I have had hypothyroid for about 12 years. My meds were lowered right around my surgery date. I was re-checked 3 months out and was so out of range my doc thought I stopped taking my synthroid. At this point I started feeling really tired. They put me back on the previous dose and I started feeling better and my levels were improving but not yet back to normal. I believe the problem is that due to the Vitamins that are required, the synthroid needs to be taken separately to be effective. I'm being re-tested this week so we'll how its going. I've also been losing quite a bit of hair. I had this about 10 years ago likely do to the hypothyroidism but you can't really know for sure. Hair loss can also be associated with the weight loss due to the lowering of estrogen levels. Women store estrogen in fat and when you have signifficant weight loss, estrogen levels fall and can reslut in hair loss. I'm not going bald just have lots in the drain in the shower.