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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from 2goldengirl in Considering a re-sleeve in the new year   
    @@LipstickLady thanks for the encouragement! In the few weeks since I wrote my original post, I have taken an inventory of what's working and what has gone off track. I made an appointment with my surgeon for my final post-op follow up (which I should have done back in September but I cancelled because I felt like such a failure). I'm ready to move forward, no matter what that might end up looking like. Also, this morning I watched like 10 exercise infomercials, and it took me back to when I weighed 357 freakin' pounds (my HW ever recorded) -- regardless of what I think I haven't accomplished in 2 years since surgery, I have made pretty big strides towards my goal no matter what.
  2. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from 2goldengirl in Considering a re-sleeve in the new year   
    @@LipstickLady thanks for the encouragement! In the few weeks since I wrote my original post, I have taken an inventory of what's working and what has gone off track. I made an appointment with my surgeon for my final post-op follow up (which I should have done back in September but I cancelled because I felt like such a failure). I'm ready to move forward, no matter what that might end up looking like. Also, this morning I watched like 10 exercise infomercials, and it took me back to when I weighed 357 freakin' pounds (my HW ever recorded) -- regardless of what I think I haven't accomplished in 2 years since surgery, I have made pretty big strides towards my goal no matter what.
  3. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from 2goldengirl in Considering a re-sleeve in the new year   
    @@LipstickLady thanks for the encouragement! In the few weeks since I wrote my original post, I have taken an inventory of what's working and what has gone off track. I made an appointment with my surgeon for my final post-op follow up (which I should have done back in September but I cancelled because I felt like such a failure). I'm ready to move forward, no matter what that might end up looking like. Also, this morning I watched like 10 exercise infomercials, and it took me back to when I weighed 357 freakin' pounds (my HW ever recorded) -- regardless of what I think I haven't accomplished in 2 years since surgery, I have made pretty big strides towards my goal no matter what.
  4. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from Threetimesacharm in Considering a re-sleeve in the new year   
    Thanks for the reply - I absolutely agree about the endoscopy. I have wanted to do one since about 9 months out due to some weird pain/cramping in my large incision area but I had insurance problems at that point and finally gave up on the idea. In 2016, I think it's where I will start. Thanks!
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from winklie in Considering a re-sleeve in the new year   
    @@winklie, interesting info! I bet surgeons are wary, because there have been those changes of outlook with the band (unfortunately to the negative) - although my surgeon still does the band according to their website. Where I live, very few surgeons were Centers of Excellence for the sleeve, so the list of surgeons covered by my insurance for the sleeve procedure was limited back in 2013. Since then, I think a nearby bariatric center has added the sleeve procedure, so it may have caught on a bit more. Back then, I knew that I didn't want the band, and I was really scared of the bypass. I had never even heard of the sleeve until a friend told me about it - so I ended up finding a surgeon and running with it. I think I would still recommend the sleeve to a friend considering surgery, but I would definitely tell them to join this site and read, read, read as part of their decision making process!
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to winklie in Considering a re-sleeve in the new year   
    I was talking to my surgeon the other day and this topic actually came up. He was just at a conference of bariatric surgeons and although this was what the conference was about, apparently it came up, and the surgeons were saying that they were seeing a large number of people converting sleeves to bypasses, there is no statistical data on it yet, as studies have yet to be done, however, the fear was that the sleeve may wind up long term not being as effective as thought. The surgeons were all skiddish about it, as many had pushed the band, and that wound up going very poorly long term. Now they were wondering if pushing the sleeve may wind up with a large group of people that years out need to convert to a bypass. Mind you this was just a group of surgeons talking about what they have seen in their own practices. We won't have any real hard statistical data for years yet, but it is something that is at least being talked about. Just tossing in the latest I have heard. Take it with a grain of salt it may mean nothing.
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Considering a re-sleeve in the new year   
    Thanks, everyone, for responding and sharing your thoughts. I updated my post a bit, since I had edited out all the exercising, etc, that's happened in the past 15 or so months after I had an important knee surgery - that was HUGE for me and some awesome physical changes that were related solely to working out, not losing pounds on a scale. I don't want to minimize how important that has been. I'm not in a stall, but anyone above who has posted about my needing to question my food choices, etc is exactly right. Thank you! i know there are a number of things that only I can do to change this circumstance.
  8. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Considering a re-sleeve in the new year   
    Thanks, everyone, for responding and sharing your thoughts. I updated my post a bit, since I had edited out all the exercising, etc, that's happened in the past 15 or so months after I had an important knee surgery - that was HUGE for me and some awesome physical changes that were related solely to working out, not losing pounds on a scale. I don't want to minimize how important that has been. I'm not in a stall, but anyone above who has posted about my needing to question my food choices, etc is exactly right. Thank you! i know there are a number of things that only I can do to change this circumstance.
