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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Mrs.RRn in 7 month pics   
    Getting close to goal!!
    A few more added to my Gallery as well.
  2. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Madam Reverie in 7 month pics   
    Cracking job! You look amazing, well done
  3. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from Cupcake in Looking for those who were 325+ Pre-Sleeve   
    I was 340 when got serious about surgery in early 2013 and 320 on the day of surgery. When I informally compare myself to others on this site, I see a trend that those taller and younger than me are losing faster, as I am losing quite slowly. While I seem to be in the "Slow Losers Club," I am really happy with my experience so far (even though there are days that I wish the pounds would just fall off magically). It's all about continuing on my own path regardless of what's happening around me, and I can't wait to see what the next year brings!
  4. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from BigGirlPanties in Drinking pop   
    I was a soda person - many cans per day of Diet Pepsi, sometimes Diet 7up. I haven't had a pop since last summer and I still miss it. I don't plan to drink any, ever again, but I am still tempted from time to time. These days I have G2 and Sobe Lifewater, and/or just plain Water. During my phase out of the diet soda, I burned myself out on the Crystal Light, so I stick with these plus iced tea during warmer months. The iced tea is really my only source of caffeine as well, so I guess cutting out the pop means I cut out almost all caffeine too (I'm not a coffee drinker and only have hot tea when I'm sick). It's a life style change, for sure!
  5. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from A_ReNUDE_me in When did you go back to work?   
    I took 3 full weeks off, then worked from home 1/2 days the 4th week. I needed it, because I found that I couldn't sit up in my office chair for very long that 4th week - I always needed to stretch out (I sit all day at work). So, the 5th week I went back to the office full time and never had a problem. I was lucky to have so much sick leave saved up!
  6. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Arts137 in Looking for those who were 325+ Pre-Sleeve   
    I was 423 at highest, 366 at surgery, and about 315 now. I lose slowly, but that's OK, what else am I gonna do?
  7. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from ebonidarden in Grocery bill since surgery?   
    I am single, so my grocery bill was a bit too high prior to surgery as I could easily stop for restaurant food every night if I wasn't careful. Since surgery I'd say I spend about half what I used to on food - because even what I get at a restaurant lasts for 2 (sometimes 3) meals now, where before I would just hoover it all down. Or, I buy half what I used to. Either way, big savings.
    I take my lunch to work each day. I'm taking less food and better food than I used to, but it's still a money savings. It's all meats and cheeses in small ziplocs - some days I can't eat everything I pack, so the rest goes back in the fridge for the next day. On top of just my general meal savings, I also don't stop for Snacks anymore (sugary & fried yummies are no more!) I don't buy candy or Cookies with my groceries, and I don't buy champagne anymore. All this has really added up for me. I think I have made up for the grocery savings recently because I absolutely had to buy some new work clothes - almost nothing in my "professional" wardrobe fits and all my small clothes are for summer. So, the grocery savings went to new, smaller clothes!
  8. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from ebonidarden in Grocery bill since surgery?   
    I am single, so my grocery bill was a bit too high prior to surgery as I could easily stop for restaurant food every night if I wasn't careful. Since surgery I'd say I spend about half what I used to on food - because even what I get at a restaurant lasts for 2 (sometimes 3) meals now, where before I would just hoover it all down. Or, I buy half what I used to. Either way, big savings.
    I take my lunch to work each day. I'm taking less food and better food than I used to, but it's still a money savings. It's all meats and cheeses in small ziplocs - some days I can't eat everything I pack, so the rest goes back in the fridge for the next day. On top of just my general meal savings, I also don't stop for Snacks anymore (sugary & fried yummies are no more!) I don't buy candy or Cookies with my groceries, and I don't buy champagne anymore. All this has really added up for me. I think I have made up for the grocery savings recently because I absolutely had to buy some new work clothes - almost nothing in my "professional" wardrobe fits and all my small clothes are for summer. So, the grocery savings went to new, smaller clothes!
  9. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from carlab51 in Joining Weight Watchers after Gastric Sleeve surgery.   
    I use WW for accountability - only online, I don't go to meetings. I have been a continual member since January 2010. However, since starting my WLS journey, I have not followed their program/points system. I still am at a very high weight, so the plan assigns me a lot of points, both daily and weekly. In fact, too much for a VSG patient. Also the plan is open to having people eat whatever foods they want - not exactly what we are supposed to do post-surgery.
    I would never follow their plan now, since it goes against my surgeon's/NUT's food plan for me and it would be way too many calories in a day. It is my choice to continue paying the money - because honestly, I love having 4 years of weight loss (and gain, ouch!) data at my fingertips, and having the pressure of a weigh-in every Monday without fail. I can see no benefit in starting again on their "food" plan, since it's not what I would call an acceptable post-surgery VSG diet.
    I hope you decide to check in with your surgeon and NUT, and maybe look into the support groups option, because the WW "diet" is probably not the right thing at this point in the journey. Good luck!
  10. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from LumpySpacePrincess in How long to worry about leaks?   
    Leaks seem to be one of "those" topics, where every doc/program says something slightly different, so I'll share what I've heard. It seems like the first 3 or 4 weeks are crucial, then at 6 months it's relatively safe to assume if you haven't had a leak, you won't be getting one. I hope others will chime in with what their surgeons have told them as well since I have heard/read very little about this. Some people on this site have gone through hell, having multiple leaks, etc, so there definitely are more extreme cases than a simple statement like "if you get past X months, you should be fine," but it all seems to be very unpredictable.
