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Posts posted by MouseOnTheMile

  1. Why would Albertans go to Mexico when you can get it in Canada for free?? I am scheduled for November 14 in Calgary and pretty excited about it and have the Alberta health services support behind me including dieticians psychologists and nurses including monthly support meetings... Go Alberta and Canada

    Because I'm not waiting the two years and jumping through hoops. I want it enough I'm willing to fit the bill. I've been on the list for almost a year and haven't even gotten a call to book my first appointment.

  2. LOL.....I doubt that model ever had a weight problem.

    Of course she didn't. The garment is marketed both to surgery recoverers (burn victims, plastics surgery and weight loss patients) and also to just people who want lifting and toning products.

    The brand is from South America where they worship their asses so of course they are going to choose a model that has an ideal shape their native focus group desires. That doesn't mean the compression garment won't aide in reducing my excess skin.

    Compression garments were recommend and this was the only high tension brand that went to the knee and over the shoulder, both important to me as I have worn many uncomfortable control tops in my past and wanted something I wouldn't hate wearing daily. Just because I'll never look like the model doesn't mean the garment doesn't work for lifting toning and slimming.

    Plus, why can't we dream of having an ass like that? Isn't that how most of us start looking into wls? Isn't that what helps us through the hard nights? The vision of a happy, healthier, more active self, all with smaller clothing and maybe, just maybe, a nicer ass? Hahahaha! Trust me I don't think many people buying that garment for skin reduction have the delusion that they are going to look like the model.

  3. I am super excited at the prospect of being able to shop for common sizes in any store. Of course I realize things may still fit funny even after weight loss because of my body shape' date=' I'm still excited. The link posted above about using a few pieces to create multiple outfits is great. Good luck to everyone before and after![/quote']

    I have a favorite list FULL of items on Etsy I want to purchase when I'm goal... That place is dangerous!

  4. Funny! IVs for surgery are usually in the back of your hand or on the side of your wrist' date=' not in the crook of your arm. If a skilled nurse places it, it often goes in even without a pinch.[/quote']

    *Throws up again*.

    Thank you everyone for the reassurance, it's still the only part I'm freaking out about. Also, I've never been put under, never been drunk, or done any kind of drug (even when I was offered drugs before for other medical procedures I simply refused and did it without them). I hate not being in control of myself so hopefully I'm ok with anesthetic.

  5. I'm with Dr Ortiz at OCC in TJ November 12th and his credentials speak for themselves. He has even taught bariatrics at Yale part time haha. I find that impressive anyway.

    It said in my contract I'm not allowed to discuss prices an so I won't but you should check him out, his coordinators as super helpful and patient with all your questions and they aren't pushy salesmen types either. I asked lots of questions before setting a date and they never harassed or spammed my email with ploys to get me to sign up. Carolyn is awesome. Also my dad is coming with me and he gets to stay at the Marriott while I'm in the hospital free of charge (it's included in the package). All around I'd recommend him.

  6. Haven't had surgery yet' date=' but i wanted to know does it get expensive when it comes to buying clothes after surgery. Because I'll be losing weight fast, I'll have to go shopping constantly. Which i would love but I don't got it like that. Lol


    Shopping is shopping and will always be expensive (especially once we start enjoying it more!). That being said, I think there are definitely some tricks to keep things on the cheap side, at lease until I reach goal, then let the splurge begin!

    Obviously visiting the sale racks or thrift stores is what most people would recommend first. Especially as you start wearing smaller sizes. Usually the discount racks have the smaller available sizes (which now you'll fit hehe).

    But my top way I'm going to save cash before goal (besides wearing things until the very last second and FINALLY utilizing some under sized goal clothes I invested in a long time ago haha) is my younger sister has always been the smaller of the two of us, she fluctuates between 170-180 and wears medium to large female sizes. While we have different body shapes (she's a pear, I'm hourglass), she has a clothes hoarding problem and I already asked if as I drop down in weight she'd be willing to loan/donate any to me. She agreed.

    I don't know how many family members or friends you have that are going to know, but if you have someone who does who also wears in between sizes (M,L,XL depending how much you have to lose), maybe ask some of them :)

    Sorry for the rant haha

  7. Sorry to revive this thread haha but just wanted to add something I didn't see anyone else add:

    I am still fairly young, would love to lose 100pounds as my goal weight. My surgery is November 12th.

    To help my skin rebound I purchased an "after surgery" compression suit. I made sure to get one that goes over my shoulders and to the knee for maximum coverage and to prevent it rolling down or up uncomfortably since ideally I'll be wearing it everyday.

    If anyone wants the name of the brand, shoot me an email. They come from South America, I got mine on Amazon for a discounted amount, brand new I might add haha. But after all my research, it was the only one that met all my requirements that Walmart compression pieces just couldn't achieve. You can also work out in them to keep everything where it needs to be during shrinking exercises. I'll attach a photo of the one I ended up going with but they do have different styles to suit different needs.

    They go up to a XXXL, they fit extremely tight, so I might have to lose a bit of weight before I can even get into it but it closes on the front and the specific one I chose has a three clip system (exactly like a bra) so as you shrink, you can tighten the garment!

    I am so pleased with it once I shrink enough that it doesn't fit I plan to buy a second smaller one :)

    Ps YAY for butt lifting hahaha


  8. Just to expand on gamers post, the Biotin and other hair supplements unfortunately won't prevent Hair loss for most of us. Surgery triggers what people refer to as "shockloss". The stress of surgery makes your body shut down production of new hair (think of it as your body going into red alert, it doesn't know why you had surgery and are suddenly not eating as much and dropping a ton of weight, it starts relegating nutrients for only very important systems, so Hair growth gets nixed). You still continue to naturally shed as we all do, but there's no new growth to replace it.

