LAP-BAND Patients-
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Everything posted by TabithaH
OMG Kimberly!!! You look absolutely fabulous! Congrats on making goal!! Things have been going a bit slow for me but you have inspired me to to get things moving again. I mean literally moving again...as I've told you before, I HATE to exercise but I need to get back to it. I was doing really well for a while and then I hurt my back. It has been hard to get back in the swing of things. I had my 6th fill last Monday. I was so swollen (fluids and such) that she couldn't put much in. It seems to be okay at this point tho. It has been so long since I've been on...I think I will skip all the posts and start from here. I'm glad to hear your mom is doing well too. Would love to hear from you again! Tabitha
Hey Kimberly - Yes, it is me! I knew that this would happen but, I'm ready for it to stop! I read on other posts on here that the Biotin doesn't really help with this type of hair loss (nutritional)...it is more for Vitamin deficiency type loss. I asked a pharmacist once about it and he said that was really nothing out there that would help. I talked to Heather (Dr. E's PA) about it at my 6 month follow up and she recommended I try prenatal vitiamins. I've been taking those for about a month...we'll see. Luckily, I alos have A LOT of hair so the loss hasn't been devastating YET. But if it doesn't stop soon it might be. I'm not a vain person but, my hair is something I am very proud of! LOL! I'm coming up on 7 months post-op so maybe it will start to slow down. Thanks for the input! CinniMae - thank you also for chiming in! Please feel free to do so anytime. :thumbup:
Jessie - Congrats and Good luck! Valleygirl - The seminar is a about an hour and it is just an informational session on lapband and a bit about bypass. You will get a packet of informatoin to fill out and give to Mary - she does all the insurance work (and more). She is great! I went to the seminar in May and had surgery in August...but it all depends on if you will be self-pay (might be quicker) or if you are going to go through a process with your insurance. After you get the process started with Mary you will have an appointment with Dr. E and with Katie (she does the psych eval stuff), an all day behavioral class and then a final appt with Dr. E to set the date. Again, all of this depends on your method of pay. Some insurance co. require different things - like 3 visits with Katie. It really all depends on if you are self-pay or going through insurance. Fills: I have had 4 fills so far. Everyone is different on this too. I've heard of some people that have only had one fill and they are a year out from surgery. For most people it takes at least 3 fills before they notice any significant restriction. You are limited on the amount of food intake, but being limited on the types of food really depends on what you can handle. Some people can/can't handle bread, chicken, etc. Port: the port is really not noticable. It is attached to a muscle on the left side but you'll never know it's there. I hope this helps some. Please feel free to ask more questions and I will try to answer the best I can - as I'm sure anyone else will who has already had surgery. I've found everyone on LBT VERY helpful! Good luck
Mazie - Did you go through the hair loss isssue? How long did it last? I'm going crazy right now! My hair is the one thing that I like and I'm losing it! I knew that it would happen, but I just don't know how long to expect it to last. It started happening around December-January so I'm hoping it will stop soon. Any insight?
Grannyk - I'm sorry you are having such a time at this. Here are some thoughts: 1) I just got my 4th fill on Feb. 27th and I'm FINALLY feeling restriction. After my 3rd fill, I felt restriction in the morning, but after about 1:00 in the afternoon it was a free for all. Now, I feel restriction at all times of the day - some days more than others. 2) I vented to the guy at Healthy Weight Supermarket one day about not losing any weight in about a month and how I had this horrible cycle of needing something sweet and then something salty, and how I was always hungry (head hunger). He said (and it makes perfect sense) that I'm eating things that really have no nutritional value and my body is craving those nutrients so I'm searching for those on that horrible sweet/salty cycle. He said that I needed to make sure to get my Protein and eat things that were high in protein and other nutrients that we need and that would help the "head hunger" issue. So, I tried it his way and it worked! I always have Protein drinks for Breakfast so that wasn't an issue but, I started having a Protein Bar for a snack a couple of hours after my breakfast and I even tried some of their "chips" for the salty/crunchy need (some were good and some not)...NO head hunger whatsoever on that day! On other days (and probably that day too) I've been eating stuff like tuna and salmon in the little pouches (right out of the pouch) and yogurt. When I eat this way, the head hunger is not there and I actually feel full. Sorry for the length of that but, hopefully it helps a little.
