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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from endless80 in Am I the only one that wants to eat this or that for the last time before surgery?   
    This is so true! Of course, I would try to talk you into staying an extra hour so that we could have a few more bites an hour later! (That's my plan for Christmas dinner - 4 bites, then talk talk talk for a long time, then another bite or 2...)
  2. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from endless80 in Am I the only one that wants to eat this or that for the last time before surgery?   
    I also did a number of food funerals during my pre-op time - mainly because I believed the myth that I'd never "be able to" eat my favorites again. Turns out that you can eat most foods post-op that you enjoyed before, but just in small amounts. Once that's possible, it becomes about the choices to not eat those foods - to not fall back into old patterns of bad eating habits (for me: salty carbs and lots of sugar. Oh and diet pop, which I still miss like crazy!). I sometimes crave a full blown Olive Garden meal - I haven't had any Pasta or rice since surgery by my own choice. If I bothered to go to OG now, I'd have one bread stick and maybe 3 pieces of chicken from the alfredo and that would be that. Post-op, that just doesn't sound appealing or worth it. It's a whole new world!
  3. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from Only1likeme in When will i start to feel ok?   
    For me, days 3 to 7 were the worst for the pain and ever-changing bizarre aches and pains. Give yourself a break - sip your Protein as much as you can- that will help with the feeling of weakness. Your body needs the nutrition and the calories. Sip as much as you can, and rest. By day 10 you'll feel a lot better.
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from w8loser in Top Secret: Who did you tell?   
    I've told almost no one and I'm glad. Many of those who know (out of just 11 people total) are the people who do 2 things: Over-compliment my weight loss each day (bizarre, it's truly not that noticeable) and watch and then comment on what I eat. Ugh. They mean well, they are not critical usually - they want the best for me. Lots of people on this site have told everyone, and some people have told very few. I'm just a private person and very independent so I didn't want to hear constant comments or have them watch my food intake. That was my choice - we all have to find that balance of who to tell and who not to tell.
    One piece of advice during this journey - don't put too much credence on what others think about the surgery or what they reflect back to you about the surgery or your future weight loss, if at all possible! Unless they have had surgery, they don't know your journey and it seems that a lot of other peoples' insecurities and pain will come at you as you experience success -- be strong for yourself and stand up for what you're doing, regardless of who you tell and what their reactions are. You are in this for YOU.
  5. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from Only1likeme in When will i start to feel ok?   
    For me, days 3 to 7 were the worst for the pain and ever-changing bizarre aches and pains. Give yourself a break - sip your Protein as much as you can- that will help with the feeling of weakness. Your body needs the nutrition and the calories. Sip as much as you can, and rest. By day 10 you'll feel a lot better.
  6. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from Only1likeme in When will i start to feel ok?   
    For me, days 3 to 7 were the worst for the pain and ever-changing bizarre aches and pains. Give yourself a break - sip your Protein as much as you can- that will help with the feeling of weakness. Your body needs the nutrition and the calories. Sip as much as you can, and rest. By day 10 you'll feel a lot better.
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from M2G in Problem with Nosy Co-Worker! Need Advice!   
    So sorry this is happening - people can be so...interesting! I love the suggestions above, and I think it's fair for you to say, "You've asked enough questions, this is my personal business" and maybe "Sorry, I'll have to limit you to one question today, since I've answered these already" -- and there's always the turning of the tables: Mirror her questions back and start an uncomfortable dialogue, and put her on the hot seat and on the defensive if possible! Mirroring really does work well. You've really been nice and patient long enough, it sounds like... Good luck!
    ETA: Also, if she calls out your lunch foods, call out hers as well. Ok, that or eat somewhere else.
  9. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from endless80 in what foods are you able to eat after surgery and ones you can never eat again   
    During my pre-op phase, I was also worried that I'd never have my favorites again after surgery. But, that's just another one of the myths about this procedure. Generally speaking, you'll be able to eat what you liked eventually, but in smaller portions. Then the question becomes Should You Eat That? The real test comes when you want those potato chips but SHOULDN'T have them (they are slider foods! but so delicious! )These are questions I must ask every single day as I make my food choices. (I for one cannot have kettle chips or RItz crackers in my house or I will chow down!) I have explored what foods I can eat and what make me sick, and I've learned that it's all about positive food choices for my goal to lose weight. I don't want to have gone through this for nothing. I'm at my 3-month mark post-op and don't feel like I have to deny myself anything - it's more that I'm making choices and get full so fast that it becomes a non-issue. At this point, I can't eat baked potatoes and bready sweets make me super sick.
