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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by indecision

  1. indecision

    Going back to golf

    I will talk to one of our club experts and send you PM. Out of the office today but will find out. Im an IT guy so don't really get into the tech stuff of clubs. I work to much to get that deep into it.
  2. indecision

    Going back to golf

    Anytime, I have not had a chance to try the xshot but will. I actually work for Adams so trying it is as about as far as it would go. LOL. Just a shameless plug for the company! Our new XTD's are pretty awesome. We are the best in Hybrids hands down.
  3. indecision

    Going back to golf

    My doctor said 6 weeks and to take it easy at first. I did wait the 6 weeks. I have not had a chance to go as much as I would like recently so not sure if it has helped my game. I can tell you though when I have gone I have been able to complete 18 without being anywhere near as tired. On a side note send that Callaway back and pick up some Taylor Made or Adams clubs!!
  4. indecision


    Excellent progress!! You look awesome!
  5. Don't know if it was right or wrong but I did not wait. I have not had a shake since about month 2 but do remember still drinking water before and after.
  6. indecision

    7 months out

    It is a life long challenge for sure. You look awesome though so I guess there is a trade off! Keep up the good work!
  7. Good thing is your doing this for YOU and not them! Stay strong and do whats best for you.
  8. indecision

    Down -115lbs since 6/6/13

    You look incredible!! Congrats to you!
  9. No doubt it gets better and in many different ways.
  10. indecision

    Obese no more!

    Congrats to you! You have done awesome. I share in your excitement on the no longer obese feeling. When I got out of the obese category it felt so amazing and was a huge accomplishment!
  11. indecision

    Excess skin

    I just think skin is one of those everyone is different type thing. I have lots of loose skin which really sucks but better than the alternative. If I don't wear things to hold the skin in like Spanx then it sounds like I have a fan club clapping for me when I run...
  12. indecision

    Who is pre-op and who is post op?

    Congrag on a great weight loss. Gives me encouragement that it will all be worth it. As long as you follow the program it will be worth it. It is not easy at all but worth it!
  13. indecision

    Who is pre-op and who is post op?

    Feb 3 will be 10 months for me since surgery. So far I have lost 143 pounds. 199 pounds since my highest ever. I hope to be at 200 pounds from my highest lost before the 3rd! It had been an amazing journey!!!
  14. indecision

    Can't stay asleep anymore...

    I wake up like clock work everyday at about 4 to 4:30 since surgery. Every time i am wide awake.. Was never like that before surgery. So I use that as a sign to go work out....I see it as a plus....
  15. indecision

    First day on mushy phase 2

    It suck but totally normal! It will get better with time for sure!
  16. indecision

    My 600 pound life

    She was plane and simple nuckin futs... That being said I do not understand why it took so many months to get her a nutritionist or why no mention of getting her some mental help. Unless I missed it that was never given to her. She clearly needs it. She will be likely be dead soon if she does not get it. Her husband should have started telling her if you want food you have to get up and get it....He would have eventually broke her like a wild horse...
  17. indecision

    Turning 21 in 3 months

    PARTY!!!! Oh wait... You should follow your doctors instructions. That being said I did not and had my first at 5 ish weeks. Proceed with caution!
  18. I think the ladies that have chimed in have hit the nail on the head and that is from a guys perspective. Even if he is going through some of his own issues a real man would never treat his lady like this. I too think your in a no win relationship right now and you should look at some of the things the ladies have told you and offered you. It is true that men think differently than women but it does not excuse bad behavior.
  19. indecision


    I used the shots. I've lost a few pounds so I think they helped me get my protein in during the early days.
  20. For me I started at 362 before surgery and years ago was actually at 418. My "goal" was 230. I talked to my PCP about it when I got to 230 and he basically said I am still overweight and that I should let my body decide what weight I should be at. I am now at 219, 9 months out and have no intentions right now in worrying about it. I will just do as my Dr. said and let my body decide when to stop.
  21. indecision


    90% of the time I make a breakfast taco for breakfast. Consisting of a Tortilla, one scrambled egg, shredded cheese, and either sausage or bacon. Other times it is grapenuts cereal or oatmeal.
  22. indecision

    Another stall...ugh

    Have patience and keep at it. You say you may not be getting all of your water in so focus on that. You ARE losing weight so that is something to be proud of. Trust me the weight will come off. For some it is just faster than others.
  23. My before and so far. I actually need to take a more recent pic as I have lost since this one.
  24. That is amazing!! Way to go!!

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