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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to clk in isnt it funny?   
    Oh, that's exactly the right way to put someone in their place! I'll definitely need to think about using this one if it ever comes up again.
    I agree that the most discriminating people have been overweight friends/family instead of those that are at healthier weights. I've had to let some friendships go over it - some people just cannot accept that you've changed and they take the fact that you lost weight as a personal criticism when in reality, it's not about them at all. I still get the occasional reminder that so-and-so lost weight "the hard way" or "the right way" but I let it roll off my back. Whatever, I really don't care. Show me that same person in three years and I'll offer my congrats if they're maintaining as well as I am. I lost weight prior to the sleeve, too...I just never kept it off!
  2. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to need2bthin! in July sleevers! Are we ready!   
    Well ready or not here I go! I'm at the hospital
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    Dawnyellow reacted to Chellennunley in Got my date!   
    Was approved and have a date for my sleeve! July 31st! I'm so excited!!
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    Dawnyellow reacted to No game in Hubby Doesnt Like Me Now   
    this makes me very sad... It sounds like you settled for less than you wanted out of a relationship because you thought you didn't deserve better because of your looks... If you are with a man who treats you like that, he will treat you like that whether you are fat or skinny.
    My husband treats me the same whether I'm skinny or fat, people told me sometimes what a good husband I had because he didn't care about the weight gain and loved me the same? I would think what the hell? so he's a saint for staying with me?
    No he is a man who loves his wife and I love him and we made a commitment for life. To be side by side through all of our changes. Me being fat or him losing hair has no bearing on the core relationship.
    Please know that you need to stop selling yourself short and you are much more than just your outward appearance.
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    Dawnyellow reacted to missyjoy2078 in July sleevers! Are we ready!   
    I'm stoned out of my mind in this hospital ell
    So far so good
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    Dawnyellow reacted to need2bthin! in July sleevers! Are we ready!   
    Okay! I'm a July sleever!!! The dr's office called its Wednesday 10th, yes in 2 days!!!
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    Dawnyellow reacted to LipstickLady in Feel like I need to burp, but can't   
    Walk, walk, walk. If I get up and walk or do a few light jumping jacks, I burp. It's relief and a few steps all rolled into one!n It also amuses the heck out of the kiddos at dinner.< /p>
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    Dawnyellow reacted to No game in Private messages   
    My whine for the day...
    I wish we could send pictures on our private messages. Sometimes I'd like to share a picture that I don't necessarily want the world to see...
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    Dawnyellow reacted to shay1030 in July sleevers! Are we ready!   
    Just received one call to verify my meds n go over everything. She said so far I'm the first one tomorrow, but not official until doc calls me. If it doesn't change I will need to report for 5am. I am so ready for this.
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    Dawnyellow reacted to Cajunlady12 in Really disgusted   
    After talking to my dad and sister and getting negative responses, I have decided not to tell them when I have my surgery. I don't want to hear any of their negative words, so I just won't tell them until I am home from the hospital and losing weight. As far as my dad's significant other is concerned, I have decided that as I lose the weight and can no longer fit into my clothes, I am going to send them to her while get new skinny ones.
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    Dawnyellow reacted to Mommagiraffe in July sleevers! Are we ready!   
    My insurance coordinator is sending my packet in tomorrow, and she thinks she can get me on the surgery schedule for the last week of July! Fingers and toes crossed!!!
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    Dawnyellow reacted to nmck in July sleevers! Are we ready!   
    Hey, Allsun! a couple of weeks ago I weighed in high after a weekend of traveling and restaurant food and was told I may have to back track in the program. They gave me one week to weigh in again and I was totally terrified to eat anything other than Protein or produce. It worked, b/c I weighed in a lot lower the next week. Thinkof it as your last diet without the sleeve for help! It would be worth it to keep your date.
  13. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to Alex Brecher in I lied.   
    You're about one post away from being permanently banned. If you have any issues with our rules, please take it up privately with Susan or myself.
    I've personally been in touch with Dr. Garcia's team.
    Dr. Luna is no longer part of the team.
    Let's move on now.
  14. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to *susan* in I lied.   
    LisaLoseALotx2, I have deleted your comments. We are done with people calling each other names, making accusations and being generally disrespectful to one another. Please review our forum rules if you have any questions, or contact me privately.
    Thank you.
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    Dawnyellow reacted to Mommyg22 in VSG Surgery was June 27th for me!   
    Dawnyellow all will go fine, you go through all these emotions from scared something will go wrong to so excited you cannot wait any longer. Your welcome we are all in this together and I love having this outlet to fall on good luck!
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    Dawnyellow got a reaction from Mommyg22 in VSG Surgery was June 27th for me!   
