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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by nsharrah

  1. Just learned how to upload photos, I put some up...but more to follow. I love seeing pictures. It reminds me that we ARE changing!!

  2. nsharrah

    Best and worst "compliments"

    The pink shirt is a medium!!
  3. nsharrah

    Best and worst "compliments"

    This is my first time posting from my actual laptop, I am a cellphone junkie so I always have my face in my phone taking selfies for anyday or reason. LOL, anyway I like the idea of getting some responses from photos here. I don't know if anyone else suffers from this, but I still feel huge. I look at the pictures of everyone on here and always say WOW, I cant believe how much they have changed!! But when I see my own photos, I don't really see it?? Is anyone else like this? Funny thing is, I was thin most of my life at about 24 I put on weight with each baby. Next thing I know I am 37 living in a large body. But I always acted like a 25 year old hottie. Now I am totally obsessed. And even though I have had a very relaxed 2 weeks, I can not wait to get back into my exercise pants and go for it!! Funny how we didn't really obsess about our weight or what we ate before. Now everytime I get dressed in real clothes its a huge struggle because I haven't really had the opportunity to go clothes shopping really yet. I went from a comphy 24-26 3Xl, to a current comphy 12 (but I can squeeze into a 10) to a large top, although I am wearing a medium in one of the pictures I am posting. Its my daughters!!! Wish me luck attaching pictures for the first time! Don't blame you at all for feeling frustrated. I think many people are made uncomfortable when one takes charge of their lives and embraces a dynamic change for the better, which is what you have done. So you know the truth, you know how hard you are working and the sacrifices that having WLS requires but most likely your in-laws don't. I'm sure your weight loss id clearly evident but for some reason they can't or won't compliment you on your accomplishment. That sucks! It would seriously piss me off. But I think your wanting some kudos is totally normal and well deserved! Post some before and after pics here on the forum and I'm sure many will respond and give you the compliments you deserve.
  4. nsharrah

    first pics uploaded

    some random pictures of highest weight, ready for surgery, day after WLS and most recent at 7months out.
  5. nsharrah


    From the album: first pics uploaded

    Lowest weight in 15 years. 24 from first goal, Christmas shopping with husband. 1 day sigh of seven months.
  6. nsharrah


    From the album: first pics uploaded

    Face picture now, exactly 7 months out
  7. nsharrah


    From the album: first pics uploaded

    First Day Home From Surgery
  8. nsharrah


    From the album: first pics uploaded

    First meeting with Dr. V
  9. nsharrah


    From the album: first pics uploaded

    Me at my highest weight of 264
  10. nsharrah

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    Im up. Weight wise anyway. 179 again.
  11. nsharrah

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    I agree Bea, I too feel that when I have a treat its just a once ina while thing and ill be running tomorrow and back on eggs and chicken. I honestly cant wait for this week to be over!! Not looking forward to standing on scale tomorrow.
  12. nsharrah

    Best and worst "compliments"

    I do have a support group but its a good 45 mins away, my husband says he doesnt think I need it until/unless I struggle. He also says his mom will probably never say a word about my loss. Good thing after tomorrow I can focus back on running and eating chicken. The next time they see me ill be 150!!
  13. nsharrah

    Best and worst "compliments"

    I am surprised that family who know about my surgery DO NOT comment on my weightloss. I dont really have family, I have my husbands family. My father in law has never said a word. My mother in law nothing, my grandmother in law asked "how much more weight have you lost?" I told her 80 pounds total. She said "oh"..thats it, thats all I get. My husband is sick of hearing about it, but no one will talk to me about it. And if I have to exercise everyday and eat to live. I should atleast get to brag a little right?? Am I being selfish expecting to much?
  14. nsharrah

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    Hi Bea, please count me in for Valentines Day Challenge. Also, on a personal note. I too gained this week. 4 pounds. My eating was not too bad, but I did partake in 3 nights of drinking! I cant wait for Christmas to be over and family to go home so I can get back to exercising. I just hope this is water, bkoat and not an actual 5 pounds of fat! My weighin on Christmas day isnt looking so good.
  15. nsharrah

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    Hi challenge peeps! My weight today is 174, dont think ill make it too 167. But even out of 170s would be cool!! Valentines challenge sounds awesome to me, thats my birthday!!
  16. nsharrah

