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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mtnhomeeee

  1. mtnhomeeee

    Any Az sleevers?

    OK so my echo and nuclear stress tests are done, The echo came out good no abnormalities, waiting for the stress test results. I meet with the pulmonary doc next monday to go over those results then with my nut for or monthly weigh in I pray I get my referral next week to meet with the doc at St Lukes to set a surgery date. I'm getting frustrated this is taking to long. 8 months uugggggg!
  2. mtnhomeeee

    Any Az sleevers?

    I'm going thru the VA so I'm not paying anything for my surgery so I guess they are just trying to stress me out. I'm so frustrated I could spit!!! (yuk)
  3. mtnhomeeee

    Any Az sleevers?

    Congrats!! I'm still going thru the cardio crap, now have to go for a nuclear stress test on Dec 9th they think I may have an electrical block branch or some crap I have never had heart troubles before now just scared to death.
  4. mtnhomeeee

    Any Az sleevers?

    That's who I will be going to in Tempe once the V.A. gets my cardio done on the 20th....all my labs are great, psyc is done did my 8 week wl classes lost 36 lbs just waiting on cardio and then meet with the surgeon and set the date!!!
  5. mtnhomeeee

    cardio ?

    Cardio did my ekg this morning.....my PCP called me this afternoon and told me they want me back that my heart rate was to low anyone else have this? now I'm scared to death
  6. mtnhomeeee

    cardio ?

    Thanks for the info, just waiting for them to call me for a new appt
  7. mtnhomeeee


    way to go!!!
  8. mtnhomeeee

    1 week post op .... Progress

    Great Job!!!!
  9. mtnhomeeee

    Any Az sleevers?

    I have my cardio appt this Friday morning just an EKG nless they see something else and then my labs.......after that just need y PCP to send of the consult with the surgeon!!! I AM SO STOKED!!!!!
  10. mtnhomeeee

    Any Az sleevers?

    Had my Pulminary testing this morning...PASSED have a slight obstruction probably due to weight he said...not bad for a new ex smoker of 40 years...now waiting for cardio appointment......
  11. mtnhomeeee

    Any Az sleevers?

    got my pulminary this coming thursday, they say it will last 2 hours. what all do they do?
  12. mtnhomeeee

    Any Az sleevers?

    YES, YES, YES!!!! just talked to my NUT and she talked to the pysc and said everything should be fine that I finished the eval in record time and that she is putting in the consults for pulminary and cardio and lab work
  13. mtnhomeeee

    Any Az sleevers?

    Had my pysc eval today, she says will take 2 weeks for results if no government shut down, longer if there is. how long did it takefor your evals to come back?
  14. mtnhomeeee

    Liquid diet..mission impossible?

    I've been doing a protein shake and water test drive since Monday and have not cheated once so now I know I can do the 2 weeks for pre op
  15. mtnhomeeee

    Oh My Tuna Mini Muffins

    they were sooo good
  16. mtnhomeeee

    It's finally here!

    Safe travels & good luck my psyc eval is Monday!!!
  17. mtnhomeeee

    Oh My Tuna Mini Muffins

    I used: 1 light tuna pouch --70 cal 1/4c best of egg--30 cal kfraft ff shredded cheddar cheese 1 cups ---180 1/2 tsp baking powder for the whole receipt---280 cal, 9 carbs, 1 fat, 56 protien, 0 Fiber, 0 sugar
  18. mtnhomeeee

    Any Az sleevers?

    I am in Fountain Hills, going thru the VA who uses St Luke in Tempe. I have my physc eval on the 30th. already down 32 lbs, did the 8 weeks move program now just waiting. Im doing a 1 week protein shake fast on my own to see how I do, wanted my sleeve done in october but looks like november
  19. mtnhomeeee

    Protein drink suggestions?

    I've hit a stall am pre-op no loss in 3 weeks, I bought the Premeir chocholate and love them. am doing 1 at breakfast and lunch then protein at dinner with my veggies hoping for a downward move
  20. mtnhomeeee

    phsyc consult

    thanks trying to fet it all done by end of sept to get mid october surgery date
  21. mtnhomeeee

    phsyc consult

    I finally got my phych appointment for 9-16 and 9-30-13 they had to do 2 2hr sessions one session for the computer and then a 1 on 1 for 2 hrs. waiting for cardio and pulminary not looking good for an early october surgery. the va is so slow!
  22. mtnhomeeee


  23. mtnhomeeee

    Arizona Sleevers

    I am in fountain hills and just starting my journey
  24. meet with the MOVE coordinator at the VA today will start my 10 week classes the 1st of July. was down 9# in 2 weeks. 15#s to reach my 10% then finishes the classes do 1x a month meetings with her the get my phsyc, cardio and pulm clearances then meet w/surgeon then 2wk liquid diet then surgery,,,,uggg seems so far away

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