  9. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from VSGAnn2014 in Considering a re-sleeve in the new year   
    Thanks, everyone, for responding and sharing your thoughts. I updated my post a bit, since I had edited out all the exercising, etc, that's happened in the past 15 or so months after I had an important knee surgery - that was HUGE for me and some awesome physical changes that were related solely to working out, not losing pounds on a scale. I don't want to minimize how important that has been. I'm not in a stall, but anyone above who has posted about my needing to question my food choices, etc is exactly right. Thank you! i know there are a number of things that only I can do to change this circumstance.
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Considering a re-sleeve in the new year   
    I haven't been resleeved, but I have a lot of weight to lose. It is just my opinion, but it seems like a pretty drastic thing to do, especially if you aren't patient enough to use the sleeve as it is designed to be used.
    Are you still following your program?
    Since I do not know your story, all I can suggest is that you think very carefully about your decision and talk frankly with your surgeon and NUT.
    Also, I am posting a link to a thread I wrote a while back that you might find helpful.
    I truly hope you find a good solution that is healthy and works for you.
    Embrace the Stall!
  11. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Essence46 in Today is my one year anniversary.   
    I sit here in tears thinking about how far I have come... how my life has changed for the better... how I have struggled emotionally to adjust... how I have had to learn to love me (good, bad and ugly)... how hard I have worked and continue to work in the gym 5 days a week... how good I feel... how good I look... I saved my life and I am so glad for the second chance. I looked at myself in the mirror this morning and I smiled and cried.
  12. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from livvsmum in I Was Told I Look Like I Have AIDS Today..... :-/   
    You look great, and I agree with your points! These days, as people go on and on about my weight loss (which isn't even enough to get me out of "obese,") I love pointing out that when one gains weight, what do we hear? *crickets*....but hey, lose weight and the entire world comments, and loudly. I find it super annoying, but I think they mean well - but mostly I wish they'd stop commenting altogether. You just do you, and keep up the great work - their issues are their own!
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to amazon in I Was Told I Look Like I Have AIDS Today..... :-/   
    I think my current favorite phrase applies here...bitches be crazy!
    You look freaking awesome.
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to ThreeFifty in I Was Told I Look Like I Have AIDS Today..... :-/   
    I never watched that tv show called the View. (this was a few years ago) I happen to be at a friends house one day and the view was on TV. My friend kept talking about how one of the women on the show was too small and has lost too much weight. I'm looking and I cant pick out who they are talking about. I finally ask and they are like "Star Jones" and they point to the screen pointing out Star Jones to me.
    Like I said, I never watched the view, and didn't know who Star Jones was. When my friend point her out to me Im like "whats wrong with her, she looks normal to me" My friends were all like "she looks sick, she has a big head" etc. Im like I don't see it. I later find out she had WLS and I saw her older pictures.
    but to me, how she looked was how she looked and I didn't see anything wrong. I think people sometimes have an old image of you in their mind and when they do look and see the new you, it makes them think something isn't right. its their problem, not yours. People that has never seen the before you probably wouldn't think anything at all.
  15. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from livvsmum in I Was Told I Look Like I Have AIDS Today..... :-/   
    You look great, and I agree with your points! These days, as people go on and on about my weight loss (which isn't even enough to get me out of "obese,") I love pointing out that when one gains weight, what do we hear? *crickets*....but hey, lose weight and the entire world comments, and loudly. I find it super annoying, but I think they mean well - but mostly I wish they'd stop commenting altogether. You just do you, and keep up the great work - their issues are their own!
  16. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Slim-Shady in Another "I told some people at work and some friends" thread :-)   
    My sister and I are doing this together. We've told our mother, and my husband ONLY. That's all we intend to tell! We expect the questions, the whispers, and the unsupportive people. We are even expecting the ones who will pretend to be supportive, but are actually the biggest haters! Makes us no nevermind; we are excited about our journey, not them! Hate on haters!
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Margie122 in Another "I told some people at work and some friends" thread :-)   
    I have told very few people I am going to have surgery. A total of 8 people know I'm having surgery and one is my mother. I'm sure more people will realize something is different after surgery, but I just don't feel the need to tell many people my personal business. I've learned a lot of good ways of dealing with negative and positive people who ask about how much weight you've lost here on the boards. I'm just going to say "a lot" and leave it at that.
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Babbs in 1 week post fear I may be losing too fast   
    Only a man would worry about losing too much too fast
  19. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Alex Brecher in working out and not losing weight   
    I have a different take on this compared to some of the other members who have replied. You have lost 35 pounds in 7 weeks? You’ve averaged 5 lb per week? So you’re on pace for 250 lbs in a year? Are you aware that a “good” amount for the fast-losing WLS patients is 100 lbs in the first year? You don’t even have 40 pounds left to lose to get to your goal weight!
    So I’m not even sure why you’re disappointed or worried! It seems to me you’re doing absolutely fantastic! I agree with the others that at some point you need to make sure your nutrition is right for your body size and activity levels (get enough nutrients without starving your body), but in terms of your weight loss? I don’t see how you could even hope for anything more – I think you’re doing so well!
