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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to McButterpants in For the love of sweet Jesus.....   
    Revs, I was wondering when you write again and you didn't fail us....Please don't stop your rants. I think I have woman-crush on you.
    I agree with some of the other posters here...I just kind of move along when the repeated questions are asked, "Which Protein shake is the best?" or the irrational "My hair is on fire, what should I do?" "My incision is bleeding and oozing a green colored liquid - is this normal?" "2nd day post-op and I'm up 5 pounds WTF?" "3 weeks post-op and stalled - has this happened to you?"
    I agree with Revs on the point of putting forth effort to look thru some old posts - Yes, stalls happen at three weeks and if you spent any time on this site, you would see that everyone stalls at some point and the three week stall is real.
    OK - I'm off now...I'm going to weigh myself for the 5th time today to see if I've lost anything.
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Mrs.RRn in For the love of sweet Jesus.....   
    But it's week two and I didn't lose any weight, and I lost 40 lbs the first week. I don't understand. This isn't working. I'm too weak from Clear Liquids to use the search box....
  3. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Bronco0605 in I have lost 100 pounds!   
    These are in the wrong order The picture labeled 226 is after I lost 56 pounds, the 207 , then 192, then the 182, then 178. Of course. The biggest issue I have now is with the lose skin it is really bothering me.

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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to adargie in OK gonna do it, finally some pics, been at onederland for a week now!   
    So here goes nothing! highest weight/surg weight 265 as of today 197.2. Surg date aug 5 2013 so I am 9 months out. I am a slow loser but am pleased as punch with where I am at. My goal is 175 and from there who knows!
    My before pics are the first 2 I am the one all the way to the right in both.
    the 3rd is me 4 days ago after a new hair do! lol
    I don't have many full length pics, still finding myself avoiding the camera a bit like I used to. Hard habit to break!

  5. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from Seela in Upping calories by 400?   
    I'm curious - does your surgeon/medical center's plan includes metabolic testing? At 4 months I had that done and it was an eye opener regarding my resting metabolic rate and what my target daily calorie intake should be. Very illuminating!
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Madam Reverie in Just wish I could make a decision!   
    As has been stated before - the experts are suggesting a particular procedure for a reason - and particularly for you.
    Its always healthy to do your own research and your own analysis - I know I did. Lots of it. If you're worried about the suggestion made (thinking there could be alternatives/better out there), ask more questions of your medical team. Get them to substantiate to you personally why they have suggested what they have and not another procedure like gastric balloon, plication, duodenal switch, sleeve, hanging butt-naked from a tree.
    But and again as has been stated before by LL, you have a whopper of a condition that should not be considered lightly.
    Consequently and if it was me? I'd be looking for procedures proven to improve that condition in the quickest amount of time possible.
    If it helps clarify your mind, draw yourself a pros and cons list of each surgery available (as you have been informed, there are more than 2), and how each of them would specifically impact upon you.
    You could also break it down into categories for example of a) post surgery down time post surgical up-keep c) long term prognosis on conditions of concern d) surgical risks e) average weight loss f) mortality/complication rate g) Vitamin deficiency h) dietry requirements (short and long term), i) impact on life/family, etc
    If you start working along those lines, analysing the things that matter to you most (and of which are most important medically to your doctor, too), you will eventually generate the answer you need. You could also take that list into your doctor when you go in for your next chat. I did. Blew the buggers away with how comprehensive I'd been. (Not surprising considering how anal I can be!)
    We all know how confusing it can be. Crikey, I must have read every academic journal available, but I got there in the end.
    The only problem after making that decision was taking the deep breath required to walk into theatre - knowing I was electing to get sliced and diced (yeah, sorry, I'm a bit gruesome like that!)
    Through all of it though - and forgive the cliche, however repetitive yet true - I wish I'd done it years ago.
    If you have any questions, feel free to ask away. There's a lot of knowledge on this thread and in these forums - about all the procedures. Hopefully the answers you require will be balanced, impartial, accurate and more importantly, relevant funny! (only kidding)
    You got this!
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to joeygrocks in 1 Year Post VSG!   
    Today marks 1 year post op VSG surgery! Down 95lbs and I couldn't be happier!