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to ladyd728 in When did you go back to work?   
    I will be going back to work this Tuesday. I was sleeved on the 17 of Dec, so it will be 4 weeks exactly from my surgery date. I'm happy I used my FMLA and I had a lot of PLB that I was able to use. I think everyone, if you can you should give your body time to heal. There were days that I would get short of breath just talking, I was tired a lot. I really did need the 4 weeks off. I work at a busy well known lab where I'm on my feet moving from opening until closing that evening. If you have the time, let your body heal, without returning back to work to soon.
    Just my opinion
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Teachamy in When did you go back to work?   
    It was 19 days from my date of surgery to the time I returned to work. I am a teacher and I timed it so I would only miss 4 days of the school, and then we had 2 weeks of vacation. I needed all the time I got and still find i get pretty tired around 12:00 every day. I spent most of those 19 days napping and doing my walks around the house. It was biting cold here at the time, so I rarely changed out of my fuzzy jammies or left the house!
  13. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to CBT in amino acid supplements for workouts?   
    My endocrinologist, who is part of the bariatrics practice, has me taking relatively high doses of L-Carnatine to protect lean muscle and mobilize fat because of all the workouts.
    I also eat high Protein within 20minutes post every workout. I eat oatmeal/soy milk/ applesauce pre workout so my body will burn that instead of eating my muscle because I'm stubborn and train/dance moderate to high intensity and that IS NOT good for fat loss. Lower intensity does a better job mobilizing fat. How you eat really helps your body produce/use it's own amino acids correctly.
    Yea you! I love being strong!! Woohoo
  14. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to indecision in Post Op-ers You're killing me!   
    My before and so far. I actually need to take a more recent pic as I have lost since this one.

  15. Like
    Shells_Almost_There reacted to endless80 in Post Op-ers You're killing me!   
    Here you go
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to sleevethefatbehind in How often do you weigh?   
    Every morning. Buck naked and after the morning pee.
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from endless80 in 87 Pounds in a little under 4 months. Before/After pic.   
    Rock star!!! Huge congrats
  18. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from RJ'S/beginning in I Lost ******* in 2013   
    I lost 70 pounds in 2013 - 30 before surgery, 40 since. I feel like I am on my way! 2014 is going to be great.
  19. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from RJ'S/beginning in I Lost ******* in 2013   
    I lost 70 pounds in 2013 - 30 before surgery, 40 since. I feel like I am on my way! 2014 is going to be great.
  20. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from RJ'S/beginning in I Lost ******* in 2013   
    I lost 70 pounds in 2013 - 30 before surgery, 40 since. I feel like I am on my way! 2014 is going to be great.
  21. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from nursekimberly89 in Things I will NOT miss about being fat.   
    I echo all of the above, and would add:
    * going to any doctor's office and the nurse takes one look and says, "hang on, I'll have to get the large cuff for you."
  22. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from HoosierGirl in Literally lost my ass in 2013 - with pic   
    These pics are great! Congrats on how amazing you look - what an inspiration.
  23. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from CrazyJaney in Top Secret: Who did you tell?   
    I've told almost no one and I'm glad. Many of those who know (out of just 11 people total) are the people who do 2 things: Over-compliment my weight loss each day (bizarre, it's truly not that noticeable) and watch and then comment on what I eat. Ugh. They mean well, they are not critical usually - they want the best for me. Lots of people on this site have told everyone, and some people have told very few. I'm just a private person and very independent so I didn't want to hear constant comments or have them watch my food intake. That was my choice - we all have to find that balance of who to tell and who not to tell.
    One piece of advice during this journey - don't put too much credence on what others think about the surgery or what they reflect back to you about the surgery or your future weight loss, if at all possible! Unless they have had surgery, they don't know your journey and it seems that a lot of other peoples' insecurities and pain will come at you as you experience success -- be strong for yourself and stand up for what you're doing, regardless of who you tell and what their reactions are. You are in this for YOU.
  24. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from CrazyJaney in Top Secret: Who did you tell?   
    I've told almost no one and I'm glad. Many of those who know (out of just 11 people total) are the people who do 2 things: Over-compliment my weight loss each day (bizarre, it's truly not that noticeable) and watch and then comment on what I eat. Ugh. They mean well, they are not critical usually - they want the best for me. Lots of people on this site have told everyone, and some people have told very few. I'm just a private person and very independent so I didn't want to hear constant comments or have them watch my food intake. That was my choice - we all have to find that balance of who to tell and who not to tell.
    One piece of advice during this journey - don't put too much credence on what others think about the surgery or what they reflect back to you about the surgery or your future weight loss, if at all possible! Unless they have had surgery, they don't know your journey and it seems that a lot of other peoples' insecurities and pain will come at you as you experience success -- be strong for yourself and stand up for what you're doing, regardless of who you tell and what their reactions are. You are in this for YOU.
  25. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from Missj9 in Anyone have post surgical swelling in their abdomin?   
    I also have stomach swelling - I've lost weight post-op but my waist/gut has not shrunk at all. I think my tummy is still in shock. Next week I will finally have my first post-op appointment with my surgeon and I plan to ask her when the swelling will subside. Of all the places I need and want to lose weight, it's my big gut!!!

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