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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MissNilsa

  1. Hi guys: I was banded on august 13. I've been on liquids for the most part but yesterday my friend made me some slamming Soup and it had baby carrots, celery, cilantro, tomatoes for color and some chicken broth and dark meat chicken. I have to admit I had a piece of that chicken. and today I had a hand full of raisinettes. I am not finding myself hungry but being that the past two days I am picking at stuff (including guacomole, yesterday as well), I am a bit depressed today. My band is not filled. I have not made an appointment but I will on Monday when I go to NYU for my esoph exam. I sort of feel scared and i sort of feel like I am going to fail at this since I have been picking. No excuses. I just tested the waters and I feel bad about it. I didn't go over board but a hand full of raisins here, some chicken there..... you know what I mean? How are you guys doing? Anyone experiencing the same thing?
  2. Hi everyone: My surgery is 8/13 and I know i will need an arm lift because i lost the weight before and my arms used to make me cry. anything and everything about this surgery I would like to know. I am in NY, any good surgeons used by anyone? How long was recovery, painful? Everything. I appreciate your input. /nilsa
  3. MissNilsa

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    ok thanks, sorry about that
  4. MissNilsa

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    Name_________StartWeight___CurrentWeight______Goal________ToGo *****<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = V /><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t" filled="f" stroked="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe">:cool2:</v:shapetype>************************:tt2:*********:thumbup:****** :thumbup:*** Brandy.............198............196...........166...........28 Ebonie.............307............307...........200...........107 Lindar172..........246............246...........150...........96 Long2BThin.........216............212...........169.........43 lotzasunshine......270............270...........180..........90 Loveislovely.......216............216...........175...........41 Mamanmidwife.......264............264.....200............64 Mojo08.............273............210.........170..............40 vzghj3.............202............202.........150.................52 WOWOX7.......173............170.........125................45 Nilsa................238............180..........132...............48
  5. Hello All: I have not posted in a really long time but I wanted to say that I am happy and although I would have lost a lot more if not for the ice cream bad habit, I have to say that I am so glad i had my surgery. I am trying to post pictures of the day of my surgery and what I look like today but never mind that... its the way that I feel that is important right now and... needless to say, aside from the occassional self inflicted pb, I am doing awesome. Keep on trucking people! best, Nilsa:thumbup:
  6. MissNilsa

    1 year bandiversary today

    wow! you have only 2 lbs to go. that is so super amazing! congrats to you and thanks for the inspiration
  7. MissNilsa

    1 year bandiversary today

    LOL, yeah that ice cream has some hold on me. BUT NOT FOR LONG FOLKS, NOT FOR LONG!
  8. MissNilsa

    1 year bandiversary today

    Hey: Thanks for those words, I usually feel like i am blowing it with the ice cream and crap! that feels great. in the fall i will be exercising though. its really about time I did that.
  9. MissNilsa

    You know you are a bandster when....

    you look at the ice cream fridge at the supermarket and think "what am I gonna have for dinner tonight?":tt2:
  10. :rolleyes:I was wondering if anyone experienced the same as I am with respect to my stitches. My large (port) incision is healing nicely (from what i'm told) but the end stitch is annoying me to death. It feels like a stray hair that you just need to pluck . it is only that one end stitch -- I know i sound maniacal but oh man - do i want to pull it. my question is has anyone else had this annoyance and does it eventually go somewhere or melt or something? didn't want to call the surgeon to ask that little question. My first fill is 9/18! Can't wait. /nilsa
  11. MissNilsa

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    what kinds of trouble are you having with the fills? Are you too tight? i'm going through that right now but its my fault because dr. fielding didn't want to fill me and I insisted I wanted at least 1cc so now i'm pretty tight and have to stick to ground meats and mashed stuff.
  12. MissNilsa

    Who have you had enough of ??

    Yes! Religion is a control tool now for politicians and the like. It is quite disgusting.
  13. MissNilsa

    Who have you had enough of ??

