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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by nsharrah

  1. 171.0

    I wont hit my goal, but I think ill FINALLY break out of the 170s!! I was reading about a 6month stall? I never hit it but I think thats whats been going in with month 7 for about 6 weeks?? Does this sound familiar? Eh, who cares lets hope!! Valentine's is my birthday, come onnnnn 169!!


  2. Hi bea, hope your trip is going well. I didnt post yesterday because truth is... I have been sucking!! Drinking alot. And then eating.

    Weight for friday 175.

    Plus I had my 8 month checkin on monday and my dr said I was already successful having lost 67% of my excess weight. (Apparently over 60% is a win in their books) and that I could expect to lose another 10 pounds maybe.... I am pushing for 25 then another 20... I am not suree what I am feeling about them considering me to be done??

  3. Best: People noticed a difference in me, said I looked good!

    Worst: my sister told me she lost weight the right way diet Nd exercise, that really hurt my feelings.

    I HATE the misconception that wLS dont diet and exercise!! Ummm hello, I average 3-4miles a day, everyday! And im eating vish, chicken and veggies while others eat pizza!! SmH...let me at her!! I bet in 1000% stronger than her, I can beat her up if yoy want!! Smiley face!

  4. Good Afternoon Bea, Everyone.

    Current weight 174

    Goal weight 165 or less.

    I want to say 160. But idk Valentines Day us my BIRTHDAY!! How awesome would it be to weighless than my wedding day!! I am giving up alcohol for the 45 days til my birthday. It bounces me up and down too much, im going to kick this challenges butt!! I already kicked my walks butt with a new lonfest distance of..... 3.56 milesss woohooooo!! Good luck everyone!!

  5. I lost 95 lbs in 2013.

    Highest weight 267 Current weight 173

    I lost High Blood Pressure

    I lost the need for need for Back Surgery. This weight lost spared me from that.

    I no longer need 10 different medications

    I lost low self esteem

    The need for my skinny neighbor to walk my son to the park because i was short of breath going to the mail box. Well i can walk him now. lol

    Congratulations to everyone for their 2013 accomplishments wishing 2014 to be even better

    Congrads to you! We share alot of accomplishments!

  6. I never had heartburn in my life. I took the over the counter pepcid (for 6 weeks as directed) then stopped. Not to long after that I started getting the worst heartburn, ever I kept a huge bottle of tums by my bed and was chewing them like 15 times a day. I went on prevacid and have been taking it daily. Im 7 and a half months oyt. If I dont take it, I feel ravenous within 24 hours. I think im starving but im not its the acid. I take so many Vitamins I just consider it another Vitamin. Lol, better than wanting to eat everything.

  7. In 2013 I lost 80.6 pounds. Surgery 5.21.13

    I lost my addiction to SEVERAL pain medications and antidepressants.

    I lost my need to have a 2ND spinal surgery.

    I lost the feeling that I HaVE to exercise. I do it because I want it in my life.

    I lost my size 26pants and 3xl tops, to a 10-12 pants, and med, lg WOMENS shirt.

    Yesterday my 8 year old told me the skinnier I get, the taller I get. ♥ im 5'6.

    I am 42.8 pounds away from a goal no one thought possible.

    Cant wait to see what I say about 2014!

    Oh my resolution has NOTHING to do w weight, for the first time in a longgg time!

  8. In 2013 I lost 80.6 pounds. Surgery 5.21.13

    I lost my addiction to SEVERAL pain medications and antidepressants.

    I lost my need to have a 2ND spinal surgery.

    I lost the feeling that I HaVE to exercise. I do it because I want it in my life.

    I lost my size 26pants and 3xl tops, to a 10-12 pants, and med, lg WOMENS shirt.

    Yesterday my 8 year old told me the skinnier I get, the taller I get. ♥ im 5'6.

    I am 42.8 pounds away from a goal no one thought possible.

    Cant wait to see what I say about 2014!

    Oh my resolution has NOTHING to do w weight, for the first time in a longgg time!

  9. I had the sleeve 3 months ago. Start weight was 298 the day of surgery. Did not weigh before. I have lost 46 lbs. I feel great. It was tough in

    The beginning but I can eat anything I want in small portions. I have been very good for the majority of time with high protein/low carb foods. I did however enjoy the holidays with carb enriched foods/alcohol and sweets. Not excessively.

    Honestly I am fine with my decisions!!! I am

    Already back on track. I have way more control than I once did

    I am ready to go hard and I want to spend the next 3 months focused and really loose.

    My question is this:

    Has anyone really stepped it up in months 3-6? And lost as much or more than

    They did in months 1-3

    Thank you!!!!!

    I have, once I started exercising regularly and eating clean more ofter than not I saw that the weight came off the same. I am going on 8 months and I dont lose 10+pounds like the first 3 months, but I still average 6-8. And if I didnt drink a few times a month it would probably be more. I am at 81+ pounds down and I was just over 250 when I started. I think once you are living it, you can be as successful as you want to be.

