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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NotLookinBack

  1. NotLookinBack

    and now the waiting begins......

    I feel ya.. I have been waiting on the drs office to change the insurance code so we can finish up appointments and I can get a surgery sat for the past two weeks.. Hope all goes well for you and you hear something soon!
  2. NotLookinBack

    Really disgusted

    I have told a few co workers, friends and family. I had a mixed bag of responses. I got the few that were supportive.. The few that put a smile on their faces and said "well I guess it's your decision" Then I had a quite a few that had negative feedback and comments like your taking the easy way out, you need to try harder with diet and exercise, you need to stop giving up.. And my all time favorite I knew you were fat enough to need to exercise but I didn't think you were fat enough to have that surgery. Fr the ones that asked questions I answered them, perhaps to plant that seed and maybe change their lives for the better. And for the ones that gave negativity I say screw them I don't need them in my life anyway. Some are co-workers so I have to deal with them but I will no longer talk to them about anything other than work.
  3. I am sooo deflated with this whole thing.. I am sooo over it.. the doctor's office has such a non-shalont attitude about things. I have called and emailed a million times trying to figure out if they changed the code with insurance… I just got of the phone with insurance and a whole new claim has to be submitted by the doctor.. and I got a nasty email from the insurance lady at the doctor’s office earlier saying that she is busy and she can’t submit my stuff this week because she is covering vacations and she has more important things to do that pertain to some patients that have potential life threatening issues not a procedure that is elective.. :’( My vent.... I am a planner.. I have two small kids, a full time career, I volunteer a lot, and I have things and other obligations that I need to move around when it comes to surgery. I want this more than anything.. and it is driving me crazy not being able to plan things down to a T.. I have to have some sort of plan.. I won't have to worry about loosing my hair 3-4 months post-op.. I am going to pull it all out now.. :'(
  4. It's just that this process is draining anyway.. then add other people's attitudes and insurance issues on it.. it's a wonder we aren't in the crazy house by the end of it..
  5. NotLookinBack

    Post op complications

    Sorry you are having issues.. hope all goes well and you have a quick and painless recovery..
  6. Waiting on insurance to approve sleeve( the approve the lap band not sleeve because wrong paper work got submitted) then waiting on EDG, then waiting on my surgery date.. I'm so tired of waiting.. I started all this in January.. I am a planner so all this not knowing is killing me..
  7. NotLookinBack

    Got my date!

    Congrats on the date.. Hope all goes well for you!
  8. NotLookinBack

    started my process!

    Welcome.. Hope all goes well for you!
  9. NotLookinBack

    And, now the wait

    Hope all goes well for you and you get an approval letter soon!
  10. NotLookinBack

    Super bummed

    I heard last Tuesday from my doctor that my surgery was approved by insurance. But they submitted the wrong code.. Hey submitted the one for the Lap-Band.. So they had to call in the new code to insurance to assure approval. As of Friday evening they still haven't done this.. And they won't set up anymore of my appointments until this is done. So once again I am at a stand still.. I am a planner and would love to know when my life is gonna change.. Ugh.. Just bummed I guess..
  11. NotLookinBack

    Super bummed

    Thanks guys.. Was just hoping to know something!
  12. I kinda know what your talking about.. And I'm tired of hearing because I'm technically considered a lightweight.. People saying wow.. You? Or my favorite thus far.. Well I don't think your that fat.. Your fat enough for exercise but not that surgery.. SMH
  13. NotLookinBack

    New and Waiting.2013

    Welcome.. Hope all goes well for you..
  14. NotLookinBack

    Just saying Hellooo...

    Welcome.. And the first step is always the hardest and most important step to take..
  15. NotLookinBack

    1st post... anxious

    Best of luck to you.. All will go well.. Just take it a day at a time!
  16. Hello all I am new to the site.. I just wanted to introduce myself. I am Crystal and I am on the journey of WLS. I started my journey in Jan. of this year and just found out that it was submitted to insurance on Friday for pre-approval. I am sooooo nervous. My BMI is a little below where they want it to be which is 40 but I hope that isn't an issue. I have a long list of family histry medical issues, as well as my own medical issues that are starting. So everyone please send good jue jue my way. Just out of curiousity.. because I seem to be siding more with a sleeve than the band but why did everyone go with a sleeve as apposed to a band?
  17. NotLookinBack

    New to the site..

    Hang in there hun.. Friday is only a day away.. hope all goes well for you!
  18. NotLookinBack

    I got approved!

  19. I am very open and honest with my 8 year old daughter.. I tell her everything that is going on with my life. She has been to a couple of my doctors appointments with me where we were discussing the procedure or my weight.. Since then she has started to say oh my fat hips or my fat thighs.. She is tiny..a small fry.. I tried to explain to her that she is a healthy weight and that she isn't fat and mommy is doing this to get healthy I just don't know if what she has heard from me being to open and honest has harmed her.. :'(
  20. NotLookinBack

    XXX rated super serious question!

    I was reading these to my boyfriend and he just smiled and said I'd be more than glad to help you get your protein baby.. Lol
  21. NotLookinBack

    So is SEX better now?

    My boyfriend and I have a pretty healthy sex life now.. Lol.. I was reading some of this stuff to him last night.. And he was like oh god I'm in trouble after you have this surgery.. Lol I can't wait to try the whole him picking me up and putting me against a wall.. That's always been a fantasy of mine!,!
  22. NotLookinBack

    Look out world, here I come in a bikini

    Get'em girl.. you look great!! Kudos on going out in a bikini.. not for me this summer.. maybe next summer though...
  23. NotLookinBack

    Paper wok submitted but....

    Hope all goes well for you.. sending good jue jue your way..

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