Hello, my name is Angel, I am 37 years old. I am considering VGS surgery. It is really hard for me to even say that, and I feel like I should be ashamed, like I couldn’t do something on my own. I have spent years trying to lose weight. I have not seen the other side of 200 since high school. I have recently hit my highest weight of 335 pounds. I am so scared of surgery, and when you mention it to loved ones the first thing people seem to want to tell you is that you are going to die, or they know someone who was related to someone’s father’s sister’s uncle that died in surgery or complications of surgery. There is so much fear out there, but I had a daughter a year ago and the thought of not being around for her is the worst. I am torn between being here for her like this and not playing with her the way I want, or getting this surgery and risking my life, but possibly having the chance to be the Mom I want to be. I don’t want to do this to look hot; I know I won’t ever wear a bikini. I just want to be able to ride a sleigh in the snow with my kid. When I was pregnant, I didn’t gain barely any weight, because I had to eat a certain way, for my baby to be healthy. I had a great pregnancy, no problems at all despite my weight of 265. That experience has shown me that if I have to eat a certain way, because my body is demanding it, I will. So I started thinking of VGS, because I think I am the kind of person who will follow the rules and eat what I am supposed to, because I have too. I guess I am just looking for encouragement; I am sooooo scared and have no support. Everyone around me that I have mentioned this to is acting like I am giving up or something. I am attending a seminar next week. It is my first step and then I will see. I know my insurance will cover it, and I love my hospital. I am just scared and not wanting to give up on the idea that I can lose 150+ pounds on my own… though the most I have ever managed was 65…. Sorry for the long winded entry… just looking for something…courage I guess. Is it like this for everyone? I just want to know that I am not alone in this...