I have to agree with Kimberly...there have been less people in support group meetings than at the behavioral class. And, if it does turn out to be a big crowd, Katie usually splits everyone up into two groups 1/2 way through - band and bypass.
Hollygurl - My insurance paid but I had to pay $1300 (approximately) because I have a deductible and co-insurance...that was the amount that I needed to meet my co-insurance so they would start paying 100%.
Michelle - If it isn't too late, there is a great fabric store on the corner of Fremont and Sunshine - really close to Dr. E's office. It is called the FM store. It looks like a dirty little place, but they have great fabric...and inexpensive too.
2bthinagn - I talk to UN5-3051 almost on a daily basis so I will tell her you are looking for her. Lauren - you don't have to be banded already to go to the New Beginnings support group meeting. I have been several times and there are always people there who are considering surgery and want to learn more about it. Kathy - Congrats on your date! You know, I thought the liquid phase was going to be just awful, but it really wasn't...at least not the first one. During the first two week phase, I knew there was a purpose. However, after surgery and there was another 2 weeks of it I started getting a bit cranky! I don't know if you will have to do a full 2 weeks...a friend of mine had surgery in Dec. and she got to start on soft foods after one week (give or take a day or two). And, someone she knows was the same way. Maybe now they are doing less time for liquids only after surgery. Oh well, good luck with everything and hang in there. :biggrin2: Maize - how are things? I had fill #4 on Wednesday and then my 6 month follow up on Thursday. I can't believe it has been 6 months already!
Hi everyone! There was quite a bit of catching up to do. I haven't been getting my daily emails about new posts so I don't think to check in as often as I used to. It looks like everyone is doing well...good to see that. I was scheduled for my 4th fill yesterday, but they called and cancelled bc of the weather! It was rescheduled to next Wednesday, though...I guess one more week won't hurt. I also have my 6 month follow up next Thursday. I can't believe it has been 6 months already! I need time to slow down just a bit so I can lose more weight before my 20th reunion this summer! :thumbup: Mazie - hows mom?
Mazie - No particular reason for the change, just decided to use my real name instead of the dog's name. :thumbup: Princess - in case I don't get back on before your surgery date, good luck! I know everything is going to go great. Please give us an update as soon as you feel like it.
Hi Everyone! It is great to see such activity on here. It's been a while since I've been on so I had a lot of catching up to do! Mazie - how's mom? I hope things are better for her. How about you? How are you doing? I'm a little frustrated with the weight loss. I had lost 37 pounds and then gained 5 back. I'm slowly starting to lose that. I feel like I have restriction (especially in the mornings) so I don't think I need another fill...not really sure what's going on. I was really hoping to be further along by now. I did finally join St. John's fitness center and have been going at least a couple of times a week and I'm going to start dancing again (been out of that for a month) so I'm hoping this will help jumpstart the loss. Good too see everyone and new people.
Hi Mazie - Yes, Protein drinks for breakfast. Sometimes, in order to take meds, I will eat a few chips or Cereal. It is strange that I can eat chips (not many) and cereal, but nothing else. Oh well, I seem to make up for it after 1:00pm. :cry I'm glad your mom was home for the holidays. I hope she doesn't give up on the surgery idea. Princess21 - I think the meetings are the 2nd Monday (someone please corrrect me if I am wrong) of each month at 5:30pm. I have been to a couple of them - it is nice to see some friends I've made through this process, but I don't always find the meeting helpful. You should go though and form your own opinion. Off to do house chores...Have a good day all!
Merry Christmas all! Or, Happy Holidays if you prefer! Mazie, I don't really have much to update. Although, I do think I have a bit of restriction now. I can't get anything except liquids down before noon...sometimes even 1:00pm. So, with 99 lost a few days ago did you make it to your 100 goal by today? I hope so! I'm really proud of you!
