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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by snochick2005

  1. I was sleeved on 3/6/14. I have had a great experience but I know I need some support. What are you willing to pay for a personal trainer?

    I was sleeved July 30, 2013. I've also had a great experience. I have excellent support from my family and these boards are great, but it would be nice to actually talk to someone who has been there. How much is the personal trainer? I can pay as long as it's not too expensive :-)

  2. I'm a teacher and I've always been the fat teacher. I work with inner city kids, so I've been called fat a$$ and other lovely names by some of my more precious darlings...

    Yesterday, my students today were talking about their teachers. One asked if the other had that "big girl." The other said no, I don't have any fat teachers. I have that student 2 times a day :-) apparently I'm not a fat teacher anymore!!! :-D

    Then I stopped the conversation because we don't talk about other people that way. In my head, I was dancing and celebrating tho!

  3. Thinking back to my preop diet, days 2-3 were the hardest. Then it got a lot easier! If you can make it past your mental "food block" it'll get easier on the other side! Kinda like runners block :-) After the sleeve it's much easier! I was forcing myself to eat during the first few stages. Now 8 months later, I'm eating anything fine, except I forget to sometimes. I never thought I would forget to eat!!

    Also try sugar free carnation instant Breakfast with skim milk. Has a few more carbs then others, but it's much easier to drink if you struggle with Protein drinks.

    You can do it!! Don't quit! Think of all the diets and other bs you've tried to lose weight in the past. Let those thoughts of your efforts motivate you because this time it'll actually work!! :-)

  4. I wouldn't wait. I ended up with emergency surgery and would have much rather had a planned surgery

    Yes I was lucky to be able to wait. From my initial meeting with the surgeon to the surgery ended up only being 1 week, rather then the planned 4 week wait for spring break.

    To answer your original question, I was told eating too much fat would most likely cause diarrhea. He said it can take 1-1.5 yr for your body to relearn how to digest fat and regulate that enzyme without your gallbladder. I haven't had any issues, but I have been eating extremely low fat. Really helps me make good choices to think of the possible consequences when my coworkers bring in things like donuts :-)

  5. what were your symptoms? I have been having bad pain right under my sternum and it goes into my back but it is at no specific time it just happens and sometimes it will go away in a few hours and others I will throw up and then it will be gone. I was wondering if it is my gallbladder or gas.

    That sounds like it could be your gallbladder. Go into your PCP and they will order an ultrasound. I have similar symptoms for a few weeks. It was gallstones. When I finally went in, I went downhill fast. I had scheduled my gallbladder surgery and then within a few days, I had to move it up 3 weeks because I got so sick.

  6. I'm 8 months out of surgery and down about 135 lbs. I've had 2 fainting spells in the past 2 days. Yesterday was smaller, today's was worse. Yesterday I just got really dizzy as I was walking and had to sit. I think I was just out for a second. Today, I was standing, got really dizzy and slumped over against a wall. I was able to tell my bf I need to sit and then I completely blacked out. He said I went completely white, lips and all. I was out for like a min and my arm was twitching. After coming to, I was pale, sweaty, and disoriented. Now I have a Migraine.

    I've never had issues with my blood pressure, actually had lower bp even at my highest weight. I always shocked the nurses... I had the stomach flu on Friday and still feel blah, so I haven't been eating or drinking enough. I have been drinking Powerade to keep my electrolytes up.

    Has anyone had fainting spells, not related to bp meds?

    I searched the site, but every thing about fainting spells seems to be related to bp meds... I have my annual physical next week, so I'll bring it up to my PCP then. I know this might have nothing to do with my sleeve, but I figured I'd ask since there are so many knowledgable people out there :-)


  7. I'm having this done on my arms. I've heard really good things and done a lot of research. If it's not too much loose skin it works great to tighten things up. I can let you know how it works on my bat wings in 3 months.

    I've lost 135 lbs, so my "front butt" is a bit much for the lasers according to the consultant. She said it would help, but I wouldn't get the results I would want from it. She did not even recommend trying it. I would need surgery to get the best results... I greatly appreciated her honesty!

  8. I'm 8 months out and I hiccup several times a day. It's just once or twice and then I'm done. I asked the dr about it. She said hiccups usually happen when something irritates your diaphragm muscle, for example eat/drinking something too cold or something like that. However mine happen at any time... Eating, drinking, talking, laughing, breathing, etc! It has no pattern to it.

    I'm a teacher, so at least my students get a kick out of it when I'm in then middle of talking and it happens. :-)

  9. I see that a few of you went to Meadowbrook Park Nicollet Methodist and had Dr. Jones for a surgeon. A couple of questions: I am wondering about the sleep study. I did it and was found to have sleep apnea. I've been trying to adjust to the mask and have been having trouble using it nighly. If any of you were diagnosed with this how many hours or days did you have to show use of the machine in order to be cleared for surgery? I have an appointment on March 31st and then last appt. with Healthpartners APril 4th.....getting close! Dr. Jones....what does he require for a pre-op diet if anything? Thanks!

    I can't answer the sleep apnea question.

    I have to remember back, but I think the preop diet was 10 days Protein Drinks. They go through it all with you very thoroughly! It's also in the binder they give you :-)

  10. I am 8 months out and have the same issues. I have no suggestions for hair loss. I take Biotin, but it is still coming out. I chopped my hair off in December because I was sick of my long hair clogging the shower drain every other day.

    I had my gallbladder removed 3 weeks ago. Those attacks are very scary! I thought my stomach had twisted or something terrible like that. I talked about the options with my surgeon and we decided it was best to come out. He said the recovery would be similar to the sleeve, but I think it was way easier! I felt like my usual self in 1 week, except for bending and twisting. Good luck!!

  11. My surgeon told me that only 8% of their clinics wls patents end up needing their gallbladders removed later. They do an ultrasound to determine how healthy it is prior to surgery. If they think it will be a problem, they remove it during the sleeve surgery to try to avoid a second surgery.

    There is a preventative medication that some surgeons use. You can ask your surgeon about that too.

  12. I am looking for the same thing. I would love to have a person that is going through the same process as me. Where are you located. I go to the y in Burnsville?

    I live in Eagan and go to the Eagan Y. I am also in the final stages of approval for surgery. Hope to get the ok to see the Surgeon next month after seeing the dietician. I am going to Southdale for surgery and will have Dr. Laguna also. I will be attending the southdale support group this Wed night. Scared but need the extra support.

    Eagan is really close. If you guys wanna meet up for coffee or something, I would be game :-) we are all at different stages, but can still totally support each other.

  13. I actually just had mine out last Monday, which is 7 1/2 months post op from sleeve. I used my sleeve surgeon because he is also a general surgeon. The recovery has been easy compared to the attacks and really intense nausea I felt.

    I would recommend contacting your sleeve surgeon first and if he/she won't do it, get a recommendation.

  14. I am looking for the same thing. I would love to have a person that is going through the same process as me. Where are you located. I go to the y in Burnsville?

    I live in Burnsville, so I usually go to the Burnsville Y. I work in Minneapolis, so I've been to a few others too. I haven't been in a few weeks because I had gallbladder issues that made me really sick. Now I'm recovering from having it removed.

  15. I would love to have some workout buddies and create a support group. I am also a member of the Y. I was going with a friend (not a wls person), but she was able to get a better deal at a gym through her work. I would be game for meeting up to support one another and work out :-)

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