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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TexasBecky

  1. I'm pretty sure I'll be getting the pain pump. It seems like every PS I consulted with uses them, but I will be verifying that when I see my doctor on Wednesday to get marked up.
  2. Salsa, thanks for your comments. It is exciting that we are all able to share our experiences. I'll be following your journey with great interest as well. I just realized that we are getting our PS in the same order that we were banded. My band surgery was on 8-2, Frangi was 8-7 and you were 8-9. I think we are all extremely lucky to be ready for PS and able to do it this soon. I know it is a dream come true for all three of us.
  3. TexasBecky

    June Exercise Challenge

    Same old thing for me. One hour of cardio and weight training this morning. CRAZY ATES JUNE EXERCISE CHALLENGE 5/7 CARDIO 2/3 STRENGTH TRAINING
  4. TexasBecky

    How important is PS Lap Band experience?

    I checked out his before and after pictures on the website. Looks like he has lots of experience and does some amazing work. I hope my lower body lift produces results like those. Good luck and keep us posted on your journey.
  5. I checked out Dr. Carter too. He seems quite popular around here, but he was disciplined by the Texas Medical board in 2006 for leaving a sponge in a patient. Whoever you decide on, check their record at Texas Medical Board. Good luck!
  6. Thanks Laura and Becky. It does help to know that others are cheering for us. I'll do the same when your turn comes. I took some pictures a few days ago. I'm hoping that the afters will be so great that I will not mind showing the befores. By this time next week I will be on the road to recovery. Yippppeeeee!
  7. TexasBecky

    June Exercise Challenge

    Another day of cardio done. My PS is one week from today! Yeah me!!! CRAZY ATES JUNE EXERCISE CHALLENGE 4/7 CARDIO 1/3 STRENGTH TRAINING
  8. TexasBecky

    New to all

    Hi Mamalovell. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. I don't have PCOS but I know there are many bandsters who do and I've seen it discussed here a lot. I know of several lapbanded women who have been very successful in spite of their PCOS. Go to the top of the page and type in PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in the search box. You will get a list of threads were this topic is discussed. Good luck.
  9. TexasBecky

    June Exercise Challenge

    Got my hour of cardio and strength training done today. CRAZY ATES JUNE EXERCISE CHALLENGE 3/7 CARDIO 1/3 STRENGTH TRAINING
  10. Thanks Julie. I am going to talk to my doctor again about this. I don't really have any fat left on my thighs (my legs have always been the thinnest part of me) but I do want the skin to be nice and tight and I have quite a bit of saggy skin! For the expense and the difficult recovery I definately want to be happy with the results. I'd rather have the long scar and good results than the small groin incisions and not be happy. Thanks for your reply. Ill let you know how it all comes out. Becky
  11. Julie, I am having the thigh lift with the incision like you had. Now that some time has passed are you happy with the results? It sounds like the incisions were a real pain, but how are they now? Do you still think the thighs were the most painful? How long before you were comfortable wearing pants? My surgery is just 9 days away now.
  12. I know its a relief to have all your pre-op done and know that everthing is good to go. One step closer! Of course I know nothing about the anchor scar, but I'll be interested to see what others have to say. Thanks for the well wishes Luluc & Julie. I am soaking in all the positive vibes.
  13. TexasBecky

    June Exercise Challenge

    Welcome to all of you who are new to this thread! It has helped me so much to set some exercise goals and feel accountable. I hope it will work as well for all of you. This morning I did an hour of cardio. CRAZY ATES JUNE EXERCISE CHALLENGE 2/7 CARDIO 0/3 STRENGTH TRAINING
  14. TexasBecky

    Before and In Progress Pics?

