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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TexasBecky

  1. TexasBecky

    Something fun!!

    I've lost an Irish Setter and a rack of baby back ribs!
  2. TexasBecky

    December Exercise Challenge

    40 minute walk today. Crazy Ates DECEMBERExercise Challenge 7/20 Days of Exercise
  3. TexasBecky

    December Exercise Challenge

    Hey Lady Bug, Its raining here today so I did the Walk at Home dvd for the first time. It was a nice change of pace and a good, vigorous workout! Thanks for the suggestion. Crazy Ates DECEMBERExercise Challenge 6/20 Days of Exercise
  4. TexasBecky

    December Exercise Challenge

    BandChick, About the only food that doesn't work for me is bread and doughy things, but I do get in a rut too of eating the same stuff because it is easy. Check out the food thread. There are some good ideas there. I think it is important not to get bored with your food - that leads me to do bad things!
  5. TexasBecky

    December Exercise Challenge

    Frangi, I commend you on your new workout mission, especially at this time of year. I feel like I'll be lucky to just stick to my current routine through the end of the year. This is just a crazy time of year with so many distractions. I enjoy the holiday parties and the company coming, the shopping, and the holiday cooking and decorating, but it takes up a lot of time and energy. However, I have noticed that my stress level is lower than it usually is at this time of year. I'm sure the exercise is a big factor and with my weight loss so far, I'm not as worried about what I'll wear and who I'll see at all the holiday events. Just keep reminding me to keep my priorities straight. Hope everyone has a great week! I walked for 45 minutes today. Crazy Ates DECEMBERExercise Challenge 5/20 Days of Exercise
  6. TexasBecky

    December Exercise Challenge

    Hi Band Chick! Glad you checked in. I've been thinking about you. I'm sorry you're struggling but you've come to the right place. Yes, you can do this. Just keep checking in here and tell us what challenges you're having. We will certainly try to help. Have you had a fill lately? Obviously the lapband is not the quick, effortless, magic that so many unbanded people think it is. It is still hard work and the mental issues still loom large. Coming here everyday and feeling some accountability to all the others who are working so hard is helping me. Good luck, Becky I walked for 45 minutes this morning. Crazy Ates DECEMBERExercise Challenge 4/20 Days of Exercise
  7. TexasBecky

    So...what's up with SALAD?

    I have no problem with salad either. I just make sure it has plenty of fat free, low calorie dressing to keep it moist and chew, chew, chew.
  8. TexasBecky

    December Exercise Challenge

    Frangi, I'm impressed with this group too. I think we'll be some of the first Crazy Ates to be posting on the "life at or near goal thread". I sure hope so! I walked for 45 minutes today. Crazy Ates DECEMBERExercise Challenge 3/20 Days of Exercise
  9. TexasBecky

    December Exercise Challenge

    Dave, sorry to hear your Dad is in the hospital, but glad you are still taking care of yourself. Keep it up. I got in a 40 minute walk today. Crazy Ates DECEMBERExercise Challenge 2/20 Days of Exercise
  10. TexasBecky

    December Exercise Challenge

    I took a few days off from walking, unless you count hours of Christmas shopping and decorating the house and yard! Back to formal walking for exercise today - 40 minutes. :bananapartyhat:Crazy Ates DECEMBERExercise Challenge 1/20 Days of Exercise
  11. TexasBecky

    Pasta Replacement!

    I'm going to look for the tofu too. It sounds yummy. I did recently cook some spaghetti squash and it was great too. I used pasta sauce and ground turkey. I really satisfied my craving for pasta. Just don't over cook it. I pierced it several times and put it in the microwave for about 15 minutes. Well, after about 12 minutes it exploded, knocked the microwave door open and fell out on my kitchen floor! Talk about a mess! I was still able to salvage the meal, but it took me a while to clean up the microwave.
  12. TexasBecky

    November Exercise Challenge!

    Well just like last month it took me until the last day to finish the challenge, but I made it! Walked for 40 minutes today. 24/24 Days of Exercise
  13. I commend anybody who finds a way to lose weight and keep it off. Whatever works. I have lost and regained so many times that I was convinced I couldn't keep the weight off unless I did something different this time. I say that although losing weight is really hard, keeping it off is even harder. I'm very hopeful that my band will make things different this time. I do wonder why Oprah seems so against WLS. I saw the show yesterday too and noticed that she kept making a big point about how all of the people on the show had lost their weight without surgery. She must not understand that even with WLS it takes a huge commitment and a lot of hard work to lose 100+ pounds.
  14. TexasBecky

    November Exercise Challenge!

    I got in a good hour and 15 minute walk today. Will finish the challenge tomorrow! 23/24 Days of Exercise
  15. TexasBecky

    November Exercise Challenge!

    Hi Ya'll! Looks like almost everyone has hit their November exercise goal. Good going! I'm still plugging away. Walked just 35 minutes today. I feel guilty if I don't get in at least 40 minutes, but I guess 35 minutes is way better than nothing. 22/24 Days of Exercise __________________
  16. TexasBecky

    November Exercise Challenge!