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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from BlessedBeyondMeasure2012 in March 25, 2013 changed my life -- 1 yr surgery-versary!   
    Excellent and amazing work! Congrats!
  9. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to CowgirlJane in Weight will stop redue after six months ? Is that true   
    I lost alot of weight by 6-7 months out... over 100#. I reached a crossroads since by 8 months I wasn't losing much at all. I sort of had to ask myself the question of "is this good enough?" i don't think there is a right or wrong answer to that question, but I personally really wanted to be normal weight and not still overweight. I also realized that weighing under 200# was a heck of a lot better than weighing over 300# so i didn't want to get trapped by thinking I was a failure at losing "only" 100 pounds....
    So, I saw the NUT and we had a real discussion about it. I decided to go for it... so I refocused, i gave up Protein bars which had turned into my snack food of choice. I was in a way abusing them.. using them like a candy/snack substitute. I had to just quit them for awhile because 1-2 per day was adding carbs especially that I didn't need. I also increased the intensity of my exercise - I started doing high intensity interval training, took up spinning and gave up the exercises that were time consuming and low intensity. Those had their place earlier on in the process, but I needed to change to get to my ultimate goal. Those two things got me back to losing that 8-10 per month instead of 2-3 per month.
    THAT is how I made the final push to goal and a "normal" BMI.
    So, the answer to your question is that whether you make it to goal or not in the first 6-8-12 months - at some point you will start feeling more hunger, you may start wandering back to old habits... you might need to face a certain crossroads like i did.
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to indecision in Weight will stop redue after six months ? Is that true   
    The weight does come off slower after the first six months without question. That being said if you continue the good habits you learned the first 6 months you will likely still lose. Next month is my 1 year and I am still losing but is more at a pace of 1 to 2 pounds per week and some weeks none at all.
  11. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to gowalking in Specific friend advice needed! Pic included   
    Try giving her the benefit of the doubt as she is likely all wrapped up in her wedding planning. And I agree...looking for bridesmaids dresses is not the time to call her out on anything.
    Having said that however....I would suggest when you come out of the dressing room and see that you look spectacular...you should say loudly and forcefully....I looook faabulous in this dress!
    I know...it's not how we roll. Most of us are so overwhelmed by how we look, that we sit in the dressing room or stand in front of the mirror and cry...and the poor saleslady has no idea what's going on.
    But if you acknowledge your success loud and clear, there's no way she can avoid it.
    Let us know how it goes, OK? I for one am mighty curious.
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to LindafromFlorida in Having second thoughts...   
    You have one life. Do this for yourself and don't let others decide your life. We all know as we age that obesity causes major health problems. I am hoping my husband and I added a few more years to our lives with the sleeve surgery. We were "afraid" and waited 10 years until we felt they had practiced (my husband said) doing surgeries on others. 4 months post op, I only wish we had not waited so long until the health problems got so bad. However, we are good to go, ready to get on the Florida waterways with our boat after missing last year, and life is sweet! No matter what we will never look back with regret. This has been an awesome 4 months and life is sweet at 67.
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to JanetPRN in Having second thoughts...   
    I only found out my husband didn't want me to have surgery until after it was all done. When I asked him didn't speak up before , he replied that he did not want to be reason I did or did not do something for myself. He felt his priority was to support my decisions, whether he agreed or not. He's a keeper.
    Your life will change. In a way , so will his. Change is good. Check your reasons why want this. Doubts are normal at this stage of your journey.it helps to verbalize to your family why you are having WLS , but first make sure you believe it.
  14. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to mokee in Finally 100 lbs lost!   
    It has been a slow go for me but finally a very big milestone. 100 lbs gone. Not able to exercise but still I have been successful. 9 lbs to go to my personal goal. My hubby said he always thought this was the easy way to lose weight but after he saw all I have gone thru he realizes it still takes a lot of work. Best of luck to everyone. You can do it if I can.
  15. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from LovingmeForever in 2 weeks today from my LBL, Breast Augmentation, Butt Lift, Thigh Lift and TT and nable scar revision!   
    Wow, amazing! and congrats! Best of luck on healing, etc. - looks like the results are just great. I just can't wait til this is me
  16. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from Mikee57 in Cleaning my closet   
    Great work! I'm working through my closets too and have amassed a huge stack of outfits to donate.
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to gmanbat in Anyone else doing well with weight loss but scared to death you'll screw it all up   
    Every warrior knows that fear comes with war. You need enough to keep you sharp but not so much that you run away. You got guns. You got training. Never give up...win.
  18. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to SillyAuntDi in Anyone else doing well with weight loss but scared to death you'll screw it all up   
    I completely understand this fear. Prior to my band, I had my best results with Weight Watchers about 11 years ago when I lost 92 lbs. Then, I gained it all back plus some...I had many excuses and a couple of valid reasons, but it came back just the same.
    I've been talking to my counselor about my quirks and anxiety during this journey. I've lost a lot of weight very quickly, much faster than I expected and it's taken a toll on my nerves really. I don't like the attention it is creating and I have this very big fear of totally screwing up. As I approached the 95lb lost mark, those fears just kept getting stronger and kept getting in my way. My counselor and I talked them through, and then I got past that spot in the road. I still take a deep breath each time I get on the scale. I'm trying hard not to let the scales determine my success, but I know the first time I see a significant jump I'm going to be bummed.
    But, I have the tools and the skills to get things under control when needed. I know how to make the right choices and I know exercise is the key. I can't let my nerves and my fears stop me along this journey. I've gained so much of my life back in the last 6 months. I refuse...REFUSE...to give it up again.
    Good luck to you! Keep up your hard work
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Roo101769 in Cleaning my closet   
    This weekend I tackled a job that I had been avoiding for a while. I decided to clean out my clothes closet. To be honest it was loooong overdue. I actually have two others that need cleaned too, and will be done in the next few weeks. ( Spring cleaning even if it doesn't feel like spring!) I had so much in my closet (hanging clothes) that I had been resorting to throwing my clothes over a chair in my room. Well I finally got sick of seeing that pile so I busted out the big green garbage bags and got busy. I honestly believe I had a mini emotional breakdown during the process because I suddenly got VERY sleepy and took a two - three hour nap. ( I wasn't tired but I was overwhelmed) I woke up and decided to "git er done" and finished the task. I had to try on a lot of items that I had stored in there, not knowing what would or would not fit. Everything is sized so differently, so the only way to know was to put it on. I ended up with FOUR 1/2 of those green leaf bags FULL of clothes to donate, as well as a full bag of ones I threw out because of stains or holes. I also have my double closet bar about 2/3rds full again of hanging clothes, although they are not crammed together. There is a lot of room to let them hang and not get wrinkled. Anyway, I found that I have a lot of capri length pants I can wear for spring that fit me nicely right now. Hopefully by summer they too will go to the donation pile, but for now I have a decent amount of clothes to chose from. And they really FIT nice! Two pair of denim capris fit well around the waist ( so don't feel like they are falling off) but are actually baggy everywhere else. Last time I remember wearing them they cut into my stomach at the waist and were tight around my gut and hips. Now there was a small let down in a couple pair of pants I just knew would be too big, but they weren't. I think I have a warped sense of memory as to how they really used to fit. I weigh less now than I have since I owned anything in there. ( except for maybe a couple sweaters) I did have a hard time letting some things go. I am not someone who buys clothes a lot. I find good pieces and will wear them for years. I had a few tops/sweaters that I strongly considered holding on to, only to end up putting them in the bag. I never have been one to wear tight clothes so if the were sort of baggy on me at 316lbs, then they would be ridiculous on me at 238lbs! ( and even worse by next fall /winter when I would wear again) I think this whole thing was a little hard for me because I still have a hard time seeing the me I am now, not who I was 78lbs ago. I still have major "fat" days. I still struggle with eating the right things. And heck, I still have PMS so that compounds ALL the negative!!! LOL I am trying, I really am. I think getting rid of the old clothes is a step in the right direction for me. I am finally saying "never again". Even if I never drop further than I am now, ( God willing that does NOT happen and I get down to goal) at least I won't be where I was.
  20. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Julie G T in Before and after pics of my Husband and I at 10months!   
    Such an awesome Journey with my husband! Any other couples sleeved together?

