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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by indecision

  1. Thank you for writing out my thoughts. You may want to do a little house cleaning up there. It took a bit to dig through your head.....
  2. No less than 2 times a day. Am I obsessed over it? Absolutely... It may be an excuse but I do this because I feel like it helps me keep myself in check. If I am not weighing daily then I must not care that I gain weight back. The scale does not control me though. I just like to know where I am on the daily.
  3. indecision

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    Wow, impressive, you look great and fit xx Thank you!!
  4. indecision

    171 flex.jpg

    You look awesome!! Way to go!
  5. indecision

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    A little over 11 months out and 149 since surgery and 205 overall for me.
  6. indecision

    1 year post op

    You look amazing! Congrats!
  7. indecision

    1 year later! :)

    Nice! You look great! Congrats on your success.
  8. indecision

    One year later !

    Wow you look awesome! Congrats to you!
  9. The below picture is what I looked like at my highest of 418 and where I am as of last night at 219. I showed this picture to my 3 year old daughter last night and asked her who the guy on the left is. Naturally she said "thats daddy". I asked her who is the guy on the right and she said "I dunno who is it?" She genuinely did not recognize that as me. Folks that right there is why I had this surgery. I did not want my daughter to know the fat unhealthy me. And guess what I accomplished it. This was a huge win for me in this journey and it mad me very happy.
  10. indecision

    Loud Stomach Noises

    I am 11 months out and still get loud noises.
  11. indecision

    12 months out! FINALLY

    You look amazing! Congrats on your success!
  12. You look amazing! Congrats to you!!
  13. indecision


    Wow what a difference! You look awesome!
  14. indecision

    Hello everyone

    Then I would say you are ready. The sleeve can be a wonderful thing. I was like you in that I would lose weight and fast but would always just gain it back. For me the sleeve has allowed me to lose more than I ever did on my own as well as maintain the lose. It is a bumpy road non the less. Good luck to you and welcome to the forum!
  15. indecision

    Hello everyone

    From a BMI perspective I would say yes. Just know that the sleeve is not a miracle in that you still have to work to lose the weight. So the real question is are you a candidate from the perspective of are YOU ready to put in the work.
  16. indecision

    8 Months and 9 Days GOAL!

    Thanks so much!
  17. I stepped on the scale this morning and saw that magical number that I set for myself in the beginning of this journey. My goal was to get to 230 and that is what popped up this morning. My surgery was on April 3rd of this year. At pre-op I weighed in at 362. So that is 132 pounds gone. And those pounds are gone forever! At the moment I am still contemplating what to do from here. Part of me a very small part off me wants to say ehh I am good. A larger part of me wants to now change the goal. You see years ago I was at the highest weight I ever saw on the scale which was 418, so my full weight loss total to date is 188. That being said I kinda want to see my total loss be at 200. Seems like a pretty cool number to me. I know I can get 12 more pounds off. I will be deciding over the next few days on what to do I guess. The journey itself was in no way an easy one. Sure I lost a ton of weight in a short amount of time but you HAVE to work at it. Did I sometimes eat things I shouldn't. Uh yes. But I was able to stack more good days together than bad. I have never felt better than I do today and I know that its only going to get better!
  18. indecision

    transformation tuesday.jpg

    WOW you look amazing! What a difference! Congrats!
  19. indecision

    Denied :(

    Just pick yourself up and dust yourself off then keep working at it. It sounds like you did not get denied rather you got a just not yet. Start working at it again and it will happen. Stay focused on the your goals!
  20. indecision

    8 Months and 9 Days GOAL!

    Now down 205 total. 149 since surgery. So as you can see a considerable slow down. I am wondering where it will stop...
  21. For the purposes of sleeve surgery related weight loss I use the number I weighed at the 2 weeks pre-op. 2 weeks before surgery I started the pre surgery diet and was 362. In reality though at one point in my life I was 418 at my highest weight but that was like 3 years before I decided to get surgery.
  22. indecision

    6 months out

    You look awesome!! Way to go! Congrats!
  23. indecision

    Calling all Texans :)

    DFW area here!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