    Oh and last night I found out that prime rib will be our main course at Christmas -- that will be my first steak since surgery. I already warned my mom that I'll be able to maybe eat 3 bites but I'll take my leftovers and enjoy them the next day (and the day after that...)
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to southernsoul in what foods are you able to eat after surgery and ones you can never eat again   
    I'm 6 months out & there's nothing I've come across that I makes me sick or that I physically can't tolerate. I was never a pizza person, so that's not a big deal for me. I was a huge bread & potato eater, but that's been an easier adjustment than I expected. It seems to me like it's easier to make good choices now. Partly it's because of the reduced volume, but also I feel pretty motivated by my progress. If I really want a taste of something I have it, but I don't go off the deep end eating a ton of non-nutritious crap that will fill my sleeve & not benefit my body.
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to endless80 in what foods are you able to eat after surgery and ones you can never eat again   
    I eat pizza sometimes but it's super thin crust and I might get 1-2 small pieces until I'm done. I have eaten beef but not steak, however I do not think I'd have a problem with it if I did eat it. And trust me when I tell you this.. bread will become increasingly unimportant to you because the second it touches your stomach it blows up and you cannot eat hardly any of it. At least not at first.
  12. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from M2G in Problem with Nosy Co-Worker! Need Advice!   
    So sorry this is happening - people can be so...interesting! I love the suggestions above, and I think it's fair for you to say, "You've asked enough questions, this is my personal business" and maybe "Sorry, I'll have to limit you to one question today, since I've answered these already" -- and there's always the turning of the tables: Mirror her questions back and start an uncomfortable dialogue, and put her on the hot seat and on the defensive if possible! Mirroring really does work well. You've really been nice and patient long enough, it sounds like... Good luck!
    ETA: Also, if she calls out your lunch foods, call out hers as well. Ok, that or eat somewhere else.
  13. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from Only1likeme in Surgery yesterday. .. so far so good   
    You did it! Major congratulations!
  14. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from PdxMan in Constipation, BM and other embarrassing stuff   
    Milk of Magnesia saved me from the enema - I still have it in the cupboard because things will "stop up" from time to time still. I really hate being this irregular, but it's a price we pay. Good luck!
  15. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from M2G in Problem with Nosy Co-Worker! Need Advice!   
    So sorry this is happening - people can be so...interesting! I love the suggestions above, and I think it's fair for you to say, "You've asked enough questions, this is my personal business" and maybe "Sorry, I'll have to limit you to one question today, since I've answered these already" -- and there's always the turning of the tables: Mirror her questions back and start an uncomfortable dialogue, and put her on the hot seat and on the defensive if possible! Mirroring really does work well. You've really been nice and patient long enough, it sounds like... Good luck!
    ETA: Also, if she calls out your lunch foods, call out hers as well. Ok, that or eat somewhere else.
  16. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from M2G in Problem with Nosy Co-Worker! Need Advice!   
    So sorry this is happening - people can be so...interesting! I love the suggestions above, and I think it's fair for you to say, "You've asked enough questions, this is my personal business" and maybe "Sorry, I'll have to limit you to one question today, since I've answered these already" -- and there's always the turning of the tables: Mirror her questions back and start an uncomfortable dialogue, and put her on the hot seat and on the defensive if possible! Mirroring really does work well. You've really been nice and patient long enough, it sounds like... Good luck!
    ETA: Also, if she calls out your lunch foods, call out hers as well. Ok, that or eat somewhere else.
  17. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from M2G in Problem with Nosy Co-Worker! Need Advice!   
    So sorry this is happening - people can be so...interesting! I love the suggestions above, and I think it's fair for you to say, "You've asked enough questions, this is my personal business" and maybe "Sorry, I'll have to limit you to one question today, since I've answered these already" -- and there's always the turning of the tables: Mirror her questions back and start an uncomfortable dialogue, and put her on the hot seat and on the defensive if possible! Mirroring really does work well. You've really been nice and patient long enough, it sounds like... Good luck!
    ETA: Also, if she calls out your lunch foods, call out hers as well. Ok, that or eat somewhere else.
  18. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from Arts137 in Anybody else freaked out by the idea of never being able to enjoy carbs again?   
    I would say "Don't worry, you'll be able to eat all those things," but I don't want it to sound like encouragement! No but truly, you will probably be able to eat most foods you loved pre-op once you have recovered from surgery and your stomach heals.
    The decision to NOT eat those foods is when the real work begins, because eating around the surgery is self-sabotage and will probably lead to weight gain. Post op, I really miss 3 things: pizza, diet soda, and cake. I mean, really. LOL, sometimes I obsess about those things but I make a choice not to eat them - otherwise, why did I have this huge surgery? My desire for cake, etc, hasn't disappeared, but I'm more motivated to lose weight than I am to buy and eat that piece of cake from the bakery. Post-op, I spend a lot of time thinking about food -- food I should eat and food I shouldn't eat. It's a battle every single day to make the right choices. Thank god I had the surgery to help me along - otherwise, what's the point?
