped out by the whole experience and what I thought it should be like.

  14. I'm 11 days post op today. Tried a scrambled egg, went down fine no problems. i waited 15 minutes then ate about 1 tablespoon of hummus then a no sugar added fudgesicle. Here's the scary part. I'm not even close to full. I see all these people that can't even get 1/2 of an egg down and are throwing up and are soooo full from a sip of Protein Shake. I'm freaked that I went through with this surgery for nothing. I've lost about 15 lbs since day of surgery but this is my first day with real food other than Soups and Protein Shakes which of course i havent had a problem with intake amounts. I'm really scared that ill be able to eat normal with no problem. Of course I'm not going to attempt to push limits as I'm healing inside but WTF? Is this a normal thing and feelings?

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