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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Madam Reverie in How much weight did you loose, before you could really notice a change in your apperance?   
    No one says anything to me. Only you lot on here.
    As for when I noticed it? When I'd lost 43 lbs odd and went shopping for a pair of jeans. I was now in a UK 16 (US 12)
    I practically needed to sit down I was so shocked!
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to MichiganChic in I've almost completely forgotten about my health...   
    You sound like me. i also did this for health reasons, and now that I'm healthy, I'm taking that for granted. I try to remember not to do that, because it's most certainly a gift, though I've worked hard for it. Now I'm all about how I look, lol. No, I'm not shallow
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to LipstickLady in 3 weeks post op tomorrow... I can eat a good amount. Is this normal?   
    This is my first response to this thread or to you, so I do hope you will take my words as sincere with no intention of being rude or disrespectful.
    It seems to me that you are looking for validation for your actions, not input, and I think that's absolutely OK. Why do I assume this? It seems to me that you are rejecting the words of anyone who is not in full agreement with what you are doing or what you say your surgeon has approved. Again, that's totally your prerogative, but by asking for opinion, you are opening the door to get exactly those. Some of our biggest success stories here have given you input and it saddens me that you are brushing them off as if they are worthless. This is a forum for support and learning, and those things come even in words we don't necessarily want to hear.
    I would suggest that if you truly only want a cheering section (which again, is perfectly acceptable), that you simply say what you are doing, that you are feeling great (YAY! I'm so glad that you are!) and that you are losing at a rate that makes both you and your surgeon happy.
    Personally, at your stage, I was on purees. I didn't start on solid foods, like tortillas, until 3+ months out. In fact, I still cannot eat 1/3 of a tortilla at almost 10 months out because they fill me up so solidly I feel sick and uncomfortable after the third nibble.
    Right now, your new tummy is tender, numb and healing. You cannot feel everything that is going on with it. While I do not agree with the person who keeps insisting that you are stretching it (something that is next to impossible to stretch very much), it is very possible that you are over filling yourself without knowing it.
    I was told, when I hit pureed, not to eat more than 2-3 tablespoons of food. At 6 months, I was given the OK to eat up to 1/2 or 3/4 of a cup, something I am still not very successful at, in one sitting. I saw that you were previously told that your new tummy would hold about 3 oz. By eating a 1/2 cup, you are exceeding amount already, and that concerns me, but if it doesn't concern you, all is well.
    Something my nurse told me that I still have to remind myself of? Just because you *CAN* eat it, doesn't mean you *SHOULD*. You made a huge step in the right direction towards good health. Maximize this honeymoon period by eating all the right things in as little quantity (but maximum quality) that you can. This isn't about starving yourself, I'm certainly not interested in doing that, but about relearning good habits while your capacity if very limited and the drive to eat is at it's least.
    As a host, I am going to respectfully as that you change your username because I do think it's detrimental to our community. I do hope that you will come back and reread the intentions of these posts as they are meant, not as attacks (for the most part) but as support. I do see where some would ruffle your feathers, and those are best ignored. You have a lot to learn and a lot to add, I am sure. This is great place and I would love to see you get everything you can out of here.
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from webbRN78 in GOAL met!   
    Inspirational! Major Congrats!
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to webbRN78 in GOAL met!   
    HW: 313 (July 2012)
    SW: 254 (2-12-13)
    CW: 138.4 (2-23-14)
    Height: 5'5
    I just wanted to share my success and offer support to anyone needing it. I'm an open book so ask any questions you might have

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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to one_more_time in 3 weeks post op tomorrow... I can eat a good amount. Is this normal?   
    This is my second WLS..I had a revision because there were several things going on. The first surgeon made my original pouch larger than she should have therefore I didn't have "true" restriction. Over time pouches stretch... its a given fact..but I really didn't stand a chance because of her "measurements." There were quite a few other things going on that my current surgeon had to correct and so far my revision has been great.