Oh, Kimberly (mazie), I've been meaning to tell you that the pic you have on here is beautiful! Keep me posted on the 100 by Christmas! I'm rootin' (is that a word LOL) for you! :clap2:
Hi all! Welcome Princess and Granny! :clap2: Kimberly (mazie) - I'm glad to hear your mom is doing well! I hope everything still works out for the band when she is up and running again. Granny - congrats on the surgery! I'm glad to hear everything went well. Keep us posted with your progress. Princess - I was banded on 8/29 by Dr. E and I absolutely LOVE him! I also like most of his staff. As a matter of fact, I am visiting with him in just a few hours. Good luck with everything and keep us posted. I'm glad to see we are becoming a little more active in here. I know I'm partly to blame for the quietness. Before surgery I was on here 24/7...since surgery I might check in once in a while. I will try to do better.
Kimberly - I know you probably won't get this for a while, but please keep us posted about your mom. I hope she is doing well!
Hi KJL (and everyone!) Welcome to the group! I must say, I'm still jumping through a few hoops myself - not with insurance anymore though. Just be patient...it will eventually be over. I don't regret a hoop yet. As far as my decision to go with LB vs. bypass...I ditto everything UN5 said. To be honest, I did consider bypass for a brief moment. I asked Edwards if it would be appropriate for me, he said either would be fine, but I stuck with LB. Good luck with everything! Keep us posted.
I have a question... I had my second fill on 11/15 and since I've started back on solids I get a pain in my upper chest and get the hiccups after eating bread (flour tortillas, calzone, to be exact) and once or twice after eating scrambled eggs. Now, I have had this pain before and know that it is from eating too fast, to big of a bite, or something that doesn't agree with me anymore. I have never had trouble with bread until this fill though. So, does that possibly mean that I might have some restriction or just that I am eating too fast or too big of a bite? I don't feel full at all, but I'm eating less because after the pain I just don't feel like eating anymore of whatever it was. I know it is different for everyone, but if you have some insight I would love to hear it.
Tabitha- how many fills so far? And how are they doing? You sounded pretty disappointed about getting started on losing...any better now? Hi Mazie! I've just had the one fill so far. I go back this Thursday for my second one. I'm hoping that gives some restriction. I'm still pretty discouraged about the slow process...even more so now hearing that you had to wait until December to get your next fill appointment. That is ridiculous! So, if this next one is not enough for me, that means I will be waiting another month or longer to get a third one. I was hoping to have it done before then end of December so that my insurance will pay for it. Also it bothers me because those of us that had insurance to pay for this only have services included for 90 days after surgery...well, if you can't get in to get anything done during that 90 days what good is that!?! I have an appointment with Edwards on the 27th and I'm going to mention it to him. I may even call Donna tomorrow and make sure I'm understanding that 90 days thing. Honestly, if I had known how difficult this part was going to be (and how slow) I might have considered bypass a little more. Now that I have complained... It's good to hear from everyone on here!
I've heard of Dr. Nigro only from seeing info about the WLSC online. Their office is in KS, but they have space somewhere here in Springfield. I think they are down by the Cox medical mile area.
Hi all! It's been a while since I have been on, but I'm glad to see everyone is still here! It took a month for me to be able to get another fill appointment - November 15th! My first fill really gave no noticable restriction. Although sometimes I think I feel something. Jill - Today is fill day for you! I can't wait to hear how it goes. Keep us posted!
Hey Jill! I'm glad everything is going well. Congrats on the loss!! We have been quite on here lately. :cool: Tabitha
Hi Jill!! I'm so glad everything went well. You know, tomorrow will be one month post-op for me and it still doesn't seem real! It is still kind of weird to think I have that thing in there. It took about a week and a half before I was able to do anything without getting tired easily. Even coming back to work - and I have a sit down job - was exhausting! It will get easier though. Hang in there!
Whooooo hoooo, Mazie!!! :clap2:Congrats on hitting the 2s!! Keep up the great work!