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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About jograves

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  1. I'm confused. I am 4.5 months out. I know we are supposed to stop eating at the first sign of fullness. But honestly, my 'full' vs 'hungry' mechanism doesn't work so well. Honestly, I could say that I feel a 'hint of fullness' after about 2 bites of anything. Obviously to get enough nutrition, I need to eat more than 2 bites every 3-4 hours. So I basically eat 3 oz of chicken cuz I know that's a healthy serving. I am full afterward. But I'm also...

  2. I have tried a lot of them. I think they're pretty tasty - and I don't have much time to cook so it's nice. I divide them in half and make 2 meals out of them.
  3. jograves

    Just ate a bagel with butter

    Yes, I am keenly aware that costco bagels have no nutritional value. It is an occasional moment of weakness that I find I slip since my sleeve. On the whole, I've done quite well with protein and stopping when I'm full. And I realize that eating a bagel will not 'help' my son. The reasons we eat are not linear, obviously. When I am highly stressed or sad, there is an attraction to carbs. It's just biology. I think we 'think' that what we need in those moments is food - because it feels self-nurturing and we 'feel' like we are 'taking care of ourselves.' When in reality - truly taking care of ourselves - is done by not turning to food and, rather, making a healthy choice to deal with the stresser like connecting with a friend, praying, going for a walk, or whatever.
  4. jograves

    Just ate a bagel with butter

    Ok that makes sense - thank you for explaining that. That's a relief.
  5. jograves

    Just ate a bagel with butter

    Thanks for your input everyone, and your compassion. My son's illness (Mitochondrial Disease) is what contributed to me piling on the pounds in the first place. It's a chronic, progressive disease and he's now 8...not suspected to live to his teens. So it's really quite tricky trying to get any mojo when we are facing this daily. I've battled through depression, and self medicated with food for 8 years. But I have 3 other kids and with the help of a great counselor I am realizing that 'my' life is not over...even though I feel like I'm dying with him. So it's been wonderful, and painful to try to 'live' again -- but I'm committed and I know my family needs more of me than they've been getting all these years. But yes, it is extremely daunting to try to work up the will power within this situation. Curious - many of you said it's not stretching the sleeve I need to worry about - why is that? Obviously I don't plan to continue to 'cheat' I am more worried in retrospect. I am back on track and have decided I won't be downstairs by the kitchen past the kids bedtimes from now on. But isn't stretching the sleeve the big taboo?
  6. So tonight I ate one of those big costco bagels. It went down fine. And it was a weak moment. But I'm nervous at how much it takes to 'stretch' the sleeve? Would it typically happen from eating more than what makes you full just one time? Or would it require chronic 'eating more than your sleeve should hold' to stretch it out? Hoping I haven't done any damage. In my occasional weak moments, I will indulge until I'm overly full - which is something I am working on with a therapist and trying to get a grip on. It's not like I eat a foot long subway...but at my worst, I will maybe eat a half cup of chili, and then an hour later eat a full bagel with butter. I did that once (tonight) and wonder if I'm stretching my sleeve. Clearly this is not something I want to repeat. I have a child with a terminal illness and the stress just piles up sometimes - and I fold. It's tough to partner grief with self-discipline. But I'm trying and am being real and honest in an effort to get rid of this behavior. Overall I'm doing pretty well, all things considered. I've lost 37 lbs in 2 months (inc. 1 week of the pre-op diet.) And I feel good about that. In general, I feel so much better and have more energy, and such a better attitude about life. It's just these tough moments that are hard to get through without food. I'm trying to keep trigger foods out of the house, but who knew a bagel would be a trigger food! My kids were eating them today and my mind just started turning in that direction. 'Oh man, that bagel looks good!' It's the night time when everyone's in bed and I'm alone that get to me. Those were my old 'pack the food in' times. Thanks for the ear.
  7. Hi there, I was sleeved May 21st, 2013. I am struggling with my Dr's written directive to 'stop eating at the first hint of fullness.' Because when I do that, there is no way I can get down what is considered a typical 'meal' amount of food. So instead I stop eating after a few bites, then eat again about an hour and a half later, and stop again when I feel the 'hint.' That means I am grazing all day which I'm told not to do. Confusing. Based on my Dr's recommendation for the size of 1 meal (example: dinner 3-4 oz broiled halibut, steamed broccoli, sliced tomatoes and a few whole grain crackers,) I could never get all that down in 1 sitting without going way past a 'hint' of fullness. As a result of my 'grazing' I tend to focus on food more, and think about what I'm going to eat next, etc. It makes food way too big a part of my day. It's also way easier to go too high in calories & carbs this way. I've stumbled a few times (1 cookie, 1 cupcake on 2 different days). And I want to nip this in the bud. For me, the 'thinking about food' is the trigger. I know if I had 3 meals + 1 snack I would be better off overall. But should I just eat the 3 meals even if I feel overly full after each one? Thanks for the help. Shawna
  8. I do feel the Gherelin (sp?) hormone being mostly eliminated has helped me a lot in terms of hard core 'cravings' for carbs/sweets/etc. For one, I am full faster. But secondly, now that the gherelin hormone is at bay...I find I don't get that intense need/craving for food anymore. From what I've read and been told, that's one unique facet of the sleeve...that it takes away gherelin. So for me, it really has affected the 'addictive' way I was eating. Course I have a disabled child so I never get much sleep...and my gherelin/leptin hormones were completely out of whack. When you get very little sleep, somehow your gherelin/leptin get reversed and you walk around feeling like you're going to die if you don't get sugar or carbs. Since the sleeve, I feel much more balanced. I'm sure not having huge sugar highs and lows has helped. But I do still definitely notice that if I eat a 'carby' type of food (chip, etc) it 'wakens' the beast a bit and that addictive force starts to bubble up again. But (right now anyway) I can eat a few chips and when I feel that 'crave for more' kick in...I have a Protein shake and that helps get me balanced again. So I wouldn't say it 'cures' addictive cravings and eating...but for me, it has REALLY stopped my feeling like a total victim to them.
  9. I don't get it. I lost 10 lbs on the week long pre-op diet which was around 880 calories per day. S

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