  10. Wow, woke up this morning to pages to read and remembered oh today is checkin day. Well I too did not make my goal, but I am at the lowest weight in 14 years. And got rid of all the christmas baggage and got back on the track to MY healthy lifestyle. I dont know about you guys but this is my first year without a resolution based around my weight! Because its just my life now, and I am ready to hit the ground running for the Big V day challenge. Thanks again Bea for giving us your gift!

    Final weigh in 172.8

    Goal was 167..but thats ok since surgery I have lost 81.6pounds

  11. A VS shirt in medium? Seriously, I cannot even imagine getting to that size. If I EVER do, I'm going to pin a note to my shirt to tell the whole world. You should be SO PROUD of yourself. Sweet mercy, I know I would be! I'm sorry your family isn't complimenting you. I think you look great!

    Thank you so much. ♥ I appreciate it.

  12. I am surprised that family who know about my surgery DO NOT comment on my weightloss. I dont really have family, I have my husbands family. My father in law has never said a word. My mother in law nothing, my grandmother in law asked "how much more weight have you lost?" I told her 80 pounds total. She said "oh"..thats it, thats all I get. My husband is sick of hearing about it, but no one will talk to me about it. And if I have to exercise everyday and eat to live. I should atleast get to brag a little right?? Am I being selfish expecting to much?

    This is my first time posting from my actual laptop, I am a cellphone junkie so I always have my face in my phone taking selfies for anyday or reason. LOL, anyway I like the idea of getting some responses from photos here. I don't know if anyone else suffers from this, but I still feel huge. I look at the pictures of everyone on here and always say WOW, I cant believe how much they have changed!! But when I see my own photos, I don't really see it?? Is anyone else like this? Funny thing is, I was thin most of my life at about 24 I put on weight with each baby. Next thing I know I am 37 living in a large body. But I always acted like a 25 year old hottie. Now I am totally obsessed. And even though I have had a very relaxed 2 weeks, I can not wait to get back into my exercise pants and go for it!! Funny how we didn't really obsess about our weight or what we ate before. Now everytime I get dressed in real clothes its a huge struggle because I haven't really had the opportunity to go clothes shopping really yet. I went from a comphy 24-26 3Xl, to a current comphy 12 (but I can squeeze into a 10) to a large top, although I am wearing a medium in one of the pictures I am posting. Its my daughters!!! Wish me luck attaching pictures for the first time!

    Don't blame you at all for feeling frustrated. I think many people are made uncomfortable when one takes charge of their lives and embraces a dynamic change for the better, which is what you have done. So you know the truth, you know how hard you are working and the sacrifices that having WLS requires but most likely your in-laws don't. I'm sure your weight loss id clearly evident but for some reason they can't or won't compliment you on your accomplishment. That sucks! It would seriously piss me off. But I think your wanting some kudos is totally normal and well deserved! Post some before and after pics here on the forum and I'm sure many will respond and give you the compliments you deserve.

  13. Got it...you're in on the Valentine's Day Challenge. Today, I broke my big stall/gain by ending up with a 1 lbs loss for the week. I know the whole next week is going to be a struggle (TONS of sweets on hand everywhere), but I'm going to do the best I can and not stress when I slip a bit. My biggest confidence, however, is that a "slip" these days is not nearly the awful thing it was in years past. This year I feel confident that I can "cheat" with a cookie or a piece of chocolate without it being the start of a long, slow descent into the land of "comfort foods".

    What makes me so confident this year? Why, it's because I have this group to come to for help if I should falter and for accountability week by week! :D

    I agree Bea, I too feel that when I have a treat its just a once ina while thing and ill be running tomorrow and back on eggs and chicken. I honestly cant wait for this week to be over!! Not looking forward to standing on scale tomorrow.

  14. Not selfish at all. Maybe that's what WE are for then? I know that one friend started to get...not so much jealous, but my success began being a mental and emotion hardship for her because she has really been trying to lose and just is struggling. My hubby had the sleeve a year ago, so our families know and I haven't been closed about it to anyone so I have more people who are genuinely interested, some supportive some not as much.

    Did you not tell any friends at all? Maybe it's time, or maybe a local support group (if there is one, there are none in my area)?

    I do have a support group but its a good 45 mins away, my husband says he doesnt think I need it until/unless I struggle. He also says his mom will probably never say a word about my loss. Good thing after tomorrow I can focus back on running and eating chicken. The next time they see me ill be 150!!

  15. I am surprised that family who know about my surgery DO NOT comment on my weightloss. I dont really have family, I have my husbands family. My father in law has never said a word. My mother in law nothing, my grandmother in law asked "how much more weight have you lost?" I told her 80 pounds total. She said "oh"..thats it, thats all I get. My husband is sick of hearing about it, but no one will talk to me about it. And if I have to exercise everyday and eat to live. I should atleast get to brag a little right?? Am I being selfish expecting to much?

  16. Hi Bea, please count me in for Valentines Day Challenge. Also, on a personal note. I too gained this week. 4 pounds. My eating was not too bad, but I did partake in 3 nights of drinking! I cant wait for Christmas to be over and family to go home so I can get back to exercising. I just hope this is Water, bkoat and not an actual 5 pounds of fat! My weighin on Christmas day isnt looking so good.

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