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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by artisticbritt77

  1. Hey everyone, Here is my story. I was sleeved on November 26, 2012. I weighed 280 pounds at the time of surgery. Since then I have only lost 74 pounds and I weigh 206 pounds. I keep reading all these posts of people who lost that in 3 months, no problem. I'm happy with my loss, and I need another 56 pounds to go until my goal. But I am getting super discouraged. My weight has been shifting a lot lately about 5 pounds, which I feel is Water weight. Some days I'm heavier some days I'm lighter. But why is it taking me this long to lose the weight!? I exercise pretty regularly and 4-6 days a week I eat pretty well. Some days I fall off the wagon, who doesn't? But I wonder why it's taking so long and I'm getting really discouraged. I feel like I'm having to work extra, super hard like I did before my sleeve to only see little results. Again, why so long? Are others in the same boat as me or know someone who was or is but was/is still successful? Am I just losing patience with myself? You guys' thoughts and opinions are greatly appreciated, thank you...
  2. artisticbritt77

    Should I be disappointed?

    Also, I've been at a stall for a while now. Does my body just "like" this weight or what? How can I propel myself out of it?
  3. artisticbritt77

    Should I be disappointed?

    Thank you everyone for your response. I just don't want to fail. I know it's a tool but I just feel like I'm having to work even harder with it to lose the next 50 pounds. It's hard not to get discouraged sometimes.
  4. artisticbritt77

    I have lost my way

    Don't you just love RJ? She is so encouraging!! She helped me yesterday! I've been falling off the wagon a bit too. As a matter of fact my weight loss has slowed down tremendously, and I've been pretty discouraged about it too. But like RJ said, I'm going to get back to basics. The fact that we still care and are reaching out for help means we want to do something about it. Like I was told yesterday, we only fail when we stop trying. I started out at 280, lost 74 pounds and it's like everything just slowed or stop. I had my sleeve done Nov-2012. I still have 56 pounds to go until my goal, so it's definitely been a struggle emotionally for me. But, we are not alone! We all need help and support sometimes, and reaching out for it means we still love ourselves enough to keep going and pushing through and realizing it's not a race! I personally need to address my emotions more when it comes to food. So that's the first step I will take. That and starting over by a reset, by getting back to basics. Best of luck to you Hun, we all know you can do this. We all have your back!!
  5. artisticbritt77

    Should I be disappointed?

    Thank you all of you for the sweet and inspiring words, it has helped so much!! Thank you for your story too jdmama!
  6. artisticbritt77

    Should I be disappointed?

    Awe' thank you so much! That list is going to be super helpful!! I'm so glad I posted on here tonight.
  7. artisticbritt77

    Should I be disappointed?

    Thank you ladies, I'm having a sigh of relief for a minute, lol. I don't know why I don't come to this forum more often!! I agree about getting back to basics too, I feel that will give me a good reset and start again from a better and healthier starting point. I will start this very, very soon and let y'all know how it goes!! You guys are great!!
  8. artisticbritt77

    Should I be disappointed?

    Thank you very much Polly I Will try and do that. Thank you for your support.
  9. artisticbritt77

    Should I be disappointed?

    Correction everyone I was sleeved on the 27th.
  10. artisticbritt77

    Should I be disappointed?

    Hello Polly, I haven't checked with my Doctor because in a way, I'm kind of scared of what he might say or that I might feel more like a failure. It might be the sodium I didn't think about that. I'm kind of going paleo/slash slow carb(4 hour body) but haven't been counting calories as much. Do you think that might be the problem?
  11. artisticbritt77


    From the album: artisticbritt77

  12. artisticbritt77


  13. artisticbritt77


    From the album: artisticbritt77

  14. Hi everyone! I posted back in June I believe about wondering if only losing 50 pounds in 7 months was too little of a weight loss. Well, since then I have lost another 10 pounds. Just to fill you in, I was sleeved November 27, 2012. I am coming up on my year and feel that 60 pounds still isn't a huge weight loss. I have also hit a plateau for about a month or so now. I have seen so many other people get to their goals in a year or less and I still need to lose another 60 pounds in order to reach my goal. I will say that I have not been exercising or eating like I should, either. But, I will tell you why and I am not trying to make excuses. I work overseas for the military as a contractor and work 12+ hour days 6 and sometimes 7 days a week. It leaves very little time for me when I finally get home to fit in a workout, and I am so tired by the end of the day. Also, they have what they call Dfacs here or Chow halls that don't post nutrition facts and they don't allow you to measure your food, either. Am i just not using my tool properly? Or is it bigger personal issues that i am not dealing with properly? Should I just work out more and try to avoid most of the foods at these Chow halls? Which they don't have a lot to choose from. I tend to emotionally eat and I'm sure that's not helping either. I just want to know what I can do to start losing weight again. I really, really want to get to my goal. I'm just starting to feel like a failure more than anything, though and it has really been eating me up inside. Any and all help and support will be appreciated. I don't want to be the "one who failed". I am so fearful of that. Thank you all.
  15. Hello everyone, I am 7 months out post-op, I was 280 pounds before and my surgery was 11/27/2012, I am down to 231 now. Is that too little of a weight loss in that amount of time? I feel like I am doing something wrong. I started today to get back to basics, low carbs,low sugar and between 800-1000 calories a day, but I still went over today, around 1250 I think it is. does anyone out there struggle with their food intake? Are any of you still tempted to eat bad things and way more slider foods? I feel like I am. I need the support and I really hope I am not alone in this. What are your ways of doing better? Sticking to it? Is this what's slowing down my weight loss? Thanks guys for reading!!
  16. Thank you everyone for the posts! Very insightful. I actually do track my food for the most part with my fitness pal but it's not everyday, but I am going to do better by keeping up with that on a daily basis. I don't eat terrible and awful things but I have noticed I love my carbs. So I've been trying to get a lot of protein in in the morning so I don't feel like I'm super hungry by lunch and that seems to be helping. It is a process for sure and you all are right, 50 pounds I should be proud of, not worried about. Getting back to basics I feel is key! So is exercising. I'll keep you all posted on my journey I promise. Thank you all so much for the replies and support!!

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