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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to RJ'S/beginning in good news for me!   
    Well I just got home from my woman's doctor and he told us that I DO NOT HAVE CANCER . I am out of the woods. After several months of biopsy and waiting and worrying and my own doctor scaring the daylights out of me. I am okay! one thing has finally went perfectly right...
    Hubby almost broke down and cried.....
    Have to see him for a follow up about the meds he gave me to help with some cramping and pain...But that is that he said.....
    I think he was surprised at our reactions since we were both staring at him in disbelief...We are so used to just one more thing to deal with through out this journey. It was nice to get some good news!
    See guys some good news...And on a side note down 2 more lbs.....Zippady-do-dah!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Alex Brecher in ***FYI on Sleeve***   
    This is terrible advice. Please refrain from such suggestions.
  23. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to PdxMan in What is the average weight loss in the begining?   
    This is an impossible question to answer. There are too many variables. Surely you can guess a person with a BMI of 50 is going to lose more than someone with a BMI of 35 during the same stretch of time. Men usually lose faster than women and younger folks are going to lose faster than older.
    Comparing yourself to others can only result in heartache because I can guarantee you someone will chime in who will make your loss seem miniscule and then you start to have a pity party which will do you no good.
    I say this not just for your sake, but for all the other new sleevers out there. Don't compare yourself. This is probably the 4th most often asked question behind stalls, hair loss and Protein.
    Bottom line is to follow the guidelines your doctor laid out for you and you will lose at the rate YOUR body will lose.

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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from delta_girl in 17 Months Out Progress   
    Amazing! Congrats!
  25. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to mom2five in Before/After 158 Pounds GONE! PICS   
    I had my VSG on January 23, 2013 and at that time I weighed 274 pounds. I am 5 feet tall.
    This past year has been one hell of a year! I reached my goal of 125 pounds on December 23, 2013. And since then, I've continued to lose. I now weigh 116 pounds. I'm still within the normal weight range for my height, but I'm trying to stop losing weight now. I like having a little bit of a cushion in case I start gaining...but I still have a hard time eating enough to get enough calories to stop losing. I'm working on it though!
    Here are the pics!

    My son and I can both fit in that outfit now.

    Me now, weighing 116 and wearing size small tops and size 4 pants. Before, weighing 274 and wearing size 3X tops and size 24 jeans.

    Pics taken one year apart

    I took this pic when I reached my goal of 125.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