    Elisabeth Hasselbeck is one person that I would love disaappeared into thin air. Seriously. If she left the view and moved to Bangladesh and we never heard or saw her again, it would be a better America!
  14. MissNilsa

    Fill Doctor In NYC

    Just out of curiousity. Why has it been so hard to get a fill from your cousin's surgeon's office? Are they too busy or have they been unprofessionally ignoring her telephone calls? Also, if she wants she can go to my surgeon's office. His team is excellent for fills. NYU Program for Surgical Weight Loss. 1st Avenue, 33rd Street, New York. The telephone number is: (212) 263-3166. 530 1st Avenue, to be exact. /n.
  15. MissNilsa

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    Congratulations to you. I had my first fill on 9/18. I have restriction (i think) which makes things that I shouldn't be eating hurt as they go down. I've lost about 19/20 lbs depending on what day I get on the scale. I wish it were more but I will take it. /n.
  16. MissNilsa

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    it is a weird experience. I don't like it at all. I was just posting some where else that the list of foods I could eat seems to be diminishing! As for your weight loss -- I would like to think i'm doing ok but i would rather see better results also. I've lost 17 lbs since and even before surgery. I'm trying to look at the bright side of that; because some of my clothes are feeling different - and so am i actually. so keep it going, you're doing great. i had my first fill on 9/18. it was a very weird sensation - and i feel what people have described as "restriction".... and fear might i ad - about eating. not good.
  17. Hi Everyone: Just thought I would share this with you guys because I didn't know any of these details and am excited about the knowledge. I called today to schedule my 2nd fill. The girl who responded to my call is a bandster (as are most of the staff members). I was asking her about the feeling I have been having since my first fill (upper chest area). As a result of my question, she gave me the following tips: Listen to the soft signs of fullness and learn your body's new language to avoid vomitting: 1. Runny Nose 2. Deep Sighs 3. Sinus Drainage; and 4. Hiccups She said that these things (among others) occur when we are "full". Full does not feel the same as it used to. Accordingly, as one other OH member pointed out, the stomach actually sits way up higher than I thought it did! Hope this is helpful to many, as it is for me. /nilsa:ranger:
  18. I'm not sure about the port pain thing you describe but the hiccup thing happens whne you are either full or your swallowing too fast or too much at the same time. This is what I have been told. My nose gets runny when I eat all the time; even when i'm not full - so go figure, who realy knows....
  19. MissNilsa

    Fills And Pricing

    Hi everyone, I am being banded on 8/13 but until now, I had not thought about fills and how much they even cost. I am going to be banded in NYU by Dr. George Fielding. Does anyone know how much the fills cost? I have Aetna by the way. In case that matters some how. I just figured it would be like a co-payment or something. Anyone know? Thanks!:ranger:
  20. what I thought was fascinating was the runny nose deal. that was unexpected. but it has already happened to me a few times, so i do believe it is true.
  21. you would be surprised. you will stop eating. it is not pleasant
  22. MissNilsa

    Big Brother 8...anyone?

    I agree with you all the way. Danielle is craftier than her father. She is even more dangerous because she hides behind the passive aggressive quiet demeanor. ugh. I couldn't stand her from the beginning. Don't know if you guys watched BB after dark. she would absolutely put every single person down as if she's so hot. Please. a pretty face on a stick. Not flattering at all. she was almost funny walking around there like she was so hot.
  23. MissNilsa

    Big Brother 8...anyone?

    I couldn't stand either of them. They are equally evil. Like father like daughter. Especially her. She criticizes everyone in the freaking world. In a strange way, the more like them you are, the better the chances of winning that kind of a game. By the way, even though he was playing for America, I hated Eric too. I know that particular personality all too well, since I am a New Yorker all my life. Maybe I will be able to root for someone next season.
  24. MissNilsa

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    I'm eating regular foods. I get full faster, that's for sure but I don't have a problem eating food. the only problem i have is with rice. It gets stuck and gives me that breast bone pain. that is aweful. I imagine that once I get my fill -- i will have better restriction. I certainly hope so because at this point, the only thnig that reminds me of the band, is the scar on my belly.
  25. MissNilsa

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    Sooverit: I don't smoke. I think you have me mixed up with another member. thanks though!

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