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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TexasBecky

  1. TexasBecky

    May Exercise Challenge

    Hi Val! I've been wondering where you were. Glad you are back and doing so well. Frangi, As you know, I won't be exercising much in June either. Salsa, maybe you can recruit some others to join the thread next month. You've got a lot of pals on LBT. Get them over here exercising! I finished the month with another hour of cardio and a strength training session. Crazy Ates May Exercise Challenge 21/20 Cardio Sessions 8/8 Weight Sessions
  2. I'm just curious how long you will be in surgery or were in surgery if you've already had plastic surgery. I'm having a lower body lift and a medial thigh lift with two surgeons working on me and they anticipate it taking about 6 hours.
  3. Good for you Becky. I'm glad you have got your fighting spirit back. It is a shame that insurance companies are often so difficult to work with, but I really believe that this will all work out for you. Keep the faith and keep fighting!
  4. TexasBecky

    May Exercise Challenge

    Another day of cardio done. Crazy Ates May Exercise Challenge 20/20 Cardio Sessions 7/8 Weight Sessions
  5. TexasBecky

    August Bandsters Get-Together? Anyone?

    Hi Candle! I'm always glad to see you posting. Vegas is a great idea. It is reasonable and like you say, something for everyone. I like the sounds of a fall trip and the hiking really appeals to me. Something to look forward to after the summer of plastic surgery.
  6. TexasBecky

    Plastic Surgery

    I had my upper GI today and it was NORMAL!!! I am now officially 100% cleared for my PS. Thanks everyone for your thoughts on telling the family. Since it is unanimous that I should tell my kids, consider it done. My sister will be so happy. Thanks LJM. You'll be my official poster until I'm up to it!
  7. TexasBecky

    Plastic Surgery

    Jody, you are such a dear to be following us so closely. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your thoughtfulness. My surgery is at 7:00 on the 12th. Last week when I was seeing my ps I also took a tour of the "guest suites" as they call them, where I will be for two nights. I confirmed that they do have wireless internet so I hope to be posting that evening or at least by the next day. I'm with Frangi on this; the sooner I can get up and move around the better. If I'm just not up to posting, I'll get my sister to report in. Tomorrow is my upper GI, which I'm convinced is going to be completely normal. All of my symptoms have subsided and I've been feeling great again. I'll report on that tomorrow afternoon. I really can't believe our surgeries are in just a couple of weeks. This month has flown by. Yes Frangi, it is a good thing you aren't superstitious. I hadn't even thought about you being scheduled on Friday the 13th. It just makes your story that much more interesting! Frangi, have you told all of your friends and family about your upcoming surgery? I don't mind anyone knowing that I'm having PS, I just don't want to worry people needlessly. I haven't told my parents or my children. My sister thinks I should tell them. What do you all think? LJM, thanks to you also for following along with us. If I end up having trouble with the hospital's internet, would it be ok if I call you and get you to post for me?
  8. TexasBecky

    May Exercise Challenge

    Hi Pizzi, sounds like you are getting adjusted to the new environment. I think you've got the right idea on the exercise. Doing something that you enjoy and will do everyday is the best. I finished another day of cardio and strength training. Crazy Ates May Exercise Challenge 19/20 Cardio Sessions 7/8 Weight Sessions
  9. TexasBecky

    Just have to celebrate 100 pounds gone!!!

    Frangi, How could you not love shoes????? I just knew you must! I'm guessing that you and Jody have tiny little feet. I, on the other hand, have lovely long boats! 100 pounds ago I wore a 10. Now I'm down to a size 9.
  10. TexasBecky

    May Exercise Challenge

    I just finished my hour of cardio. Go Jody! Go Jody! Go Jody! You're having a great month! Glad you're back Molly. Take it easy. We tend to forget that just plain old gentle walking is still really good for us. Salsa, I can't see your pictures. I just see red x's. Crazy Ates May Exercise Challenge 18/20 Cardio Sessions 6/8 Weight Sessions
  11. TexasBecky

    Just have to celebrate 100 pounds gone!!!

    :Banane33::sad::Banane33::tt1::Banane33::tt2::Banane33::tt1::Banane33: Frangi, more dancing bananas for you!!!!! You have worked hard to get where you are in less than 10 months. I hope you buy yourself a new pair of shoes to Celebrate (they'll still fit after your ps). Great job!!
  12. Becky, I'm sorry you are having to go through this, but like everyone else is saying, you must not give up now. You've proven that you can overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. This too is something that you will be able to accomplish, one way or another. I hope your insurance will come around, but if not, I know you will find a way to make this happen. Have you looked into getting some legal aid? Explore all your options and try not to get discouraged.
  13. TexasBecky

    When is your first fill?

    My doctor waits 6 weeks post op for the first fill. That seemed like an eternity to me, but everything has worked out really well since then so I can't complain. I think every doc is different.
  14. TexasBecky

    Plastic Surgery

    I guess there is a small down side to living in paradise - the obnoxious tourist! But they do provide good material for cocktail parties. I wonder where that guy is now and if he remembers making such an ass of himself.
  15. TexasBecky

    August Bandsters Get-Together? Anyone?