    This is very helpful! Thanks for posting it. My surgery is 7/30- so I love reading your insights
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    Dawnyellow reacted to LipstickLady in The bad and the ugly   
    I am seven weeks out today. The good? I've lost weight and inches and I feel in control. This is the first time that I have ever made the commitment to really lose weight and been "forced" to stick with it. I've been blessed with the absence of hunger 95% of the time so that makes things SO much easier. Even through the bad, I know that I have no choice but to stick to my plan because of the surgical removal of my stomach. Because of that, I am more apt to stay on track and make good choices.
    The bad? I am a Water drinker. Not being able to throw back a 20oz bottle of Water in a minute is killing me in this heat and with the exercise I like to do. I suggest you get into the habit NOW of sipping water. Until you have this surgery, you have no idea how difficult it is, it's truly impossible to describe.
    It's also been very difficult to slow down and take teeny bites. Get used to that now as well. I thought the idea of buying baby utensils was ridiculous, but it works. I haven't bought a sippy cup nor will I, but the little forks and spoons are fantastic.
    Stalls suck donkey butt, but keep in mind that although they will happen sooner than you would like and last longer than they should, they will pass. I weigh myself every day, several times a day but I do not beat myself up about the number on the scale. If you know you will, put the scale away. It will only cause heartache and frustration.
    This was the best choice of my life (besides my kids) and I do wish I had done it sooner. My life will never be what it was again, but that said, that wasn't exactly a healthy life, so I am not missing out on anything.
    Good luck to you!
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    Dawnyellow reacted to clk in The bad and the ugly   
    Be on a PPI - some people aren't aware they need them. The acid can cause a feeling much like hunger (rumbling tummy) even if it doesn't burn your throat or feel like heartburn.
    Constipation happens, be prepared to use something like Miralax.< /p>
    But above and beyond the ugliest thing is the realization that you will eventually have that surgery can help you lose the weight and help you be thinner and healthier, but that whatever made you obese in the first place will still be there.
    I am three years out and truly felt that surgery was going to work miracles. In some ways, it did. I'm doing a great job with maintenance and I've not seen any real regains.
    But everything that made me want to eat before is still there. My love of food, my food memories, my way to cope with stress, my way to bury feelings, my way to show love and bond with my family...food was a major part of my life prior to surgery and I was in denial about my overeating and about my poor coping skills until well after my surgery.
    Everyone looks at goal as the big thing to achieve, as if it's the biggest hurdle in this journey. And goal is tough and it's amazingly rewarding to get there. But just over that hurdle is a long, long and winding road called maintenance. And THAT is really where your journey begins. Because maintenance takes forever and you have to really change for the long term to stay there.
    This is not a diet. This will not work if you treat it like a diet. This is the rest of your life and even at goal, you're still going to be YOU and that's important to realize.
    For me, that has been the biggest change and the most difficult one so far.
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    Dawnyellow reacted to Ms skinniness in Co-workers are starting to notice weight loss!   
    I was just open with everyone where I worked bc i knew that it would be so noticeable and that i wouldn't feel right explaining to they later why I didn't tell them. It made things a whole lot easier for me. It was the right decision for me. I didn't care if others thought that I was a failure at weight loss bc I know that i wasn't. I'm just thankful I was able to have this life changing procedure to a healthier life style....
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    Dawnyellow reacted to NtvTxn in WLS Veterans---Should I Worry, or am I Just Neurotic?   
    Neurotic is good!!! Obsessive/compulsive....it's all good. This IS your new life, it's still all about food, but YOU have control. All the stuff you mentioned, all normal. Your tummy is talking to you, I named mine Sylvia the sleeve. She still talks to me, pretty sassy some times, but she isn't doing gymnastics any longer!! You're fine, I'm sure of it!!! Hang on, it's a wild, but fun ride!!! Welcome to the loser's side!
  21. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to Fiddleman in Holy cow.... Surgery in 6 hours   
    Just an update for my wife phoenix79, all is well and she had a textbook sleeve operation. The Dr said she had the perfect anatomy for a sleeve surgery which I think translates into a successful post op experience. I think we will get to go home from hospital tomorrow. This is a much better experience then my sleeve, exactly 1 year ago. Two days in ICU and the 2 more days recovery from small complications before allowed to go home. Thanks for wishing my wife well.
  22. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to NoneYa in When are you getting sleeved?   
    July 16th for me, yea!
  23. Like
    Dawnyellow reacted to LipstickLady in I lied.   
    First, he'd have to increase his HOT factor.
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    Dawnyellow reacted to LipstickLady in I lied.   
    A hot cabana boy!
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    Dawnyellow reacted to Ms.AntiBand in I lied.   
    Aquariums are like swimming pools and unless I can afford a pool/aquarium boy/cleaner I ain't having one

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