Hi fellow bandits,
I wanted to start a thread on this subject because I have the smaller of the two bands. My freind has the larger of the two bands. We are about the same weight and dont know why some docs use one or the other.
I was banded on 4/9/07. Had my first fill on May 24th he put in 1cc.
I was VERY tight and had problems eating most everything for about three weeks, LOTS of PBING!! My next visit I refused another fill, knowing I was still pretty tight. I had my next fill on Thursday the 12th of July the doc put in .5cc. I had some loose cream Soup for dinner that evening. Woke up the next morning took my meds they immediatly got stuck, not enough to PB but was uncomfortable for some time. Anyway by Friday evening I was having problems swalling Water, this went on all weekend. I called the docs service. the doc called back suggesting warm broth to relax the stomach. that didnt work and I ended up going in first thing Monday morning to have the .5cc removed. I had lost 8 lbs in 2 1/2 days. Not weight! I lost 8 pounds of Fluid and was very dehydrated.
I'm wondering if these problems are more likley to happen to people that have the smaller band, because I keep reading about people have 3 or more fills since their April surgery date with no problems. My friend is on her third fill without any overfill problems she has the larger band.
I'm kinda scared to go in for another fill !!!!
Hope someone out there has some infor for me.
Sorry so Loooooooong