    Once your body adjusts, it'll flip the hair growth switch back on and your hair will start to come back, this is where your Biotin, hair supplements and collagen shampoos with help it grow faster and stronger, preventing breakage so that you'll be back to full in less time :) hope that helps!

  9. The needle is only in for a moment as the IV is started - then it comes out and a soft flexible tiny "tube" is left in place. Lots more comfortable than a needle. Try not to worry' date=' it shouldn't be that bad.[/quote']

    Thank you for the reassurance! Though the thought of the flexible thingy in there made me puke hahaha. Better than a needle of course, but I'm a super wimp with this phobia. Whenever someone mentions touching my veins or ditches (the inside of your elbow), I T-Rex (bend my arms in close to myself so that only my hands stick out hahaha) almost immediately uncontrollably and can't relax them for several minutes. I look ridiculous lol!

  10. my pre-op starts the 28th as well! My surgery is on the 12th....4 weeks from today!

    Yay we have another "sufferer" MouseOnTheMile!! The more the merrier ;). Just kidding guys. It's just nice to know we are not alone in this journey. Everyone here has been great. Best Wishes SkinnyScarlett!! I'm here for you ;)

    Hahaha awesome! Let the suffering begin I guess!

    I hope I do alright on the liquid, that I'm not H-ANGRY all the time. The only part of surgery that worries me is the IV... Never had one and I have a phobia of people touching my veins and tendons so I'm thinking a needle being in there is gonna make me pass out/throw up.

    That and my dad decided he wanted to be the one to come with me. Hopefully he doesn't need to help me go to the bathroom or witness me tripping over my own feet and rip my gown off... Cause if it would happen to anyone, it would be me hahaha.

  11. Today is Canadian thanksgiving, dinner at my Nonna's house, she's making all her best dishes. I start my liquid diet on the 28th of October and so this will be my last "real" family dinner. I am gonna eat as much as possible, less because I want to, but for my grandmothers sake. It seems like an odd thing to say but that's an Italian grandmothers ultimate joy, cooking so good her family wants to vomit from how much they consume.

    She knows soon I will be able to come over but will be eating significantly less. That will be hard for her because she won't understand it takes less to fill me up, and will probably think I'm always hungry haha. She's supportive none the less and I'm sure once she sees the results she'll be nothing but thrilled for me. But until the 28th! VIVA LA PASTA!

  12. Hi MouseOnTheMile--my hubby is very nervous for me' date=' supportive, but would rather I changed my mind.lol...He does understand the struggle I have had over the years.

    After the surgery in TJ..we are going to stay in LA for a break and rest for a few days as we have a long plane ride back to Northern Canada.[/quote']

    I'm in Edmonton, Alberta and I'm going to Tijuana to see Dr Ortiz :) I'm sure once your hubby knows you're safe and sound after surgery, he'll be nothing but pleased you had it, especially when he sees the results and how it will improve your life.

  13. 23 more days!!!! Can't wait. Starting to get nervous. Wish my husband was more supportive.

    Oh that's unfortunate :/ I have told my whole immediate family, and two friends. The friends are pretty supportive and weirdly so is my grandma. My parents are starting to come around, my sister is the one that's most stubborn about it.

    What is your husbands hang ups (Feel free to private message me if you prefer)? Maybe we can help you put his mind more at ease and get him on the sleeve bandwagon hehe

  14. So today was the last day of my Mexico surgery excursion. We woke up this AM and went to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. My parents had the buffet which they said was delicious. It was only 25 US dollars which for a hotel buffet I thought was fantastic. Of course I had my complimentary broth and Water and b-lined for the tobacco/gift shop for my delicious lime popsicle. I was supposed to be at the clinic at 930 but didn't get there until around 10ish. I will say I'm a go with the flow person so waiting for the drivers to come and go did bother some people' date=' but it didn't bother me at all. At the clinic, we waited to all be seen and again Dr Ortiz comes through and stops and high fives everyone on the couches. Where that man gets all his energy, I have no idea! Whatever it is, I hope he put some in the Enspira vitamins!! I went into the X-ray room a short time later where I met Dr So. He said he was in for my surgery Monday and that everything in there looked great. I asked him about the staples in my stomach and there effect on future exams and he said the staples are made of titanium and would have no effect on MRIs, Ultrasounds, or any other scan I might have later in life. He gave me a cup of what tasted like leptons bismol minus the flavoring and told me to tap a sip. We watched as the Fluid moved through my esophagus, through what looked like a really tiny tummy, then down into my small bowel. He told me to take a bigger sip the next time which I did and we watched again. Dr So said everything looked good and took me back to the EKG/exam room where he took off the dressing and took out the drain. The drain removal was just a bit uncomfortable and right at the end burned a bit. He said I was the only patient who he's ever heard want to keep it for a while longer. It was a safety net knowing everything was fine in there. He cleansed the area really well for me and put steri-strips over the drain site. Then I was good to go.

    We finally left the OCC after waiting a while for another patient to finish. We got to the border crossing and exited the van with our belongings. We exited the van at 1218 then were back in the van on the other side at 1250 so this day it wasn't bad. We did have a couple of wobbly people in the group, one being my dad, so I'm glad it didn't take too long. This trip is definitely not for the elderly in the family to make. I would definitely consider how many times you have to get in and out of the van, moving belongings, lifting, etc. when you choose who to bring with you down here. They have to get into and out of the van using a stepstool since the van is high off the ground. We are driving into Mexicoach right now!


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    Thank you again for this detailed insight!


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