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    Good Morning everyone. It is freezing here in Monterey County!! Starting weight 179 Week 1 180.2 Week 2 176 Woohoo
  17. I had my VSG in May 2013 I was down to 178 ( exactly 75 pounds). We hosted Thanksgiving Dinner for 30 people over the course of 5 days. While I gave myself the week off, I had good days and I had a few desserts. I had 2 days of drinking. EVERYONE else averaged 5! Regardless, my weighin yesterday was 183. I havent exercised since Friday (and I have been a devout exerciser!) I craved carbs all day and was too sluggish to get back to walking today. Anyone else struggling? Any ideas.. anyone want to support each other? I took the Thanksgiving challenge and hit my goal early, then joined the New years at 178 and went for 167!! But now im 183! Argghh
  18. nsharrah

    Recovering From Thanksgiving

    I am soooo glad you said that!! I am making my teenagers bring me a cup immediately! please keep in touch. Are you doing the New Years challenge thread?
  19. nsharrah

    Recovering From Thanksgiving

    Hi Arty, I too am back on track I have been back to my walks 3 miles daily 4 out of last 5 days, and also a bike ride. I am back down to 177 and expect to drop below that tomorrow. I skipped lunch today which I NEVER do but I had some hardboiled egg whites alittle late to make up for it. chicken and veggies for dinner I can never finish my veggies. I was wondering, what are your thoughts on coffee?? I used to drink big cups everyday, and then after surgery I cut it out almost completely ma6be once a week. Well my cousin just moved in with me and between her and my older daughter's there is coffee brewed now stop!! I always use splenda and it seems to statisfy my sweet craving instead of increasing it. And I always measure my creamer, but I am so darn strick on myself I cant fully justify drinking a cup everyday. Even if it is currently in the low 30s on the sunny west coast!!
  20. nsharrah

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    Hi Bea, I am like you too, I read everyday but not always post. Its like my weightloss therapy. My WL story starts 15 years ago, where I met the man of my dreams, quit using drugs, and got pregnant all within 6 months. So I went from being 150ish (I remember lying about 150 thinking I was fat) to 185 when I delivered. To highest weight of 265. My poor husband lost his skinny hot wife quick. He never complained I dnt think he saw me as a 265 pound woman. When I had to have spine surgery and was looking at another my husband agreed to let me try WLS first. April 4th 2013 I met my surgeon who said I had to get healthy eating habits first at 253 pounds. On May 21, 2013 I went in at 237.7 today I am at 178.4. I want to hit my first goal of 150 (that weight I lied about being!! For my husband) and then 130 for myself. Im 5'6. And I excercise daily (although I did have a Thanksgiving falloff) I average 3miles 45minutes a day fast paced walking atleast 6 days a week. And I bicycle 3 times a week about 7 miles in addition. Im fortunate to not have to work right now, but I am nervous for when I do have to return. I eat really well, but I drink to much. And I have picked up a nasty coffee habit recently. Never starbucks though, I try to not EAT 300 calories at a time let alone DRINK that many!!. I cant even begin to imagine where ill be at my one year mark. Oh, I was on 3 antidepressants, 2 benzos, 3 opiates, and bp meds. Now I take vitamins only!!
  21. nsharrah

    Recovering From Thanksgiving

    Ok, I managed to get out and fet my walk in. I know it will take a solid 3 days of exercise to feel like myself again. But hey I made it today. Stayed away from bad foods and had lots of protien. But dont know if ill get out of drinking tonight. Its my cousins birthday and she moved in. Wish me luck, and if I dont make it tonight. Remind me tomorrow to get off my ass! [ATTACH]38101[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38100[/ATTACH]
  22. nsharrah

    Recovering From Thanksgiving

    Also alcohol makes your body retain Water so that "gain" is really just water weight that will come off just as fast as it came on. Increase your water drinking. Now stop reading this and go for that walk. Scarlett, I think your right about the water falling back off. I was 180.2 this morning. So I feel alittle better, soon as I stop tyoing ill go walk!!
  23. nsharrah

    Recovering From Thanksgiving

    Artymama ok we can work together!! Made my husband promise to make me walk today, so far he is laying in bed!! I will strive to walk and eat clean today lets check in tonight!
  24. nsharrah

    Christmas - New Year Challenge

    Im checking in, 180.2 I was down to 178.6 when I started and I bounced (or floated on tequila up to 183 after Thanksgiving) just grateful to be ready to break 180 AGAIN! GW 167 I must have been drunk when I joined!! Jk. Does anyone know how to see the chart when it goes up?
  25. nsharrah

    Thanksgiving Challenge

    I hit my original goal of 180 then made it down to 178. Final weighin this morning 179. Ill take it, total of 75 pounds lost and out of the 180s.

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