Hi! Just wanted to share that my surgery is July 8 as well. I'm SO ready & excited to start losing weight but wanted to let you know that you're not alone in your fears. I have all the same ones. Maybe you can plan.on doing what I've been told....exercise. As soon as my Dr releases me I'm going to start exercising. My.dietician told me that the people who excessive have significantly less loose akin. Not just the required walking, but weight Bering exercise. I also wanted to share a few of my observations with you. I have a good friend who ha the surgery over year ago. From watching her I have learned some do' s & don't' s. At first she lost a good amount of weight by being compliant with the diet & exercise set by her Dr. However, a time went on she slowly starting resorting to her old diet. She ha been hospitalized a couple of times for dehydration & once for opening a small hole in the "seam" of her stomach. She started overeating enough that she opened up a hole. Her weight loss has significantly slowed down & at one point she was even gaining weight back. I take her "advice" with caution. I'm learning what NOT to do & how I want to do things by watching her. I would love to keep in touch & share progress stories & success tips! Good luck with your surgery!!