I have not been on lapbandtalk for a couple years! I did so well initially....
I weighed 250 or so, and had surgery is July 2005. I lost about 25 pounds during that year, and then my husband of 20 years decided he no longer wished to be married. It was a shock, and I quickly lost another 20 pounds! So that part was good!
After a year or so, I met a guy who had the gastric bypass surgery, and had a dramatic weight loss of over 200 lbs. He maintained, but boy - could he eat! He ate constantly, and guess what.......so did I! I was happy with him, but his diet rubbed off on me. I quickly gained 30 pounds back. I went for a fill to try to get back on track, but developed terrible reflux.
He's out of the picture and here I am, stuck with about a 10-15 pound weight loss total now........I don't exercise, I don't eat right..........I'm feeling pretty low about things, and I need a royal kick in the pants! I can't get a handle on eating right anymore.....it's so easy to be bad when you live alone! I need some help finding my back to being a lapbander....Any advice for me?? I need to get some tips on what you all eat.....I can't remember what normal bandsters eat. I have gone back to what I used to eat.....and I continue to suffer with reflux....Suggestions? I'd appreciate it......Thanks.