    Comparing this procedure to the first I can say that there were a few things I did wrong. I was trying to "hold" on to former eating habits and in doing so... I believe I stretched my already over sized pouch. Even though I may be able to tolerate certain foods now( they go down without complication/don't feel the need to throw up or feel too full) I still don't want to "introduce" my stomach to those things so soon. I guess I have an extreme phobia when it comes to "stretching" my pouch. I will remain on a soft foods/full liquid diet for at least another 2-3 weeks. I think it will help with weight loss and it will also allow my pouch to heal better. I equate the new stomach to a balloon. It's small but elastic and if were to fill a balloon with Water it would stretch to 3 or 4 times its original size ( maybe more).
    At the end of the day everyone is different... and we all govern ourselves differently. Whatever works for you.. I say do it.. your success is just that your success. I know what works for me....and I am doing just that. Like I said.. I personally have a very real fear of stretching my pouch..so I am taking things VERY slowly one day at a time. There will be plenty of time to incorporate "new" foods later down the road. I am still having some separation anxieties with a few foods.. lol.. .so this time is really allowing me to get focused and kick some old eating habits.
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Z28ChevyCamaro in 3 weeks post op tomorrow... I can eat a good amount. Is this normal?   
    I also have seen you flip out on people on here as well. Don't ask questions if you don't want people's answers. We are not doctors. I made a suggestion to you. There is no need for you to react the way you are, and I also TOLD you that I did not mean it condescendingly. But please, you can act like I took a direct stab at you.
    Based on the information I see you post, I simply made a comment saying its not normal. If it was, why would you be asking? I suggested a second opinion by another nut.
    So calm down, and again; WE ARE NOT DOCTORS. We are simply a bunch of people going down the same road you are trying to help. If you don't want the help, DON'T ASK.
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Z28ChevyCamaro in 3 weeks post op tomorrow... I can eat a good amount. Is this normal?   
    I don't want to be rude, and please don't take it as if I am...
    But I have seen your numerous posts about being 'normal' or if this or that is 'normal.' Every time you get the same reactions. I fully believe that this diet is slowly undoing what you wanted to accomplish.
    It isn't a matter of 'starving' yourself if you are following the diet and getting the correct amount of supplements and vital minerals and Protein. You also have to weigh your food. Your stomach can only hold so much without being stretched now. The amount you are consuming is sure to be stretching it. It isn't a matter of healing faster. It is a matter of anatomy and the ideals of the surgery.
    You can keep posting and asking if things are 'normal.' But honestly, no. None of what you are doing is normal. Talk to another nut or another doctor and get another opinion.
    Again, I mean no offense. But someone just getting out of the hospital and being explained the severity of following a proper diet knows all of this. Best of luck.
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from hatters in I feel like a liar   
    I have kept my surgery a secret from almost everyone, and I'm glad I did. I've mentioned this in other posts - those who know are the only ones who comment about my clothes, my weight loss, and feel ok to criticize what I have on my plate. It gets really annoying. Everyone else is thankfully oblivious. My surgery was the best decision for ME that I've ever made, and it's no one else's business. My attitude has been that it's my personal business and only those who I actually want to know are allowed to know. I say the above with conviction, because it was the right way to go for me - but each person has to make his/her own decision about this, and come to terms with our feelings when we realize we are lying by omission. Personally I'm ok with that to preserve my privacy. But that's just one person's take on the situation.
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from NewSetOfCurves in My 32 Week / Monthly Weight Loss Chart   
    I love your chart, as it's very realistic - the slow down is real, BUT we keep losing! It can be so easy to stall out and lose motivation. Thanks for sharing!
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to Carol Quabeck Boyer in Alcohol...   
    I was not a huge drinker pre op. I would go out every now and then for a few, and to be honest, I don't really miss it. I am almost 8 weeks out. BUT.....in just about 2 weeks my husband and I are going on a cruise. THAT was always a drink-fest! I haven't had any alcohol since surgery and I am afraid to try! I can't see going on the cruise and NOT drinking, so if you were me what would you try drinking? You know those frozen fruity drinks are always being passed around. What do you think is the easiest going down?
