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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Nursebarbie

  1. I'm a nurse too. What I am doing is crushing pepcid 20mg tab twice a day and take it in a tsp of juice. Other options include reglan which is a rx. That made me feel weird. Also if you are not getting enough fluids in that can also make you feel nausea as well as things that are too sugary too fatty too acid to spicey can irritate your stomach lining. I would feel better if you checked with your doctor asap.

  2. Years ago back before I got the lapband I had lost 40 pounds in 6 weeks doing Atkins. I bought a pair of white pants in 2 sizes smaller. I'd try them on everyday. I got into them in 6 weeks.

    Unfortunately, in another 6 weeks I was out of them.

    A month ago I bought another pair of white pants in a regular size 18 vs the 18w I usually wear. Uggh too tight. I put them back into the closet with tags on.

    White pants have become a symbol of success for me. A pair of white pants is one of the most unforgiving things an overweight person can do. Ok, next to a bikini.

    These white pants would now become a tracking tool other than just the scale or measuring. Every morning I pull them on and look in the mirror. The legs are looser however my tummy is still swollen so not able to zip just yet.

    Looking forward to wearing those pants zipped up being amazing in those pants. Let's see just how soon....

    The not so famous white pants - Make me love you!

  3. My ex was a nightmare but I had no idea until after I divorced him he got diagnosed schizophrenic. I left abruptly 7 years ago with my little girl and never looked back. Now I am newly married to a wonderful guy who is light years better than my ex. Staying married to someone who acts like that is a slow death and jeopardizes your child. It is not worth it.

  4. Hey allthatjazz! I do clean eating too with alkaline food principles before I had my surgery. It feels amazing to eat clean. I found this magazine called clean eating at whole foods market and all of the recipes were out of sight good. I plan to go back to eating that way once I can tolerate normal foods. And I get what you're saying in your original post. No worries we are all friends here. I'm sure something you said touched someone where others have failed. Let's keep in touch!

  5. Personally I find everything on here either informative or at least entertaining. People feel safe here to voice their innermost thoughts and that is amazing. We admit our flaws, our flub ups, our fears, our exact weights with each other. How many of your friends know how much you weigh? Instead of being annoyed, be a voice of gentle encouragement. Sometimes venting and getting related feedback from the others here may be more helpful than you know. Right now this site is invaluable to me. Other than my husband I don't have much support. This is the place where we all learn the reality of having a sleeve. This stuff isn't in books. I say that's great!

  6. Just got sleeved a week ago and still reovering. I had the nightmare band experience but I had no idea that the prior lapband doc had butchered me. Used a realize port with lapband tubing which are not interchangeable. Also I had been leaking Fluid for the whole time. And an artery to my spleen had been entrapped inside my band. Basically a ticking time bomb. The sleeve is still so new but what I notice is no choking or uh oh it stuck feeling, no shocks from the port, liquids go down right away instead of siphoning alittle at a time. I'm happy no more fills or crap with this band. If its not working for you get it out. I am so glad its out.

  7. Awww thanks everyone. I asked to be knocked out last night and woke up at 6am. By noon I was discharged and now I am home. Doing better no nausea for two days. Able to sip liquids ok. Ate half Protein Shake but ewww.....not ready for that taste sensation yet. I'm just so tired. Came home to a dirty house. Wow what happened it was clean before I went in? So my hubby and daughter are cleaning up as we speak. Hoping a good nights sleep will give me more energy tomorrow.

  8. Finally I had my private meltdown here at the hospital and cried for an hour. Sometimes I feel so selfish for getting the lapband 2 years ago and being in and out of the hospital since. Now here I am back in the hospital post op getting the band out and yet another procedure to the sleeve. And of course I am sick post op. My poor little girl who happens to be autistic left the hospital tonight hysterical because I'm not coming home tonight. So I lost it. I could really use a friend right now. I'm so far from home and alone in this hospital room. My heart is breaking.

  9. Have to stay one more night. Its because of the damage the slipped lapband caused as to why I am so sick. I vomited for months before they figured out it had slipped. So the surgeon says look if you have a leak, you will be here 3 months to 1 year because we cannot go in and suture it shut. You have to wait for scar tissue to form. Sounds horrible. So I am staying.

  10. Yes we do. I'm still in the hospital right now post op day 4 infact arguing to go home. Been dry heaving the whole time and I was worried about the same thing. So far no issue with leaks or staples concerns. Surgeon says its mainly lifting that strains the line or overeating. By the way I have kicked out one snarky male charge nurse, fired one ER doctor, and filed a complaint about the transferring nurse not notifying my doctor of my transfer delaying care for 3 hours. Yes, nurses make terrible patients. We are our own worst enemy.

  11. I had the same problem same tests and what I found out after they took out the band that it was not only intermittently pushing on my vagal nerve causing the fainting but also there was a trapped artery as well. Still in the hospital but since that horrible band was taken out my bp has been normal.

  12. Surgery June 28th. Band removed converted to sleeve. Surgeon took over 4 hours because my spleenic artery had been trapped in the band. He had to manipulate the pancreas to free the artery to the spleen. Long story short I am back in the hospital after 2 ER visits for nausea and extreme pain. Turns out I have pancreatitis. Will be in the hospital for a few more days. Haven't been able to have anything at all by mouth since I got discharged on Saturday. I am so sick. Will update once I am feeling better.

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