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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DawnG

  1. DawnG

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi all. I haven't been online for about a month because I've been really busy with a new job and travel. I am, however, thoroughly fed up with constantly being hungry. I swear I am just as hungry as before surgery and I am not scheduled for my first fill until 10/11. My insurance makes me wait 90 days and I will be away on business so I had to postpone it another 2 weeks beyond that. Is there anyone else that has gone 3 months without a fill? I basically haven't lost a single pound in the past few weeks because I am caving in to my hunger. This is awful and I wish my doctor had warned me I'd have to suffer for this long without any help. It's really frustrating to read that others have already gotten several fills. If anyone is in the same boat, please let me know how you are managing because I am really struggling with this. Thanks!
  2. DawnG

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I feel the same way and don't have any restriction yet. I am scheduled for my next week follow-up on Wednesday and hope that my Dr. will give me the OK for a fill. I am just as hungry now as I was pre-surgery. I actually broke down crying to my boyfriend yesterday because I get so frustrated sometimes. I am trying really hard not to eat large quantities, but I don't get full if I only eat the small portions my doctor recommends at mealtime. I see that others are already on their 2nd or 3rd fill and am jealous. This is definitely much harder than I thought. I prepared myself to make good food choices after surgery, but never thought I'd have to fight off hunger for so long. So far I feel as if I've been going at this alone... I really need the band to start doing its job!
  3. My boyfriend has to lose about 200 pounds and is getting his WLS on Monday. He heard about the Oprah doc and grinned... thinking how much he'd theoretically grow. I'll be sure to let you all know once he reaches the footlong mark! LOL!
  4. Hi there! First of all, you shouldn't be afraid to discuss improving your health with your doctor. If she isn't supportive of your desire to take charge of your weight and health, then its time to find a new doctor! I'm not sure where you live in NYC, but my PCP is in Clark, NJ... just over the Goethals bridge and was extremely supportive. I know its a bit of a drive, but I would completely recommend him if you live in Staten Island. He kept encouraging me during my 6-month supervised weight loss period and wrote two very strongly worded letters of support to submit to my insurance. The letters worked and I was approved for surgery within 1 week. Good luck and let me know if you'd like information on my PCP or surgeon. I'd highly recommend both!
  5. DawnG

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hello all! Just thought I'd share a discovery for "band-friendly" chinese take out. I was on my way home last night and did not feel like cooking so I grabbed a small hot and sour soup and an order of steamed bean curd (tofu) and mixed veggies. I poured the soup on top of the veggies and tofu for flavor. YUM! I only ate about 1/3 of my food and was full... tofu tends to fill me pretty quickly. Just thought you might like to have an option available incase you find yourself just grabbing some takeout.
  6. DawnG

    Question about surgery day

    No catheter for me either. My surgeon believes that his patients are motivated to get up and walk after surgery (to the bathroom!) if he doesn't give one. I did have a bit of a scratchy throat from the breathing tube, but overall was in pretty decent shape. They did send me home with an inspirometer (sp?) which reminded me to take slow deep breaths after the surgery.
  7. DawnG

    Exercise for the Super Sized?

    Actually there are a whole bunch of exercises that can be done from a chair or a hard flat surface. I was taught these during my physical therapy (I had a back injury). I know you can do searches online and find them. Also, you may want to consider the exercise ball. I was terrified mine would burst the first time I used it, but my therapist assured me it could hold me weight and it has. I still use one at home 'cause it's great for strengthening your core muscles.
  8. DawnG

    Surgery Scheduled 07/23

    Lots of luck on your new journey! Congrats on making the decision to take back your health! It's a bit scary, but you can do it!
  9. DawnG

    Question about surgery day

    I'm sure each surgeon does things a bit differently, but here is what my experience was like on surgery day: ~7:30am - arrived at hospital ~8:30am - got a visit from my doc and the anesthesiologist (who promised to give me something to take the edge off ~9:00am - got wheeled into OR for prep, got my sedative and don't remember much else ~12noon - started waking up (I'm horrible with anesthesia!) and got sent for my barium swallow and x-ray ~3pm - woke back up from my pain injection and they let me go home after walking around for a bit Overall, my experience was much better than I feared. Did I mention I am a wimp with pain? I was scared before the surgery, but my mind was put at ease by the great staff at the hospital! GOOD LUCK!
  10. DawnG

    Diet Pepsi

    My doc says no carbonation... ever. He said he's seen people stretch out their pouch by drinking too much soda. The nutritionist said if I must have some soda, that I need to let it go flat first. What's the point in drinking it flat though?!
  11. DawnG

    Goodbye C-Pap!!!