    OMG Pammy!! You look sooooooo good. Congrats on 100 pounds lost. You must feel wonderful.
  15. Karey & Kat, you girls are full of good advice! How was your appetite after surgery? Did you want/need anything special to eat or drink? Did your doctors push protein?
  16. TexasBecky

    June Exercise Challenge

    I guess I'll join in for a few days this month. I think I can get it 7 days of cardio and 3 weight training sessions before my reconstruction. I hope I'll be back at least posting some light walking soon after my surgery. Today I've done an hour of cardio and an hour of gardening. CRAZY ATES JUNE EXERCISE CHALLENGE 1/7 CARDIO 0/3 STRENGTH TRAINING
  17. Frangi, a medical supply store (there is probably one close to the hospital)will for sure have the elevated toilet seat and probably the wedge.
  18. TexasBecky

    Kareyquilts TT, BL, Lipo & BA

    Thanks for sharing the pictures Karey. Everything looks like it was just perfect. Your daughter is beautiful; she looks like her mom! Wow, Cirque du Soleil. You must be very proud of your son too. Have a wonderful time in Montreal.
  19. Thanks Cori and GoJags for your sweet comments. I will take all the positive vibes I can get. I bounced back from my band surgery really fast, and although this is much more extensive, I'm hoping for another speedy recovery. My husband says he will do anything he can to help, but he turned absolutely white when I told him about emptying the drains, lol. Thankfully my sister is coming to town to help out. I think maybe hubby should stick to chores around the house and let my sister play the nurse.
  20. Frangi, Another item I just noticed on my list is Colace or some comparable stool softener. I always need something like that when I'm on pain meds. I also have to shower with Hibiclens soap for the three days prior to surgery. In Texas we say "go big or go home". That applies to our hair and our implants, lol.
  21. No insurance coverage for mine either. I was fortunate that my band surgery was covered by insurance though, so I'm just biting the bullet on the PS. I figure I'll be about equal to a new Lexus when I'm completely reconstructed! (Gotta get the breast and arms done later).
  22. Great question Frangi and great ideas Karey. I will definately be getting the elevated toilet seat. Would never have thought of it, but I know it will make recovery a little easier. Let us know if you think of anything else. Frangi, I have a sheet of written instructions from my doctor for at home after surgery. A couple of items mentioned that might help you are clothes that button or zip (nothing that has to be slipped on over your head) and slip on shoes. Also, Protein supplements to aid in healing.
  23. TexasBecky


    The good news is that the bigger you are the faster you will lose. I am "only" 5'9" and I lost over 100 lbs. in just about nine months. The larger underlying bone, tissue, etc. in a tall person causes you to burn more calories just breathing. Once you're banded, eating right, and exercising, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how fast the weight will come off. Good luck!
  24. TexasBecky

    It's Kats turn!!!!

    Hi Kat. I'm so glad to read that you are feeling better and well enough to go on a little outing today with your hubby. I've been following your story with great interest. I'm scheduled for a lower body lift and medial thigh lift in a couple of weeks and the details you have provided have been very helpful. We have similar stats. I'm also 5'9" and we've lost about the same amount of weight, so hearing how happy you are so far makes me even more confident that I'm going to be thrilled with my results too. It seems like you didn't take pain meds for very long. Did you not like the way they made you feel or did you just not need them? My doctor says I'll probably need prescription pain meds for a couple of weeks. I don't like the sounds of that, but I guess I'll see how it goes. Are you able to drive yet? Keep resting and taking care of yourself. Becky
  25. TexasBecky

    May Exercise Challenge

    Hi Jody! Strength training was something I didn't want to do either, but I knew it would really be good for me and, also thanks to encouragement from Frangi, I decided to find something that would work for me. I did a little research and found a book, "Strong Women Stay Young" by Miriam E. Nelson, Ph.D to guide me. I had to buy a few weights so that I could do it at home. It is just perfect for me. It involves a few simple exercises for upper and lower body that I do two times a week. It takes me 30-40 minutes and it has made a big difference. It is not a heavy duty, get bulky program. It is designed to replace fat with muscle, reverse bone loss, and improve energy and balance. It is based on research at Tufts University. I was looking for something that was simple, could be done at home, and that would get and keep me strong enough to maintain the active lifestyle that I now enjoy. This may or may not be what you are looking for, but do investigate your options and find something that you will do regularly. The number one cause of loss of function and independence as we age is weakness. So besides helping with the overall goal of losing weight and getting fit, strength training will keep you looking and feeling young!

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