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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Atlgadgetgrrl

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    Advanced Member

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  1. Not me. Doc's regimen is a baby aspirin a day for 3 months.
  2. One of the best bits of advice I have received is to look at the % of EBW you have lost, not the number. While I may have "only" lost a little over 40 lbs, I am now over a third of the way to goal. As a "lightweight" with only a little over 100 lbs to lose, I know I am not going to see big dramatic losses on the scale. I am trying to enjoy the inches lost and maintain a healthy and patient mindset as I go. Good luck to all.
  3. Atlgadgetgrrl

    The letter

    This is such fantastic news!!!!! Congratulations! I so love happy insurance endings!
  4. Atlgadgetgrrl

    I am sick of protein shakes!

    My doc wanted me on skim milk for the first 14 days. It has 8-9 gms Protein per cup- it just might get you through. My tastes are changing weekly. Lately, I can tolerate nectar roadside lemonade and lemon tea. Also, unjury is sitting well right now, too.
  5. Double check your Pepcid - mine says do not crush or chew. It is supposed to dissolve in the intestine and can't make it through the stomach if crushed. Some formulations may allow crushing so ymmv. Re: tummy racket: by day 5, it sounded like a bear had moved into a volcano in my belly. It has settled down 3+ weeks postop.
  6. I had that too. I figured it was either from the steristrip adhesive or contrast used in a CAT scan. Benadryl gel applied topically didn't help. I pulled the strips off, replaced with non reactive band aids, and got approval from my doc to take liquid Benadryl. Two doses later, it faded considerably. Good luck!
  7. Atlgadgetgrrl

    June 2013 Sleevers! "The List"

    My date was the 12th.
  8. Atlgadgetgrrl

    I am having a problem

    Have they checked you post operatively for h pylori? I have a friend who developed gastritis symptoms post op and it turned out to be h pylori. Good luck to you!
  9. Atlgadgetgrrl

    Surgery day--what to take with me?

    I bought a couple of maxi dresses at Walmart. They were cheap, worked as pajamas, and my tummy/incision sites appreciated the empire waistlines!
  10. Atlgadgetgrrl

    10 days post-op and Im hungry!

    Make sure you are getting all your fluids in, as dehtdration can mimic hunger. Also, does your doc have you on a ppi? In my reading, I have discovered that acid can mimic hunger, and that for some, getting on a ppi can really help.
  11. Atlgadgetgrrl


    No drain. Just curious@prettyinpink, how much fluid did you have over a week's time?
  12. Atlgadgetgrrl

    What to include in an ins appeal letter? HELP!

    find out exactly why they denied you and address those concerns item by item. You'll have a specific due date for your reply, so pay close attention to the calendar. My first denial (I had two) was because of height inconsistencies in my medical records. Eventually, I did win.
  13. Atlgadgetgrrl

    Finally got weight watchers to cooperate!

    FWIW, I hired Lindstrom Obesity Advocates for my appeal and it was a great experience. I won, and they held my hand each step of the way. They do an initial consultation, and even after that call, I felt like I had my game back on. They do charge a flat fee for handling appeals, but my rationale was that it was cheaper than private pay. They offer a sliding scale, as well. Good luck in your journey.
  14. Atlgadgetgrrl

    Hints on how to write an appeal letter?

    check your denial letter for the amount of time you have to provide a response. I know with my two denials, there were specific dates mentioned in the letters that the response had to be received by. I can't remember if it was 30 or 60 days. Good luck to you -
  15. Atlgadgetgrrl

    The letter

    I will jump on the Lindstrom wagon here, too. I have United and was denied twice (initial submission and first appeal). My insurance required BMI of 40 and 5 years documentation of morbid obesity. I initially submitted at BMI of 38.3. I got Lindstrom's office involved and they took over from there, and handled my case through my third and final appeal with my husband's employer since it was a self-funded insurance plan. I won. Even better, based on the thoroughness of the argument that Lindstrom's office put together, the medical director at my husband's company realized that their criteria was outdated and instructed United to change their criteria for WLS. So, hopefully, I have opened the door for others through my efforts. I cannot say enough about Kelley. The experience was fantastic. I felt so much better even after our first call. They give a free consultation, and I recommend that you go ahead and get that scheduled because it will lift your spirits. Best of luck on your journey. You can fight this and you can win.

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