    Congrats Stacy! I also use a CPAP and cannot wait until I can toss mine too. Sleeping with the mask and dealing with the air leaks and tangled hose is a pain in the butt. My pressure is pretty low (6 cm), so I am hoping I can lose enough weight by the end of the year to ditch it!
  12. Sounds like you are doing really well! Congrats and Happy 4th!
  13. Sandra, Congrats on your surgery! I had my surgery on 6/25 and have my port in the same spot. It was really sore for the first four or five days and has gotten much better. I had lots of trouble twisting/bending to use the ladies room and also to get into bed. Mine is just sore now, but not much pain. Hopefully yours will do the same.
  14. I was very uncomfortable for the first few days, but now I am feeling great. Except for the hunger. I was able to drive 200+ miles yesterday for an interview and today spent the day tooling around with my fiance. If you hang in there for a few more days, it will get better
  15. I ordered all of my shakes from GNC and got their "gold card" for $15 so I could get a discount every month. I figured it was worth it. They'll ship for free if you order a certain amount and you can usually find dicount codes on the web if you google them. You'll end up saving about 25% and get them delivered to your door. What could be easier?
  16. I absolutely would recommend against driving. Not only are you risking the chance of blots clots due to immobility, but you also are risking an accident because you will not be able to react quicky to situations. Also, it is extremely unsafe to drive if you are taking any presciption pain meds like Percocet. My doc told me not to drive until I was off them for at least 24 hours. Do you really want to manage the trip with no pain medications either? Call the airline and ask for an aisle seat in coach (try to get seated on the left side of the plane so you can lean right into the aisle, since your left side will be sorest). If you check with a travel agent, you can probably also find a flight that is underbooked and maybe even find a way to get an empty seat next to you. Worst case, if you absolutely want the extra room, book two coach fares and put up the arm rest. You'll have plenty of room and save $$ over first class. The only thing you'll miss out on is the 1st class meal LOL GOOD LUCK!
  17. DawnG

    How Long??

    For me it was 7 months. I needed to do six months worth of supervised diet for my insurance to cover it, so I did that December - May. I was scheduled for surgery in June.
  18. DawnG

    1 week post op and starving

    My doctor requires 48 hours clear liquid and then a full-liquid diet until our two-week follow-up. As long as everything is OK, we are allowed to do the soft/pureed food for the next 2 weeks. I was told we could have cream Soup, smooth yogurt, puddings, applesauce w/out chunks, and whipped cottage cheese during the liquid stage. Of course, this is in addition to any low-calorie non-carbonated beverages and Protein shakes. I pureed a can of vegetarin chili 'til it was liquid today for lunch. I hope I didn't push it too far. I just couldn't stand the darn cream Soups anymore. There were no chunks in the chili so I hope I didn't damage anything by cheating a bit. Anyone have any creative ideas for the liquid stage?
  19. DawnG

    Just starting out...

    Hi Kelly, My fiance is also a teacher As long as you get your surgery the week before having to go back to school, you should feel fine. I had my lapband surgery one week ago today and I was out shopping and doing normal stuff with minimal discomfort. You won't be able to lift the 4 year-old for a few weeks and the first days might be rough so I'd be sure you have some help around the house. In terms of insurance approval, I've been told they are all different. Mine required a 6-month supervised diet to approve. Once I submitted all my records, I was approved in a week. I've heard others don't ask for the 6 months and will approve with a high BMI and/or co-morbidities. Your best best is to discuss it with the surgeon's office about your particular insurance... they usually have an "expert" on staff to deal with the insurance company crap. Also, make sure your insurance doesn't have an exclusion for weigh-loss surgery. It's alot to think about, but if you are like me, you probably have tried it all and are at your wits end. I am SO glad I made the decision to do this and would recommend it to anyone in a similar situation. Good luck! Dawn
  20. DawnG

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I can't wait until I get to eat something other than liquids... I am so hungry all the time! My post-op visit is scheduled for 7/11 and it sure seems like an eternity until then :eek: Rhonda, I was thinking of trying the elliptical too this week but am a bit afraid. I wasn't sure if that motion would be good for my healing. Did your Dr. suggest it? Thanks, Dawn
  21. Wow DBA! Can you tell me what you've done to lose 62 lbs in 6 weeks? I'll suffer through anything if I can have those results! Ja9, thanks for responding to my post. You've made me feel better. I was worried that I wasn't doing something right. It can't hurt me to drink too much liquid, can it? I've being trying to stick to small portions on my Soup and yogurt but I have been letting myself as much as I want. Can anyone else chime in on this one? Thanks, Dawn
  22. Hello All! I'm brand new to this site and scheduled for surgery on 6/25/07. I'm excited and nervous all at once I live on the border of Northern PA and NJ and my surgeon is Dr. Bertha (Florham Park, NJ). If anyone has been to him or his partner, Dr. Abkin, I'd appreciate feedback. Thanks so much! Dawn
  23. Thanks for your response. I didn't make the support group meeting on the 27th... still too uncomfortable for the car ride. I am feeling much better by now, but I am hungry all the time. Is this normal? Please tell me it gets better!
  24. Gina, It's almost too easy for me to get everything down. I constantly feel hungry. I've been drinking 2-3 bottles of Water per day PLUS my Protein Shakes and some creamy Soup and yogurt. How about you? Dawn
  25. Ok, another question for the group. I am feeling almost no restriction 5 days out from banding (6/25) and am curious if i should be this hungry. I am able to drink a 1/2 liter bottle of Water in less than 2 hours (thats 25 oz) and an 8 oz Protein shake in about 1/2 hour. I have yogurt in 3oz increments and I am starving 30 minutes later. I can drink 5 oz of Soup and don't feel full either. Basically, I am so hungry that my stomach is constantly "growling"... even to the point where the hunger pains wake me out of sleep. I feel a slight tight sensation beneath my sternum when I swallow my medication, but that's the oonly time. None of the liquids bother me at all and I haven't had any nausea. I have avoided drinking within an hour of eating, but it doesn't seem to affect my fullness level. Should I be worried? PLEASE tell I me I won't stay this hungry for mcuh longer! Or is this how I should expect to feel until I get my first fill? Thanks so much! Dawn

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