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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by indecision

  1. Today is my 6th month since surgery. For those of you about to go through the surgery I can tell you the time just fly's by! It is crazy to think that in only 6 months so many things have changed. I actually weigh less now than I did in High School. I hope that the next 6 months fly by like the first and that I can say by the end of a year out that I am at goal! Starting Weight was 362 and today I weigh 250. That is 112 pounds gone. My goal is 230 so I have 20 pounds to go!
  2. Moderation just like anything else. I have had drinks since about 6 weeks out and have still been fairly successful.
  3. Ooops.. I had a little candy and some alcohol...
  4. Thing is Laura is correct. You are suppose to eat your Proteins first and you WILL get full quicker. Instead it sounds like you are eating crap. You still have to stick to the program. If you really want it to work for you then I would suggest opening a different browser and searching for a shrink that can truly help you then pick up a phone and make an appointment....Bitching about your poor choices here is not going to help you long term.
  5. You look awesome!! Congrats on your success!!
  6. Jane you look amazing! Congrats to you!
  7. Welcome and congrats on the success!
  8. About 2 months for me. You will get there my friend! All in due time!
  9. You are right in the fact you will likely never eat a full steak again... That being said you are only 10 days out and what you are experiencing is very normal. I am now almost 7 months out and I can tell you it does get better. That full feeling will come with much less pain and discomfort. I get full now but it does not hurt at all. As for your boss/best friend well I question if he truly was your best friend in the first place. A true friend would not judge you in this way in my opinion. Trust me there are plenty of folks you can be friends with that will not be like this!
  10. indecision

    Ever normal again?

    It will get easier as time passes. I was the same way but now can drink almost like I did before.
  11. indecision

    help me

    Really strange that you are not allowed protein drinks. I am willing to bet your not getting enough protein and such.
  12. indecision

    Updated pic...

    Congrats!! You look great!
  13. indecision

    Any food addicts here?

    I think that would be like going to an AA meeting and asking if anyone there is an Alcoholic. MOST people get fat by eating which in turn means your addicted. I am sure there is exceptions to the rule however like complications with the surgery itself those numbers are small. Purely my opinion though.
  14. indecision

    Pressure NOT to be sleeved

    Only you can make the decision. You are doing this or not doing this for yourself. Plain and simple.
  15. indecision

    who drinks soda occasionally?

    So far I have not had any and do not plan to have any.
  16. indecision

    5 months and 90lbs gone. :)

    You are awesome!! Congrats on your success!!
  17. I would say post op for sure. For about the first month.
  18. Its hard that is for sure. I was not so strong. I did really well and cheated during 1 meal. I felt the need to have a food funeral for Chicken Wings and beer.... All other meals during that time I was good.
  19. indecision


    All Doc's are different on guidelines. Mine was 3 weeks and that is when I had my first egg.
  20. indecision

    Putting weight on

    Back to basics seems like a good place to start!
  21. indecision

    The Sleeve & Martiage.

    Wow sorry you are going through that. And sorry he doesn't get it. It is good that you are doing what is best for you though because the worst thing you can do is keep living this way and not be happy! Good luck to you!
  22. indecision

    Six months out down 81 lbs down

    Wow you look awesome! Congrats to you!
  23. <----- Almost seven months out does it look like I lost any? I cant tell.......
  24. Congrats on your success!! Way to go!

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