    Please don't get on my about empty calories and all that. I already know. It's vacation....and we are celebrating my 40th!
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from butterfyeffect in Did you keep it a secret?   
    I made the conscious choice to not tell anyone, based on the advice of the psych doctor when I went to that appointment. He said (and he was right) that those who know will constantly watch what you eat, comment on your weight loss, and also feel free to criticize your weight loss. Approximately 10 people know I had surgery, and only 3 of those are at work -- 1 is constantly commenting on how great I look in my "new" outfits (my old clothes that fit now), 1 looks me up and down whenever I see him (drives me bananas), and the other has told me not to eat certain foods when we are out together. It is annoying but I have to laugh because that psych doc was so right! Anyway, this decision was my personal medical business and no one needs to know unless I choose to share the news.
    Of course this is my experience and everyone should always make their own choices. In my immediate family, only my mother knows and she was a complete spazz before surgery ("Now tell me again what they're going to do to you") and after surgery ("Should you be eating that?" over and over) - for weeks. She has finally calmed down Also, now that I've lost a bit more weight, people have really started commenting. I tend to tell them that I'm 1/3 of the way to my goal, and then we talk about high-Protein diets. That always distracts them!
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from 1Day1Life4Now in First Pangs of Regret   
    Sorry to hear about your struggle. I don't have answers but wanted to send some encouragement your way. I hit a stall early on and I broke it by increasing my calories - I wasn't hungry or eating much at the time, and I think my body was hanging on to all the calories it could. Since then I tend to lose a pound (sometimes less) per week - it can be amazingly frustrating, so I can imagine your pain. I have to hold back jealousy and a little irritation towards those people who sound like they're complaining that post-op they "only lose 2-3 pounds a week!" Seriously? Wow. I would love to lose that much each week. So, I guess it's all about perspective...
    Anyway, do you use MFP to record your daily intakes? A nutritionist (or some of the vets here) could probably take a look to see areas to tweak your intakes to see if you can get the scale to move. Hang in there!!!
  16. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from 1Day1Life4Now in First Pangs of Regret   
    Sorry to hear about your struggle. I don't have answers but wanted to send some encouragement your way. I hit a stall early on and I broke it by increasing my calories - I wasn't hungry or eating much at the time, and I think my body was hanging on to all the calories it could. Since then I tend to lose a pound (sometimes less) per week - it can be amazingly frustrating, so I can imagine your pain. I have to hold back jealousy and a little irritation towards those people who sound like they're complaining that post-op they "only lose 2-3 pounds a week!" Seriously? Wow. I would love to lose that much each week. So, I guess it's all about perspective...
    Anyway, do you use MFP to record your daily intakes? A nutritionist (or some of the vets here) could probably take a look to see areas to tweak your intakes to see if you can get the scale to move. Hang in there!!!
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    Shells_Almost_There reacted to endless80 in How many sizes have you dropped?!?   
    I used to wear a size 50 pants and now, as of yesterday I am in a size 38.
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from DeeDee67 in Anybody else freaked out by the idea of never being able to enjoy carbs again?   
    I would say "Don't worry, you'll be able to eat all those things," but I don't want it to sound like encouragement! No but truly, you will probably be able to eat most foods you loved pre-op once you have recovered from surgery and your stomach heals.
    The decision to NOT eat those foods is when the real work begins, because eating around the surgery is self-sabotage and will probably lead to weight gain. Post op, I really miss 3 things: pizza, diet soda, and cake. I mean, really. LOL, sometimes I obsess about those things but I make a choice not to eat them - otherwise, why did I have this huge surgery? My desire for cake, etc, hasn't disappeared, but I'm more motivated to lose weight than I am to buy and eat that piece of cake from the bakery. Post-op, I spend a lot of time thinking about food -- food I should eat and food I shouldn't eat. It's a battle every single day to make the right choices. Thank god I had the surgery to help me along - otherwise, what's the point?
