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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by nsharrah

  1. nsharrah

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    I want in please. I didnt know there was a check in every week rule so I will be sure to do so! Current weight 179 New Years goal 167!! Whoohoo!
  2. nsharrah

    Thanksgiving Challenge

    Been at 179.6 since the previous post, this morning I was 181!! Dont know if I will make my new goal of 175....grrr
  3. nsharrah

    Thanksgiving Challenge

    Been stalled at 179.6 for 4 days. But I guess thats ok since I had a goal of 179 because I was stalled at 186. Lose 5 then stall a week. New goal for Thanksgiving. ..175.
  4. nsharrah

    Thanksgiving Challenge

    Started challenge on major stall 11/02. 186.6 11/12. 179.8 Original Goal 179 New Goal 170!
  5. Almost 6 months out. Im mcburpyson too
  6. Also you are just a few weeks out and sounds llike you are doing great. Remember eat for fuel. Even if bbutterfiners are delicious, you dont technically NEED them. But if you hhave one and tomorrow want to jnow what you can improve on...start with those. Also when I realized I was avoiding protiens because they were uncomfortable and not fun to eat (yes thats there wholllle point) I started committing myself to that uncomfortable fullness. Thats what my body was craving.
  7. Hi patty, I havent really figured out the PMssging yet. But I can respond here First I want to say I was sleeved 5/21 so almost 4 months before you. I am just bbarely figuring this eating business out. I try to have a daily plan. Then if I venture from it I know where my extra calories came from. MEANING, I get up every morning and while I drive my daughter to school I have a glass of FF milk. To get my metabolism going. Its like 16 grams of protien for 16 fluid ounces and 172 calories. It takes me about 20 minutes but I drink it in the car. THEN I come home and do my morning excercise 2.5 miles brisk walking (35mins) and ddrink my first wwater bottle. Then I have breakfast. Usually 2 scrambled eggs 1 turkey sausage patty. 200 calories, 20 grams of protien. Then an hour later water bottle number 2 and allll my vitamins. About 1 I have a salad for lunch. Open nature turkey, ham, and some lf mozzarella for protien. Not alot of protien but salad but less than 250 calories even with dressing. But I measure tthe tblspn. Then I force another water and have a protien snack at 4. Lite muscle milk or mini protien plus bar. And I suffer through another water. Man I hate water I think lol. Then at 7 I make myself 2 chicken tenderlions, 1oz of beans, and 1 oz of veggies. What I have found for me, is tthat the first few months I didnt know what to eat so I just ate whatever was close and usually I was starving at the time. Once I decided that these meals worked for me at these times for bodyfuel and tthat anything else was for my benefit it got alot easier. I was in a 6 week stall and as soon as I committed myself, and everytime I recommit I pull out of stall. So now coming on 6 months... I excercise 6days a week atleast 1 time for 30 minutes. On good days I bikeride now also. For 30 40 mins. I eat about every 3 4 hours. Mornings are easier for me. I log everything in MFP now I didnt before and I felt I was eating clean, but I wasnt. I was constantly sneaking things in my mouth!! So I average between 800 1000 calories and 175 is my morning milk! Also, I was constantly looking for people like me who drank twice a week and ate cereal at night sometimesss...but guess what when I do that I stop losing. I stall. So now I drink once a wweek. AND I plan for it. I drink the water before cut out extra calories and log everyshot I take!!No calorie counts on swigs I checked!! I am just now on the side of losing again and its truly because I know I do have to work at it.
  8. That sounds like a great plan.
  9. You will barely having liquids at this point, cleared too..but not feeling like eating or drinking. Hence, exhaustion. Even if you feel good in the morning to start a few things you get tired soo easily. Its 1 Thanksgiving I vote for giving yourself a break.
  10. Thanks math genius...I mean gamergirl lol
  11. Wags... we are pretty close in stats I think. Can I ask when was your surgery date? How did you get your goal weight? And how tall are you? I dont remeber my dr ever discussing goals with me. I just picked a number one day. Its the fake weight from my drivers liscence when I met my hubby. It said 150, lol I was more like 155 or 158. I thought that was fat!! Haha ahh to be 22 again!
  12. Please help me! Starting weight was 253.4 surgery weight (4weeks later) 237.7, current weight 182.4 goal weight 150. Then maybe 130
  13. nsharrah

    Best and worst "compliments"

    I lost mine too. Haha
  14. I can't subscribe to any threads!! Raahh
  15. I can't subscribe to any threads!! Raahh
  16. Sleeved 5/21/13 237.7 day of Cw. 182.8 Goal 150
  17. I like the mini premiers too, just the right size high protein, low cal, low sugar
  18. nsharrah

    Thanksgiving Challenge

    H highest C current S surgery
  19. nsharrah

    Thanksgiving Challenge

    Started 11/2 186.6 11/5 183.4 Last 2 days 182.8 Goal. 179.o Does anyone know why I can only post when I open the email notification attached to this thread?? When I open the downloaded app I can't post anything?? Is the app useless and you have to go through web browser? ?
  20. nsharrah

    Thanksgiving Challenge

    Can I ask when your surgery was? What is your final goal?? 138...135 sounds awesome!! Im 182..hoping to end out at 130
  21. nsharrah

    Thanksgiving Challenge

    Last check in 186.6 CW 183.4 Thksgvg goal 179 or below!!
  22. nsharrah

    Thanksgiving Challenge

    Good job evolving!! You are totally going to make it!

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