    So I think you are doing fine. Maybe a few things to work on would be Water and Protein intake, and making sure you’re being safe at the gym (but you know your own body – do what feels comfortable to you). In the meantime, good luck and good job.
  20. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Djmohr in So confused? Thought I did my homework   
    @@Hertsukfem31, I think many people answered this but I would just reaffirm that you are right, if you stuck to eating per the plan 3 meals a day with no Snacks the restriction from your surgery would probably help you to lose weight and maintain that weight. The reality is you can eat around your tool by grazing all day long and putting the wrong things in your new stomach.
    Logging your food helps you remain accountable to what you are eating and helps you to recognize when you have gone off plan. It is very easy to go off plan once you are healed, some of those habits creep back in.
    I don't measure everything, I have the most success when I eat 2 bites of Protein for every one bite of good carbs (fruits/vegetables). If I choose to have something in between I usually choose healthy Protein heavy Snacks. When I have gone off plan (usually vacation), I find myself either losing slower or even gain a pound for that week. It is very easy to get out of control if u let yourself.
    WLS is very hard work and clearly a lifelong commitment. Anyone that says it is easy and the weight falls off and remains off is full of it. Let them live a month in our shoes and they will get a taste of reality.
    Good luck to you on your journey, I am sure you will do great as you are still doing your homework!
  21. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to B-52 in Running shoes suggestions?   
    Go to a store that specializes in running...NOT a chain department store, but a place where avid runners get their gear.
    They will do a full analysis of your feet, and how you step.
    Then make recommendations for the type of shoe you should be using.
    I was always under the assumption that if it is expensive, it must be the best...WRONG!
    I paid much $$, in the hundreds, for the best and latest shoes on the market.
    After running for a few weeks, I started to get sharp left hip pain...it kept getting worse each day until I could not run for longer than 20 minutes.
    I also experience many episodes of black toe, and lost many toe nails.
    I later learned I could have done permanent damage to my hips, and perhaps knees.
    Finally went to a runners store near me, where they spent a good hour going over everything....the shoes I wound up buying were 1/2 the price I would have paid...and my feet never felt better when I run.
    So the proper shoes are not always the most $$
    Also, socks are just as important as the shoes you wear...the socks I have cost $18, and there are lefts and rights...took care of my black toe, because my feet don't slide around inside my socks.
    I see you are in NJ...I live in Monmouth County...if you're near me I can tell you the name of the store I go to.
  22. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from Aouadrita in Super stalls around 7th month post op?   
    I too have been struggling. I'm at 9 months tomorrow and have been stuck for 10 weeks. It has been total hell, and like Gomekast says, an absolute mind game. Ritz crackers and my favorite Chex Mix just seemed to jump into my shopping cart week after week. So, I met with my surgeon this week and she really nailed me on everything - it was harsh, painful, and really embarrassing. Once I got over how horrible she made me feel, I realized I needed to take back control of this journey. So I'm on track- at least for the last few days - and have even managed to lose a couple of pounds. Plan your work, and work your plan, friends! We can do this!
  23. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to LipstickLady in Got told by a coworker today that I'm taking the "easy way"   
    My answer to something like this?
    "Cool!" and walk away.
    or if you really want to poke 'em...
    "You know, as I consulted my doctor, my therapist, my NP, the surgeon, my nutritionist, something was nagging at me and I finally figured out what it was... YOUR opinion. That's exactly what I was waiting for. So thank you."

    Or kick 'em in the junk.
    Your choice.
  24. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from Alex Brecher in TV Shows - What are you watching ?   
    One I haven't seen mentioned yet that I watch is State of Affairs (I thought it wouldn't be good and now I really like it) - if you like How to Get Away with Murder, you will probably like State of Affairs. An older series that I just finally watched and really enjoyed was True Detective on HBO - it's been finished for a while, but supposedly they are gearing up for Season 2. Matthew McConaughey is amazing, and the storyline is eerie. Otherwise, I echo SOA (RIP!), Breaking Bad, Downton, and My 600-lb LIfe-Where Are They Now. I record a lot on my DVR and then just try to watch when I can. Fun thread
  25. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from rileyoshea in Does running get easier!?   
    This has been an interesting thread to read, because I have always hated running. I always loved sports, but never could run worth a darn. I don't currently aspire to run, you know, EVER, but I really want to do one of those obstacle courses with the mud and stuff. I doubt that qualifies as "running" really, but someday I will do one of those - what's that one where you jump over fire? Not. That. One. LOL
    In order to get my 5k on, I do random walking events, and I even bought the event shirts last year because they finally fit me! I recently did a Turkey Trot in the pouring rain on Thanksgiving and it was fun despite the sogginess. I've set a goal for the new year to do at least 4 events in 2015 (only managed 2 in 2014), even if I'm only walking.

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