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LAP-BAND Patients
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About pjanes54

  • Rank
    Banded Aug 23, 2007
  • Birthday 07/10/1954

About Me

  • Biography
    Married 34 years. Mother of two sons: ages 30 & 28.
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    Law Enforcement
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  1. Happy 59th Birthday pjanes54!

  2. Happy 58th Birthday pjanes54!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary pjanes54!

  4. HI! Can you PM me your doc's food wuidelines after surgery? Thanks! Katie

  5. The scale is rally depressing me right now. I think I am going to stay off it and try to focus on eating healthy and healing. AFTER the first fill (Oct 2) then I am going to weigh every day. I can't take seeing the numbers on the scale right now--up or down--I'm not going to worry about it. Good luck all!
  6. pjanes54

    AUG 23 Anyone joining me?!

    Congratulations on your surgery--now the jouney begins and it should be exciting! You and your wife can look forward to LONG healthy, happy lifetime together. Best of luck to you.
  7. pjanes54

    Anyone from Minnesota???

    Hi buzimom, I was just banded by Dr Lederer at HCMC Bariatric Center in Minneapolis and was very pleased overall with the care, staff, etc. My surgery went smooth and quick with zero complications. I feel very fortunate that I have been relatively free of pain--just some minor discomfort. Is St Joseph's in the Twin Cities? Sorry, I am new to the area, so I can't help much in that regard. Read and research as much as you can--you can't be over prepared-it made me feel better to be informed and at least, feel as if I was prepared for surgery. Much of what I did and gathered together was not needed but, I it was comforting to me prior to surgery to know it was there should I need it. Best of luck to you. Feel free to PM or email me, if you like.
  8. pjanes54

    Joining the land of Bands

    First of all, congratulations on your band! I was banded Aug 23! You mentioned tummy tuck--how has the recovery for the band compared to your recovery from the tummy tuck, if you don't mind me asking? I have had several SF Popsicles for snack and they seem to help between meals (call that a meal????).
  9. I was also banded on Aug 23 and am on full liquids for 2 weeks--it is going to be tough! Thankfully my husband will cook for himself (and me!) and so that has made meal time easier. Overall, I am feeling pretty good. Some discomfort, for which I am taking tylenol and that seems to take care of it for a bit. Take care and good luck on your weight loss journey!
  10. pjanes54

    AUG 23 Anyone joining me?!

    Where are you at mceni? Postponed? Banded? Hope all is well.
  11. I'm on full liquids for 2 weeks, then 2 weeks mushies, 2 weeks soft foods, then gradual introduce reg food one at a time. My clinic is very conservative that way. It's going to be a rough, bumpy ride and the road is curvy and hilly (can you tell I just LOVE the road/wls association?!) Did I mention there's NO SHOULDER on this road. Okay, time to say good night. :notagree
  12. pjanes54

    Banding set for August 27!!

    I just wanted to send my wishes to all. I had surgery on Thursday, Aug 23, about 3 PM and I am feeling fantastic. I took the pain meds, rested, sipped water, walked, rested, sipped, took pain meds........etc, etc and by this afternoon I am on Tylenol only and sipping thinned pureed chicken noodle soup. It was my first surgery and I was terrified! All med staff were so kind and good and my doc was the greatest. If a big chicken like me can get through it---ANYONE CAN DO IT! I would not hesitate to do it all over again in a heartbeat. Sending good vibes your way.
  13. pjanes54

    *Expanding Horizons*

    NUTRITION TRACKING WEBSITES Free Diet Plans at SparkPeople FitDay - Free Weight Loss Calorie Counter, Diet Tracking, food Journal, Nutrition Facts at The Daily Plate

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
