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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NotLookinBack

  1. NotLookinBack

    surgery Thursday

    Yeah I have to do two weeks.. As soon as I find my surgery date out..
  2. NotLookinBack

    Surgery MONDAY!

    I don't have surgery on Monday.. But wanted to wish all of you that are a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery!
  3. NotLookinBack

    Hardest thing to do

    I'm preop so I don't know what your going through.. Yet.. Soon I hope.. But I just wanted to give you some words of encouragement.. You got this.. You can do it.. And know when it's all said and done that you will be on the losers bench!
  4. NotLookinBack

    surgery Thursday

    Your very welcome.. Just know everything is going to go great.. And when it's all said and done you will end up on the losers bench.. Never thought you would see the day when that statement was a great thing, huh? Lol..
  5. NotLookinBack

    Journey just starting!

    Welcome.. I have UHC as well.. I am still preop.. Just waiting on my actual surgery date to be scheduled... It's been a long time coming.. I hope all goes well for you and the whole process is smooth..
  6. NotLookinBack

    surgery Thursday

    I hope all goes well for you.. Wishing you a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery..
  7. Hi Bennie and Cupcake.. This forum is a great place to find information.. I am preop myself.. I hope all goes well for you both..
  8. I haven't had surgery yet.. But some co workers of mine have. We all work in a lab where no food is allowed.. The others tend to keep a protein shake and the little bottles of water too. And for the one drink we are allowed to have and sip on all night is a mixture of isopure and crystal light. That way you are getting your protein in and saving your one meal for food.. Just a thought
  9. NotLookinBack

    8 month Post Op Photo Shoot

    Looking good.. Keep up the great work!
  10. NotLookinBack

    13 months After VSL

    Congrats on the success.. You look great!
  11. NotLookinBack

    Time to party

    Way to go.. Keep them coming off.. You got it girl
  12. NotLookinBack

    Leaving dir hospital

    Hope all goes well for you.. Wishing you a smooth surgery and speedy recovery..
  13. NotLookinBack

    This is all new for me...

    Welcome.. This is a great place to find information.. But like said before me.. You will find everyone's story is different and it's all based off of what our doctors have said.. And yours may say something different.. Always follow what your doctor says.. And I hope all goes well for you..
  14. NotLookinBack


    Congrats hope all goes well for you..
  15. Started the process in January.. And still waiting on a date. Been jumping through hoops the entire time. Had a physc eval, upper GI test, met with nut several times, met with family doctor several times, met with coordinator several times, have my first meeting with the surgeon on 8-1, still have an EDG and labs to do.. Then hopefully will have my date.. Hopefully..
  16. NotLookinBack


    I have been jumping through hoops since January.. And still jumping.. I still don't have a surgery date.. Once paperwork was completed and sent to insurance my insurance approved it in two days.. Now just waiting for the doctors office
  17. NotLookinBack

    Submitted! Wish me luck!

    Sending good jue jue your way..
  18. NotLookinBack

    Surgery Scheduled

    Congrats.. Hope all goes well for you
  19. NotLookinBack

    Finally got my date....

    Congrats on the date!! I hope that all goes well for you.. and you have a smooth surgery and speedy recovery!!
  20. NotLookinBack

    Labs and tests complete

    I have had my phyc eval, and my upper GI. The last two things that I have to do is meet my surgeon (I go on August 1st..) and then get my EKG done.. then hopefully I will have a surgery date.. ** fingers and toes crossed**
  21. My paperwork was submitted to insurance for the second time last Tuesday.. I called insurance on Friday to check the status and I was approved. So I called and emailed my coordinator with the good news. I emailed her again Monday.. No response to any of the calls or emails I sent. So I called her first thing this morning to ask ifs head received my messages and the insurance approval.. All I got from her was yes I got them.. Then she tells me I have to wait until she sees if the insurance sent over the approval. (Which they did as of last Wednesday.. I called and asked) She won't schedule anymore of my appointments.. Won't give me a surgery date.. Ughhhhh.. I am so frustrated.. I just want to know what's going on! I know they are busy and part of it is me being impatient and super excited to start my new life.. But the other part is I seriously think she's avoiding me..
  22. NotLookinBack

    Labs and tests complete

    Your looking at it in the wrong way.. two pounds gone is still two pounds gone.. it's a win.. you have to start taking the small wins and relize that they are still wins in the end.. as for the timeline.. I'm not sure.. I'm still pre-op myself.. guess I just wanted to chime in and say congrats on the two pounds!!
  23. Great idea on purging the cabinets.. I have already started a little.. and dedicated a shelf for 'Mom's Stuff' no one is allowed to eat my stuff.. that way I won't feel the need to go out and buy more..

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