  19. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from Arts137 in Anybody else freaked out by the idea of never being able to enjoy carbs again?   
    I would say "Don't worry, you'll be able to eat all those things," but I don't want it to sound like encouragement! No but truly, you will probably be able to eat most foods you loved pre-op once you have recovered from surgery and your stomach heals.
    The decision to NOT eat those foods is when the real work begins, because eating around the surgery is self-sabotage and will probably lead to weight gain. Post op, I really miss 3 things: pizza, diet soda, and cake. I mean, really. LOL, sometimes I obsess about those things but I make a choice not to eat them - otherwise, why did I have this huge surgery? My desire for cake, etc, hasn't disappeared, but I'm more motivated to lose weight than I am to buy and eat that piece of cake from the bakery. Post-op, I spend a lot of time thinking about food -- food I should eat and food I shouldn't eat. It's a battle every single day to make the right choices. Thank god I had the surgery to help me along - otherwise, what's the point?
  20. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to PdxMan in Anybody else freaked out by the idea of never being able to enjoy carbs again?   
    I have to agree with Amazon ... who told you this? I pretty much stayed away from breads, rice and heavy starches the first 7 to 8 months as I knew this was my window for optimal loss and I wasn't going to piss it away on a bagel. But after I lost 120 pounds and hit goal, I will have the occasional item from my list above.
    Yesterday I had a piece of cheese pizza for lunch and for dinner, I had baked sole with a baked potato (butter and ranch dressing on it). Now, my quantity is faaaaaaaar less than it used to be as half a pizza is now one slice and I enjoyed about 4 bites of potato, but NEVER enjoying carbs ... ?
    Your body needs carbs for energy. My mindset had to change when I got sleeved. Doing the low/no carb lifestyle, IMO, is for people who have 100% of their stomach. With the sleeve's limited capacity, my carb intake is already limited. As long as I follow the basic guidelines of eating my lean Protein first, I can enjoy any carb I want. For me, the key is to not ABUSE those food items and try to consume nutritionally relevant items. I used to do just the opposite.
    Experiment and see what works for you.
  21. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to No game in My surgeon   
    You know Jane his approval meant so much to me too.. I guess I feel a bit of a god complex for him
    I was in the waiting room and there was a few People in there two were there for their one week out and I thought to myself what a wonderful journey they have ahead of them!
    I had to stop myself from talking like a fool to them!
    I will go back in six months again and I hope to be even more healthy then.
  22. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to CowgirlJane in My surgeon   
    Laura you ARE a success in my eyes too!!!!
    I remember my one year surga versariy and my surgeon telling me I was there, I was done, I was a success. Well, that was about 25# heavier than I am now, but i KNOW what he meant. The change from weighing 300# plus to get down to the 170s was astounding. I looked like a normal woman my age. I can't wait to see him for my 2 year now that i have lost even more and have had plastics. I don't know why i so crave his approval, but I guess I do! anyway, I totally relate to your feeling!!! congrats!!!!
  23. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to No game in My surgeon   
    Called me a success today!!
    I'm not at my goal but I guess I made some kind of goal for him because he said I'm good, that I look great to him!
    my blood work is awesome (Well except that damn iron) I'm a success in his eyes
    I know it's kindly corny, but it felt good.
    I wanted a certain number going in there today and I didn't hit it and I have been down a bit about it..
    It's a stupid number as was pointed out to me (thanks m2g) this morning and I'm going to take the victory lap for now and just keep trying to Work on myself.
    Shameless selfie

  24. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from endless80 in question   
    I would verify with your nutritionist and/or surgeon because everyone's post op diet seems to vary. Protein shakes, broth, Water and sugar-free popsicles were my post-op diet per my surgeon's plan. Some people are on "clears" the first week, but I was just on "liquids only" for 2 weeks before switching to mushies.
  25. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from endless80 in Sleeping with the enemy   
    Chiming in to say that my sleep has changed drastically since surgery and I have been wondering if anyone else has been experiencing this! I was never a great sleeper in general and any noise or light would wake me up. Now, I can only sleep 5 hours - 6 if I'm lucky. It's horrible. These days, I fall asleep and sleep hard for the 5 hours, but then I wake up and there is no such thing as getting back to sleep. I wake up rested and ready for the day, except that it's 3:30 or 4:00 a.m.
    I feel lucky that I live alone at this point because my new habits would annoy anyone who had to deal with me. I hope this turns around soon...

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