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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About epc317

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  1. epc317


    I took my antidepressant (tablet) right up until the day before surgery, and was given it in the hospital. I had no issues.
  2. epc317

    How many grams of protein?

    My NUT requires 70-90 grams per day. (I shoot for at least 80)
  3. epc317

    Best way to thin out egg salad?

    Oikos make greek yogurt dips that have good flavors. I used the cucumber dill in chicken salad. This way you could add more yogurt without that "yougurt-y" taste. http://www.oikosyogurt.com/greek-yogurt/oikos-greek-yogurt-dips.aspx
  4. epc317

    I just want everyone to know.

    The Syntrax Nectar Roadside Lemonade was my saving grace too! I couldn't stomach the "milky" shakes. I added a packet of Crystal Light lemonade to give it an extra punch of flavor. Drink it over ice too. I also add the Syntrax Lemonade to plain Fage yogurt. It kind of tastes like a lemon cheesecake filling or custard. Yum.
  5. epc317

    Reflux & the Sleeve

    I had pretty severe reflux / GERD pre-op (omeprazole twice daily was controlling it) My Dr. had no issue with performing the sleeve on me. In fact, it helped me qualify for insurance covering the surgery as a co-morbidity. Post-op, it's really improved. My Dr. also found a hiatal hernia when he was performing the sleeve and went ahead and repaired it. I think that's helped improve the reflux as well. I don't see it being an issue for you.
  6. epc317

    Canned Chicken

    I pureed the canned chicken with some Oikos Greek Yogurt dip in the cucumber and dill flavor. Yum! They also have other flavors. They're low fat and add a little extra Protein. http://www.oikosyogurt.com/greek-yogurt/oikos-greek-yogurt-dips.aspx
  7. epc317

    Really? Really, youve got to be kidding me!

    I had a similar experience with the woman who registered me at the hospital for my pre-op testing. When she started asking me info and realized what kind of surgery I was testing for, she went on and on about how I really don't need it, and she used to be bigger, but lost weight due to a depressive incident and not eating because of it. The whole time, I was thinking "Ok nutty lady, you can stop any time now." People always have a tendency to tell me their life story, but this got really awkward. I thought a medical professional should be just that... professional. Geez.
  8. Pre-op I had a huge sweet tooth. After almost every meal, I'd have to a bite of something sweet. Now I have zero desire for sweets. I don't think that's a bad thing!
  9. I was also one of the lucky ones. I had to sip maybe the first week or so (I probably didn't HAVE to, but I did it out of caution), but now I can drink pretty much like I did pre-op. (So no excuse for me not to get my liquids in!)
  10. I've suffered from severe migraines all my life and not eating enough during the day has always been one of my triggers. (So naturally, I was concerned how the low calorie intake post-op would affect this.) In fact, the pain meds in the hospital triggered a bad migraine, causing me to stay an extra day due to not being able to keep anything down. A week or so post-op, I started waking up with the beginning of a migraine almost every morning. In the hospital I was prescribed Imitrex, which my Dr. said was safe for my healing stomach. (My saving grace has always been Treximet, but it has NSAIDs - my Dr. has since approved it's occasional use) Slowly, as my body got used to the reduced calories, the migraines started going away. (It's amazing what your body can get used to) Definitely get your Water in, as dehydration can also be a trigger. I guess my advice is - I've been there, and it gets better!
  11. epc317

    Long trip snacks

    I went on a road trip recently and took a little cooler with yogurt, cottage cheese singles, mini baby bell cheese, some lunch meat, and a pack of pre-made tuna salad.
  12. epc317

    Losing the boobs! Nooooo!

    Sadly, they were the first thing to go. My bras all became super big in the cup. I had to dig out some OLD bras from the back of the dresser. I'm really hoping the rest of me catches up. Looking forward to heading to Vicky Secrets to splurge on some new bras once things even out!
  13. epc317


    Goldfish crackers
  14. epc317


    I second the Premier Protein shakes in chocolate. I like them right out of the little carton, but most mornings I pour in into a blender bottle, add instant coffee (mostly decaf with a little regular) add ice and shake. Yum.
  15. epc317


    Agreed. I couldn't even finish one bottle. Disgusting.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