    The Virgin Islands in November? Count me in. We could plan something in August too. I'd say come to Texas everybody, but August is a killer here. Other suggestions?
  16. TexasBecky

    Plastic Surgery

    What the hell are people thinking? Outside of the Olympics when is a Speedo ever appropriate? I am not surprised at what women will bare in public, because I see it all the time even here, but a man on a street corner in a Speedo? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  17. TexasBecky

    May Exercise Challenge

    I did cardio and weights today. Crazy Ates May Exercise Challenge 17/20 Cardio Sessions 6/8 Weight Sessions
  18. TexasBecky

    Plastic Surgery

    Thanks Frangi. I always appreciate your kind comments. I am going to try to calm down a bit about all of this. Seeing those pictures yesterday just made me want to shout from the roof tops.
  19. TexasBecky

    Plastic Surgery

    Salsa, I'm enjoying picturing you at school with your pants on inside out. Your little, tiny, size 4 pants. Wow, Wow, Wow. Did you ever imagine you would be a tiny little thing? I remember when I first got banded thinking how fabulous it was going to be to wear a 14. And it was. I was deliriously happy the day I bought a pair of size 14 jeans. I only got to wear them for about a month, but I'll never forget what a milestone that was for me. Now I'm just over the moon at the prospect of a size 8. If I get down to a six, I'll probably have to be hospitalized for shock. I feel so fortunate to be getting PS that I hate to dwell too much on the breast and arms, but I do hope to get them fixed eventually. Have you discussed that with your PS? Any plans? December would be the soonest that I could consider another round of surgery, but more likely it would be this time next year.
  20. TexasBecky

    Plastic Surgery

    No worrying won't do us any good Frangi. But it is hard not to. I am worried about possible complications like pneumonia and blood clots. I know they are rare, but still I worry. I'm not so worried about the pain. I expect good drugs and the doc told me today that in addition to the pain meds he will call in sleeping pills and antibiotics a few days before the surgery. He said that he figures I will need the pain meds for about two weeks. I think I have a fairly high tolerance for pain so I'll be surprised if I take pain pills for two weeks. I'll know soon enough. After seeing my "after" pictures today I'm more excited than ever. He really does expect my results to be as good as the computer images I saw today. A totally flat stomach, yes totally flat! And to go along with that I'll have a flat, lifted pubic area, completely smooth and slender thighs, and a nice, smooth lifted butt. No more sag for me!! I just kept saying, "are you sure this is realistic?" He told me that I am the perfect type of patient for the lower body lift because I have practically no fat left. Are you talking to me doc? No fat left? It is true. I never thought I'd hear any doctor telling me that, lol. It is just a shame that my upper body is going to continue to be a saggy mess, but I can conceal a lot of that problem with a good bra and sleeves until I can get the rest of me fixed. I will see the doctor one more time in his office the day before surgery. He says he prefers to mark me the day before so that he has plenty of time - he thinks it will take about 30 minutes. I wouldn't have thought they spend that much time marking, but it is really important because everything looks different when you're lying on the OR table. Oh, I almost forgot. He thinks he'll be removing between 8 and 12 pounds of skin! Frangi, you may be right. A size six just might be in my future! Is a size six going to look good at 5'9"? DH keeps warning me not to get too thin. Like that could ever happen, lol.
  21. TexasBecky

    Plastic Surgery

    My surgery is three weeks from today! I'm so excited. Not a day goes by now that I don't find myself thinking about the surgery. I'm nervous, but mostly just ready to get it done and get on with things. Tomorrow I see the plastic surgeon again to see the pictures of what I should look like after the surgery. That will be interesting. Oh, and I'll be paying the doctor and the hospital tomorrow too. Not so interesting. Frangi, did you get your flight booked? Are you getting as excited as I am? Are things going to work out for your hubby to get to be there for a few days? My sister will arrive in Dallas on June 5th, so we will have several days to "play" before the surgery. I just have to control my urge to shop for clothes. No sense in buying anything else now, since I think (hope) I'll be wearing 8's after the surgery. I don't think I've worn an eight since I was eight. WooHoo!
  22. TexasBecky

    May Exercise Challenge

    Frangi, I hope you get your toothache taken care of today. I'm sure impressed that you still did your couch to 5k workout. Salsa, 3.5 is still awesome. Sometimes you just need a break. I did another hour of cardio this morning. Crazy Ates May Exercise Challenge 16/20 Cardio Sessions 5/8 Weight Sessions
  23. TexasBecky

    May Exercise Challenge

    Today's exercise included an hour of cardio and an hour of bending, lifting, digging, etc., in the garden. I'm tired! Crazy Ates May Exercise Challenge 15/20 Cardio Sessions 5/8 Weight Sessions
  24. TexasBecky

    Nutritional Testing

    Salsa, I'm so glad it all worked out. Your PS sounds great and now, thanks to her, you've got a great new PCP too. Congrats of the sparkling clean EKG.
  25. TexasBecky

    How important is PS Lap Band experience?

    The doctor buys an insurance policy to cover complications that would result in additional time in the hospital, i.e. you develop a blood clot, or something else serious that requires hospitalization. In most cases insurance that is not covering a cosmetic procedure will not cover any complications resulting from that procedure. Like all insurance, it just offers some assurance that you won't end up spending thousands of dollars on unexpected bills. I think it adds around an extra $200 to the cost of my lower body and medial thigh lift.

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