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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by GBFree82

  1. Oh! I'm on that now. This is my second day. And I think it's the reason I have headaches and am dizzy. It's the only new thing I've started. I'm hoping it'll pass soon though.
  2. GBFree82


    I would so do it if that worked!!
  3. Thanks! I am starting lupron next week. I'll do two rounds for a total of six months. I have stage two endo and my dr says this is the best way to get rid of it. And what better time then now to have a vsg? They don't want you pregnant too soon after surgery and the lupron will shut my system down. Both of these are tools for me to get pregnant. 7 years of infertility is enough! We will be trying for a baby at the start of the new year.
  4. GBFree82

    kicked off of a fair ride....

    I have this ridiculous idea that somehow MY weight is going to be the cause of the roller coster breaking down and flying off the track and we all crash and burn. Yep. My weight alone. I know it's silly but that's all I think about instead of enjoying the ride. :-/
  5. GBFree82

    surgery cancelled! ugh

    I would think you could just redo the urine test, couldn't you? Seems like a silly thing to hold up surgery when you told them you had your period. I hope it all works out for you and that it isn't postponed too long.
  6. GBFree82

    Check out my bruise!

    Lol. Yeah, I thought it was pretty funny. It also kinda looks like a pole dancing stick figure now. :-)
  7. I had my EDG done this week and the nurses had a really hard time getting a vein for the IV. They said I was dehydrated... Anyway! Check out my bruise! Can you see it?? Tweet tweet everyone!
  8. I'm in the same boat with you. I'm going into this knowing that I am using the VSG as a tool not only to have a better healthier life but also as a tool against my infertility. I'm hoping to get a call today or monday with a surgery date! I hated being on metformin, I don't think it helped any. I'm not taking anything right now, I will be going on Lupron for 6 months to help with my endo. I hope everything works out for you and that your insurance comes through!
  9. GBFree82

    EGD Recovery Time

    I just had mine and was fully awake and functioning within minutes of coming back to the hospital room. You can't drive afterwards though. By the time we got home, maybe an hour later I had no signs of the drugs at all.
  10. GBFree82


    Very helpful!
  11. I tried to reply this in another board but was told I didn't have enough postings for it. I guess it's a vet board. Anyway... For me, my end goal and driving force is to have a baby. -- 7 years of trying, 3 failed IUIs, 1 miscarriage, diagnosis of stage 2 endometriosis and absolute heartbreak, I hope this works. I actually had to make the difficult choice between the VSG or IVF. At least with the VSG I get a little bit of hope at happiness.
  12. I just got home from having my EDG (EGD?) and chest xray done, I'm excited to be getting closer to a surgery date! The EDG wasn't bad, though the poor nurse said I was dehydrated already and had to poke me twice with a needle to get a vein that didn't work before she called in another nurse who decided to get a pediatric needle and go for the other arm. I got some good drugs and it was over before I knew it and I felt just fine! Turns out I have a little hernia in my stomach and signs of acid wear but nothing that will keep me from my VSG. My chest xray came up clear too so Yay! I'm being put on acid reducers until surgery.
  13. GBFree82

    i dont like puree

    LOL. was thinking the same thing!!!!
  14. Good list! I'm looking forward to Not having to spend an hour in my closet trying to figure out which too tight outfit to wear.
  15. Would it benefit at all to buy a good juicer for pre-op and post-op diets? I thought it would be a good way to get veggies and protein in? Or is it a waste of money?
  16. GBFree82

    Buying a juicer?

    That sounds pretty good!
  17. When I was in college I worked at a girls summer camp for extra money. Our staff was pretty diverse. The girls who came to camp were diverse backgrounds also. One week we had a set of sisters stay with us, I think they were in the 9-11 age range, and they were constantly causing problems and being late for everything. One day a counselor had to go into the bathhouse at the pool because a whole group of girls were taking forever to get dressed, the counselor found the girls huddled together making a top 10 list of who they thought was the fattest counselor of the day. Apparently the list changed with whoever made them mad that day. Anyway. They were all talked to and asked(bc you can't tell) them to stop. The main instigators had latrine duty that week.
  18. Has anyone tried body wraps after their vsg to tighten loose skin? It's a detox also so is it safe? How long should you wait? Do you think it would help at all to start body wraps before wls?
  19. GBFree82

    Body wraps post vsg?

    I always wondered how safe they were, I've never tried one before. My hairstylist sells them and is always talking them up. I figured after wls they'd make you sick though.
  20. I've been wondering for all those post VSG, how has this new way of life affected your relationship with your spouse? Good bad?
  21. GBFree82

    Coconut water?

    I thought the same thing so I gave it a try. I think I tried O.N.E. water. WORST STUFF I HAVE TRIED!
  22. I'm in the same boat, as close as I am with my coworkers I really don't want them to know I'm doing this. They are all mostly thin and pretty and I just don't want the million questions or the talking behind my back stuff. I haven't figured out what I'm going to say yet but I better come up with something fast!!
  23. Hello everyone! My husband and I have been battling infertility for almost 7 years now. My dr. told me that if I lost the weight it would help to get pregnant. I was just wondering if any of you have had success at having a baby after your VSG and how long did you wait to try?

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