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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Im14fun

  1. Im14fun

    cheating on pre opt

    This probably isn't a great thing for me to tell you, but at the time I book my surgery, they were able to get me in 5 days later. I cut back on some things, but I really didn't do much of a pre-op diet. Nothing to eat or drink though past 10pm the night before and I was all good. No complications and am feeling great and will be 3 weeks out tomorrow. I wouldn't recommend doing what I did and I am being a VERY good girl post op
  2. Im14fun

    Really upset

    I am SO afraid of that. But if you are exercising, maybe you are gaining muscle which weighs more than the fat you are losing. Have you taken your measurements? How are you clothes fitting?
  3. I can not say 'Thank You' enough to all of the posters who have posted about the 3 week stall. I will be 3 weeks post-op in 2 days and about 5 days ago my body put the brakes on! I lost 21 quick lbs in the first 2 weeks, then low and behold....nothing. zip. zilch. I am a very 'instant gratification' kind of gal and I KNOW had I not read all of your posts about the dreaded 3WS that my attitude would be in the crapper! Instead, I feel pretty darn normal and since I half expected this, I am OK with it! Besides, inches are still coming off So, a huge THANK YOU to everyone for sharing their personal journeys, successes and struggles. It helps so much! Now, when will I start losing again???
  4. Hahahaha! I went to a bbq at my parents house and they made tri-tip....my favorite. Don't think for one second that I didn't (as naughty as it sounds) suck on a piece of meat! Yep, even thought about creating the 'meat sucker'. I'm so sick of sweet things that that meat was heaven!
  5. Im14fun

    refried beans

    I notice a lot of people eat refried beans. Don't they cause gas that would stretch our little stomachs?
  6. Im14fun

    refried beans

    Great to know! Thanks guys!
  7. That's exactly what brothers are for! lolol That's exactly what brothers are for! lolol
  8. Amen sister! I am sick of hiding from the 'evil' side of the camera. Looking so forward to jumping into a photo with friends and family rather than hiding from it.
  9. Amazing job!! About the ticker.....scroll up and go to your profile name at the top right of the page. The click on tickers. You can create it there. Don't forget to attach it to your signature
  10. I agree completely that once I am at goal (or it is within reach) I will not deprive myself of anything, but partake in moderation. Unfortunately that probably would not be the case with beer, so I have opted to leave that one off the table and consider it gone. I know I will eat everything again one day, I am just in no hurry to get there.
  11. Priorities I guess. lol I was ready to give up (and desperately need to give up) beer. And I'm with you on the buffet! But that will be a long time down the road and I am okay with that. I will however never have another beer or anything else carbonated. I am committed to that.
  12. I couldn't do this without the sleeve and sleeve can not do this without me! But working together we are going to kick 'fats' ass!
  13. Freaking Amazing!!!!! Nice job!
  14. Im14fun

    Progress Pictures

    I am 6 days post op and so excited to see these pics. You look HOT! I'm so going to get there! lol
  15. I am 5 days post op and doing pretty well. Feeling great except when I drink it makes me feel 'hungry'. I am pretty sure it's gas like they told me in the hospital, but I want to know if anyone else feels that. Yesterday I felt great, but today I was bloated ALL day and very uncomfortable. Is that the norm?
  16. Thank you! I was going to get a tape measure today and totally forgot! Darn it. I am only 5 days post-op so I'm sure I havent lost any inches so I will be SURE to get one tomorrow! Thank you again for that reminder
  17. Thank you Vicster! The very same to you! How are you feeling?
  18. Im14fun

    bread amd rice

    How are you feeling? I was sleeved 5 days ago. Going great for me so far, down 8 lbs! But today I was bloated all day and very uncomfortable
  19. Im14fun

    Before (again2)

    From the album: Im14fun

  20. Im14fun

    Before (again)

    From the album: Im14fun

  21. Im14fun


    From the album: Im14fun

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