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from Texasmeg in What are you NOT doing (but supposed to)?   
    Exercise. *sigh* I really do need to do more than I'm doing!
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from BellaHugz in How can you tell you're losing weight?   
    I use the scale, but when the scale doesn't move for me, I try on clothes that were tight (or didn't fit at all) a month or 2 months ago to see where I am. This works for me, especially when I am convinced nothing has changed. Today I had a pants victory - this pair of smaller pants that haven't fit really since I bought them in January 2005. They fit today and I was amazed. I also have a huge chest and this week I noticed that I'm going to have to find a smaller bra in both cup and number size because I've finally shrunk a bit in that area. Hallelujah! Now if my big gut would just shrink down a bit!!!
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from Tangy in Everyone may have different answers but im curious about what I should expect..   
    Here's a rundown for me: My first visit included: a blood draw (full panel w/ fasting), EKG, meeting with the exercise guy, meeting with nutritionist, got my required sleep study equipment (for a home sleep study) and I met the surgeon's PA. Next appointment, I had to do the psychological testing at a nearby clinic, then a week or so later went back to meet with the psychologist and go over my results. From the sleep study, I was diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea so I had to meet a few times at the sleep clinic to get the CPAP machine and get a few different masks, as I had trouble adjusting. My insurance required a 5% weight loss within a 6 month period in order to qualify for surgery, so I went back to the surgeon's office twice to weigh in, so that I would meet my weight goal. Finally, I met with the surgeon and the PA once again, as I was just a few pounds from my goal weight for surgery. Once I met the goal weight required by the insurance, the surgeon's office got approval for surgery. I could have had surgery the very next week, but I opted for 2 weeks so that I could mentally prepare and get my life in order. By the way, I started this process in June and had surgery in September.
    Since surgery I have had a follow up with the surgeon and the PA, 2 follow up phone appointments with the NUT, and a meeting with the metabolic specialist. He ordered a full blood panel again and metabolic testing. I just did that testing today, Seems like time is flying!
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from Texasmeg in What are you NOT doing (but supposed to)?   
    Exercise. *sigh* I really do need to do more than I'm doing!
  23. Like
    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from Texasmeg in What are you NOT doing (but supposed to)?   
    Exercise. *sigh* I really do need to do more than I'm doing!
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from kltklass in slow losers I want to hear from you!   
    I am a slow loser compared to many, but I also attribute some of the differences to my age and my height. I've noticed that younger and taller lose much faster than I do. So, I work pretty hard to not compare myself. And to be honest, I'm happy that I'm losing ANY weight, so I try not to be too negative about my 1 pound per week (sometimes less if I'm stalled out), and stay happy in the fact that I weigh less than I have in like 8 years, and that I'm fitting into much smaller clothes already.
    I just started my 5th month post op, and I've basically lost 1/3 of the weight I want to lose in the long term. My plan is to keep on keepin' on, and kick the old me to the curb. Oh and keep saving for the plastics that I already know I'm gonna need!!!
    ETA: I also try to keep in mind that it took me 20 years to gain this weight and if it only takes me 2 years to lose it all, I'll be super happy! And, although I am losing pounds on the scale slowly, I am still losing inches pretty steadily. It's an exciting time even if I sometimes want to just scream at my scale in frustration.
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    Shells_Almost_There got a reaction from Texasmeg in Stall this early?   
    The 3rd week is notorious for stalls. The good news is you will still be losing inches and eventually the stall will end. Stick to your surgeon/NUT's dietary plan and it will all work out - although it will be frustrating. Try to not cheat ahead on foods that you shouldn't be eating yet - definitely no sliders - if you need inspiration during the frustrating times, record your measurements today, then measure in a week. You will keep shrinking, even if the darn scale won't cooperate!

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