    Another 40 minute walk today. 21/24 Days of Exercise
  17. TexasBecky

    November Exercise Challenge!

    Congrats Dave on making the November challenge ahead of schedule. You are just doing an amazing job. Jody, I'm going to buy the DVD. It sounds like a good option for rainy days at the very least. I'm glad you mentioned it. I'd thought of it before but quickly forgot. Sunshine and blue sky today - walked for 1 hour. 20/24 Days of Exercise
  18. TexasBecky

    November Exercise Challenge!

    Frangipani, Well you did have an exciting workout this morning! I would have fainted if it happened to me. I had an encounter with a man on my walk today too. I walk at the same park as my primary care physician. We passed on the trail and he gave me a thumbs up! ha, ha. Not nearly as flattering as your little dinner invitation. Jody, glad you're back posting again today. A whole hour! That's great. Keep up the good work. Tell me about the Leslie Sansome DVD's. Have you used them before? What do you think? Do they get boring? I think I'd use and enjoy a treadmill, but again, I don't have a good history of sticking with that sort of thing and I don't want to waste more money. I've had various pieces of equipment in the past that all ended up just collecting dust. I feel like I've got to prove (to myself) that I'm really making a life long commitment to exercise before I spend anymore on equipment or memberships. Maybe I should set some kind of exercise goal and when I reach it reward myself with a good treadmill. Just rambling now. Anyway, I managed to walk when it wasn't raining today and got in 40 minutes. Just five more days left this month. 19/24 Days of Exercise
  19. TexasBecky

    November Exercise Challenge!

    Sounds like everyone is realy digging in and working hard. Frangi, I second everything you said. This is an impressive group. Dave, you are already almost half way to your goal and Salsa is already in onederland!! Nana, you have already exceeded your exercise goal for the month. I like this thread because it is so up beat and positive. I love to see us all having success. And yes Salsa, you deserve a day off to rest your muscles. Today was an example of needing an alternative to my outdoor walking. It was cold and raining, so I bundled up, carried an umbrella, and managed to get in a 30 minute walk. Jody, I wish I enjoyed the cold as much as you. Do any of you have a treadmill or any kind of equipment at home? What about those indoor walking in place videos? Has anyone tried those? Its going to be cold and rainy here again tomorrow, but I can't miss one more day if I'm going to make this month's challenge. I guess I'll be out there with my umbrella again tomorrow! 18/24 Days of Exercise
  20. TexasBecky

    November Exercise Challenge!

    I need to add strength and flexibility training to my routine too. I'm reluctant to join a gym again because I've never stuck with it before and I hate to waste the money. I am wondering if the money might be better spent on some kind of home equipment. Anyway, I'm trying to figure out what is going to work for me long term. In the short term, I've signed up for a physical conditioning class at a local college. It will start in January and go through May. Its very inexpensive (less than $100) and I'll have access to the campus facility and learn how to use the free weights and the equipment. I'm hoping it will help me figure out what works best for me. I did get in a short walk today. I just took a break from all the cooking and went for a walk. That is so unlike the old me and I really like the change. 17/24 Days of Exercise
  21. Julie, I can only second what everyone else is saying. I am so happy for you. Your willingness to share the good, the bad, and the ugly with all of us is so amazingly generous. You educate, motivate and inspire us all and we love you for it.
  22. TexasBecky

    Have you been shopping for new clothes?

    I've had to break down and buy a few basics lately. I bought a pair of jeans and a pair of black slacks and a couple of tops. I love, love, love clothes and could go crazy shopping, but I'm forcing myself to show some self control. I hope to keep on dropping about a size a month, so it makes no sense to invest much in clothes now. I just bought 18s (thrilling) and when I get to a size 12 there may be no stopping me. I can't even remember the last time I wore a 12 but I can hardly wait. Who knows, maybe I could even be a 10 eventually. I'm 5'9 and really can't even imagine what I will look like at goal weight.
  23. TexasBecky

    November Exercise Challenge!

    Yeah Nana! Go Nana, Go Nana, Go! Good luck with the exercise. I hope you love it and the way it makes you feel. Keep us posted. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and that we all cope well with the food challenges the next few days. I've been super busy getting ready for a houseful of company, but I've still walked for 40 minutes for the last three days. I'm turning over a new leaf and putting my well being at the top of the list. It feels good. 16/24 Days of Exercise
  24. TexasBecky

    November Exercise Challenge!

    You guys keep me so motivated. I'm glad we are here to help one another. Dave, you amaze me. Eight miles!! Do your feet hurt? That's what usually signals that I've reached my limit. Maybe as I get lighter, my feet will not give me as much trouble. 40 minute walk today. I can't skip anymore days this month if I'm going to make my goal. 13/24 Days of Exercise
  25. TexasBecky

    November Exercise Challenge!

    Wow Frangi! You are really dedicated. If I had to exercise at 5:30 am, I'm not sure I would do it. Good for you! If you can do that, surely I can make my November exercise challenge. I walked for 1 hr. this morning so I'm half way there. 12/24 Days of Exercise

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