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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NotLookinBack

  1. The insurance company called them and gave them my approval number while I was on the phone.. so I know that they had it. Oh well it is what it is.. all I can do now is wait.. and hope and pray that when I go on 8-1 they will go ahead and schedule then..
  2. One of the first threads that I saw on this sight which compelled me to join.. was one titled the same as mine. That thread is older.. so I figured that I would start us a new one! What would be the song of your WLS journey? Mine would be No Giving Up by Crossfade
  3. I feel ya.. I wanted to have it done before my kids went back to school and before the tail end of August because my daughters birthday is Sept 7, I didn't want it close to her birthday just in case something went wrong. I am a planner darnit.. I need to know so I can plan the rest of my life around it.. ;D
  4. NotLookinBack


    Tentatively scheduled for the 23rd.. But won't know until Aug 1st when I have my appointment with the surgeon..
  5. NotLookinBack


    Congrats.. Wish you and the hubby have a smooth surgery and speedy recoveries..
  6. It's still up in the air as to when I will actually have mine.. I go on the first for my first visit with the surgeon.. From there we are gonna schedule my EDG and hopefully my surgery too..
  7. So I talked to Amy.. And it was a waste of 20 minutes.. She just reiterated everything I already knew. . Upside though I have my first appointment with the surgeon on August 1st.. Still have to get the EDG scheduled then I can have my date.. Soo still in the waiting game
  8. My tentative date is the 23rd..
  9. NotLookinBack

    What's your journey song?

    I have one of those too.. Don't stop believin
  10. That's awesome.. thank you for sharing this!!
  11. Hang in there darlin.. It's hard.. I'm not going to lie.. this has been one of the most stressful things that I have done.. just know that we will and can get through this.. eventually
  12. So I finally did it.. I sent the lead person of the unit an email this evening explaining everything.. she emailed me back within 30mins saying that she will look into it and get back to me tomorrow... this is the email that I sent her.. do you think that I got my point across? Good afternoon Amy.. How are you this evening? As for me well I am sure that I could be better. As you may or may not know I am an active patient going through the bariatric program. The reason that I am writing you today is that there are something that are bothering me in the care that I am receiving. First of all I want to say that I love RMH, I try to stay local as often as possible when it comes to my medical care. With that being said I started my journey in January of this year. When I started the journey I knew going into it that it wouldn’t be something that happened over night. I have done all of the tests that have been required of me in a timely manner and tried my best to stay on top of my care. I like to know what’s going on and where things are in the process. I understand that there is a protocol to how things are done. And I understand completely the need for such protocol. All of my documents were submitted to insurance and I received approval from my insurance company on June 21st. I was so excited and looking forward to finishing the process and getting my new lifestyle started. With that being said the wrong procedure had been submitted to insurance for approval. Which has caused delays in my care that I don’t think should have been there. When I started my journey Bonnie and I had talked and I was still undetermined as to which procedure I wanted. I have been in constant contact with her via phone, email. I have also been in the office several times since the beginning of my journey and not once was it asked of me as to which procedure I wanted before it got sent to insurance. Thus causing a delay. A co-worker of mine started her journey around the same time that I did. However she took a few months off from hers due to other health conditions. Her and I spoke the other night and she has been ushered through the entire process and received her surgery date today. I find this ludacris, how can we have the same insurance and the same care provider but she has the fast track and I am being stalled? Another things that is concerning me is the way that I am being treated by Bonnie. I know that I may be a bit of a worry-wart. And I know that your office is a very busy place, and that I am not the only patient that you all have. I am not that naive. However as a patient I don’t want my doctors or doctors assistants to be rude to me, not return emails and/or phone calls. As an example today when I called her to ask about my progress when she answered the phone she was super happy and nice, as soon as she heard that it was me on the other end you could hear her tone change completely. I don’t think that I am asking for special care. And I don’t think that I am asking too much. I just honestly feel that my care and myself are being ignored. And as a paying patient I feel that my care should be just as good as everyone else’s. If there is something that I am doing or not doing for that matter that is delaying the process that I would like to know. Other than that I don’t see why my progress is so slow. I normally don’t complain when it comes to things like this. However this has literally gone too far. Thank you very much for your time, Crystal
  13. NotLookinBack

    August 2013 Roll Call

    Congrats on the date..
  14. NotLookinBack

    Pre-Op Begins Today

    Best of luck to you.. Hope all goes well for you!
  15. NotLookinBack

    Can we talk bras

    I can't wait to buy the cute bras.. You know the ones that have matching underwear.. Or to go into VS and actually be able to buy something instead of them having to order it
  16. NotLookinBack


    I can't wait to walk into our Debs store in the mall and not go to the plus sized side.. I want to go to the other side.. The one with a lot more variety..
  17. NotLookinBack

    August 2013 Roll Call

  18. NotLookinBack


    First of all.. welcome.. I'm per op as well.. I went on vacation and you know how vacations do you.. Yummy food, different places, alcohol.. I did it all. And when I went to the nutritionalist the week after it showed! I gained 4.5 pounds in the week at I was gone.. When they told me my actions could prolong the process that I will have to come back the following week and weigh in again.. I knew I had to straighten up.. I came back did a food journal everyday.. Got all my water and protein in.. And the following week I had lost the 4.5 pounds I gained on vacation.. I was so happy with myself I have kept it up.. And lost 10 pounds total since my bad weigh in.. Keep your head up and know that it's ok to fall of the rocker sometimes.. Just gotta climb back on it.. You got this!,
  19. NotLookinBack

    Wait time for surgery

    I didn't to do six months dieting (perhaps its because I did a year of it on my own free will prior to starting the process for surgery.) but I have been jumping through hoops and going to doctors since Jan.. And I still don't have a surgery date.. I was approved with insurance 6-21..
  20. Looks like I am stuck.. I called every hospital/weight loss center within two hours from me.. And all of them want to make me start from scratch at the beginning..
  21. Hey all I wanted to see if anyone has ordered from this website and if it can be trusted. I am always iffy about ordering things over the Internet and I just wanted to know if anyone has ever had any issues..
  22. NotLookinBack

    Another newbe!

  23. NotLookinBack

    Feeling relieved!

    Congrats on the date! Hope all goes well for you
  24. NotLookinBack

    It's my turn.....good news

    Congrats on the approval and the date..

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