Im in the process of going through all the pre-op stuff, and question myself daily. Usually, I think Im doing the right thing, but there are moments when I wonder if I can live with this decision. Im being asked to give up even more than just the food. I have been a diet dew junkie for years, and can't have that anymore. I've smoked most of my life, and they tell me I have to quit that. I know that all that isn't good for me either, but they want me to give up all of my vices at once. Seems some days that Im gonna go crazy just trying. I know it's the right thing to do, and I've got lots of support. I've kicked the diet dew for the most part, and have an appointment with my doctor to discuss some quit smoking stuff. I guess Im worried, cuz I've tried to quit smoking many times before, and failed. What happens if I can't make that hurdle? Anyone out there who smokes after the band or who gave it up before? Also, my personal doc is VERY adamentley against my having this surgery.